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My Opinion I Wont Curse This Time-M

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posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 05:37 PM
My Opinion
Honestly your americans are in for some seriuous BLEEPING trouble, the russains want to bomb you now because of what u did to iraq(there big buisness partner) and now u want to invade Iran another(big buisness partner) and ur goverment is just gunna tell you there some weapons(or some type of threat) in IRan and the iraq thing is gunna happen all over again lossing more men, you guys have been BLEEPED ever since u let him win in 2000 by cheating and then re-elected him again in 2004 i guess for the sake of lets see if nukes kill people when there launched at the states

Prolly been posted before
Download Eminem-Mosh Video
To see how he thinks they use Osama Bin-Ladin As A Tool

I just think its sad u guys are making the muslim population hate u more and more..
and whats really sad is that America as one cant take down one man, i garentee have of you BLEEPIN hate him
Gimme Some feedback
tell me "ive lost it" right?

[edit on 28-1-2005 by Soul_Contagious]

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 05:44 PM
My opinion? You used profanity again. Twice.

Edit: And then added another.

[edit on 28-1-2005 by ZeddicusZulZorander]

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 05:46 PM
Unfortunately for the rest of the world's inhabitants and the U.S. public itself, we do not make U.S. foreign policy, our elected(?) leaders do that for us. I hope the rest of the world does not blame the entire U.S. population. Its only a portion which causes all the problems for the rest of us.

We recently even tried and failed to get Bush over 9/11 through the justice system, but were stopped by an appointed judge who used a "Sovereign Immunity" defense to stop the trial. So its not like we haven't done anything to stop what is going on. Though it does appear that all peaceful methods of ending the violence our leaders unleash upon the rest of the world have dried up at this point.

I'm deathly afraid of the backlash U.S. foreign policy is going to have upon the peaceful types here and abroad, but there seems to be very little we can do about it at this point.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 05:46 PM

Gimme Some feedback

Yeah you've lost it

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 05:49 PM
ya i probably have lost it but i just think he's soo wrong in so many aspects
and (to me) I dont see anything being done about it..maybe i just dont hear about that type of stuff

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by Frith

I'm deathly afraid of the backlash U.S. foreign policy is going to have upon the peaceful types here and abroad, but there seems to be very little we can do about it at this point.

There has always been a backlash, of the tongues of other nation and our own here in America about everything anyone does. LOL

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by Soul_Contagious
Gimme Some feedback

Unfortunately the Americans who didn't vote for Bush are going to suffer for the actions of those who did. As for the rest of the world, I have no idea. I just hope that Blair sticks to his guns - He has refused to join Dubya if he decides to attack Iran - I hope he doesn't change his mind now that he's got the Congressional Gold Medal.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 12:24 AM
The soverignty of the American People is a memory. It was a noble concept and worked well right up until the industrial revolution. They don't call that period in american history a revolution for nothing. The capitalist seized control of the US legislature, and under the guise of a two party system have governed this country ever since. This is not a democracy, it is a republic, and a republic in a given time, is inherently prone to the corruption of a power base of the ruling class. The last bastion of the will of the american people was recently and quietly stolen away by the 'digitalization' of our electoral process, and as such I really don't believe that we, the citizenry of this country, can any longer be held accountable for our foriegn and domestic policies.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by twitchy
The soverignty of the American People is a memory. It was a noble concept and worked well right up until the industrial revolution. They don't call that period in american history a revolution for nothing. The capitalist seized control of the US legislature, and under the guise of a two party system have governed this country ever since. This is not a democracy, it is a republic, and a republic in a given time, is inherently prone to the corruption of a power base of the ruling class. The last bastion of the will of the american people was recently and quietly stolen away by the 'digitalization' of our electoral process, and as such I really don't believe that we, the citizenry of this country, can any longer be held accountable for our foriegn and domestic policies.

Great thoughts.

But we will be held accountable, both now, and in the future, we all will be seen to have blood on our hands.

I used to believe in the Republic, but I no longer do.

The population here has been lulled. Most are too timid to stand against this injustice, and we all lose.

Would need the youth(17-28-ish) to come together and stand.

Need to see it's all the same oppression.

You in the barrio?

You in the ghetto?

You in suburbia?

You're still ruled the same, you'll all be going down together.

Low and Middle - class better wake up.

You're not a valuable asset to this regime.

They're so very ready to use you for their plan.

They can't wait to fill the graves up buddy, yours, mine, no difference.

That's the truth. But as W.C. said:

Men occasionally stumble on the truth,
but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off
as if nothing had happened.
- Winston Churchill

If that continues, we will only know freedom again when we taste death on our lips.


posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 09:56 AM
He's right Whereas britain and its public are now being put after foreigners your being put before, and for the wrong reasons OIL.
I don't know the situation in THE USA but I feel that we in britain need ti rise up and do something aobut the way this country is run. and our goverment nees tp put ITS PEOPLE first

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 10:05 AM
I agree corporatist politics is going too far. I think it's VERY important not to over-focus on Bush as the problem because this won't end with him. It didn't begin with him either. "Corporatism" is what Benito Mussolini said facism should be called. Corporatism aptly describes government in America ever since the Spanish American War. In '32-'33 a national hero told congress that business leaders had asked him to lead a facist coup backed by the American Legion, but nobody went to jail! General Butler was simply laughed off for these allegations.

