originally posted by: olaru12
originally posted by: JIMC5499
If they want a strike, it's OK with me. Let's get them all in one spot and call in an air strike.
Casually talking about killing American citizens for expressing an opinion.
What have we become?
That's the entitled blue collar attitude to which I was referring. They turn on the radio and the TV, but castigate you for being one of the artists
and for even considering that hard work is what makes an artist - not hitting the lottery, as so many of the uninformed claim.
There is a lot of bias in the industry and a lot of the devil's work for sure, but that also exists within the companies these same people collect
their hard earned paychecks from every week.
It's just ignorance.
It's ignorance that stems from false narratives and an extreme lack of critical thinking and experience.
They have seen it all, they've worked it all, but they really haven't at all.
Their knuckles bleed and their backs hurt and their employees are rebellious, but such is also the case for the very people they demean.
If the blue collar workforce hadn't proven to be so entitled by their mangled bodies and paychecks so as to deride an intelligent and motivated soul
who came in performing far over and above them, then they would still find me in their force.
I started my own business because of their jealousy and ignorance, so I suppose a thanks instead of complaint is in order.
And that business helped to support my creative undertaking.
Which still prove to support another goal which shall go unnamed.
It's a game, unfortunately. Some get stuck on the first level. Some others like me keep playing and failing at every level and reloading the game
until the solution is figured out.
Some others, still, have clout, which provides a shortcut in some cases.
But there is much ignorance and ignorance can lead decent people to have sore lapses in judgment.
It takes much suffering, if the parents didn't guide you, to follow what common sense dictates:. Learn and try and fail and never quit until you stop
failing. And also, don't waste your time telling people something won't work while they're busy trying to prove it.
Interestingly enough, people versus Trump are indeed making that mistake. But those with an overly emotional defense for Trump indeed commit to the
same heartless thoughts.
An ignorant is always an ignorant. Their speech and actions may appear different, but the person is just a robotic entity emulating their culture.
They're all the same make and model, though.
edit on 1/11/2017 by TarzanBeta because: (no reason given)