+2 more
posted on Jan, 21 2017 @ 01:45 PM
This right here is your shadow Government BS. This is your boogeyman.
Make no mistake about it, the American electorate didn't just suddenly turn conservative. Not at all. That is obvious to everyone with half a brain
when we saw Clinton lose the election carrying more votes than any other white man in our countries history. You can roll out your irrelevant "but
California" arguments all you want, and it changes nothing.
THIS is why our progressive nation got swept up in a sea of red.
Red District Majority Project
And please do not get it confused. I would be saying this is royally #ed regardless of who in power was doing the gerrymandering. As legal as this
may be, this is disgusting to the core.
Conservatism is literally the minority in our country but through some brilliant nation wide redistricting efforts, funded by deep pockets of old
money, they have made it so that they can govern from their minority for a long, long time.
If the left expects anything to change in 2, 4, 6, or 8 years - good luck.
It won't change in this system. Mark my words.
The left/liberals/progressives will be losing a whole lot of elections from here forward and it will have nothing to do with the message or emails or
scandals or ideology.
How Republicans Rig the Game
Explains Why Democrats Have Zero Chance of Winning the House Until 2030
The Republicans have subverted the democratic system. This is an exceptional situation that demands exceptional action to preserve the sanctity and
viability of our democracy.