We need our vote back. Once we have that we can change this system from grass roots. I really don't think that open revolution is the answer because I don't think that at this stage in the game anybody outside of a military coup could fight and win. All we could do is hurt ourselves. I can see rioting, maybe a few assassinations if that's what it takes to get our vote back and get some vague shadow of democracy back into our government, but after that we need to take the longer, harder, peaceful road, because it's the only one that leads to where we're going.

As for Russia just flat out bombing us; yes the original poster has lost it. I dont see nuclear war coming. There are thin chances for skirmishes and even larger wars here and there in the world, and being fascinated with the military I talk about them often, but there are limits. The war on America is an economic one. America's enemies believe our economy will be so undermined by 2020 that we won't be able to hurt them anymore. If we don't choose a smart path it's probably true.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by The Vagabond
We need our vote back. Once we have that we can change this system from grass roots. I really don't think that open revolution is the answer because I don't think that at this stage in the game anybody outside of a military coup could fight and win. All we could do is hurt ourselves. I can see rioting, maybe a few assassinations if that's what it takes to get our vote back and get some vague shadow of democracy back into our government, but after that we need to take the longer, harder, peaceful road, because it's the only one that leads to where we're going.

I respect your thoughts.

I don't believe that we will ever get a genuine vote back here in the U.S. however. Once a drastic change occurs and liberties are restricted or lost, it is very hard, almost impossible to recover them via peaceful means.

That's not saying I advocate violence against the current system. As even if I did, I fear there's too few persons willing/awake enough to stand against them.

If our current population doesn't come together soon and combat this terror we call a government, we will have lost. Not only currently, but we will have lost freedoms for future generations.

To assume the end of the world isn't coming(although one must wonder). We are then left with a system of eventual totalitarian control that works to ensure a mindless, sheepish populace that works for the goals of the elite, and is expendable when necessary for the elite's advantage.

We are not truly free at the present. We are held back and limited, not by law alone, that'd be too easy to see. No, laws of society hold us back. The elite have seized control of almost every form of media available. It's not fashionable to hold anti-government views, it's looked down upon for a man to feel the need to rise up against oppression. The government and media under the name of “terror” scare us all.

As each day closes, we come nearer and nearer to the point they so desire. We will police each other. We will try to win favor of our elite leaders by watching each other to ensure the elitist agenda is followed.

Much like Nazi Germany, we will be our own downfall, we will be our shame. That time is swiftly approaching friends.

What we need is for every low and middle-class citizen of the Republic of The United States to understand one, vital thing:

We are the majority. Not alone, not divided, but as one. If we come together, we can repel this agenda.

No longer should we lift the elite up to positions of power and authority, on our very backs. Nor should we toil and grind for their pleasure and gain.

Ask yourselves: why?
Why are so many homeless and hungry in a society that bills itself as "The Greatest, Most Free Nation in The World"?

Why do you go to work and generate 10 times the resources you are paid for?

Why has this country lost most of its industry to other nations? Why are large corporations allowed to move among us as giants and destroy our communities in the process?

Why do we feel we must be given a voice? Our voice is our to use. Why are we told where we will demonstrate when we protest? Why are so-called "Free Speech Zones" created for us to protest in? Why are said zones normally blocks away from the issue we protest?

Who truly represents us? The low and middle class?

Why are we lied to by our leaders and agencies that were originally founded for our betterment and protection?

How can we be called upon to fight a war that was based upon lies? Why are we calling the revolutionaries in Iraq "insurgents"? They are men and women that fight for their country to be free of oppressive forces. They are the same as our very forefathers who fought and died during our revolution?

Why are psyc ops being openly used against our citizens?

Why are the police being told that material such as pocket constitutions and NRA paraphernalia should be considered "terrorist materials"?

And a million more questions of that nature.

And once you ask yourself those very questions, once you question the nature of the system you are a part of, you if of any true fiber will ask yourself the greatest question of all:


It's time to wake up friends, if we don't soon, we are damning ourselves, our children, and their children to a horrible fate.

A fascist, global, totalitarian super-state. It will use our labors to build the very prison meant to confine us and our future generations.


[edited for spelling - was typing fast]

"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." - J. Edgar Hoover, Former FBI director (1924-1972).

"I claim... the existence of a conspiracy for the destruction of the Western World as the prelude for shepherding mankind into a sheep's pen run as a prelude to One World tyranny." - A.K. Chesterton, The New Unhappy Lords: An Exposure of Power Politics

"Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. Our minds are molded, our tastes are formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of." - Walter Bernays, Propaganda - 1928

[edit on 29-1-2005 by Xatnys]

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by The Vagabond
I agree corporatist politics is going too far. I think it's VERY important not to over-focus on Bush as the problem because this won't end with him. It didn't begin with him either. "Corporatism" is what Benito Mussolini said facism should be called. Corporatism aptly describes government in America ever since the Spanish American War. In '32-'33 a national hero told congress that business leaders had asked him to lead a facist coup backed by the American Legion, but nobody went to jail! General Butler was simply laughed off for these allegations.

Yeah so true! but now getting worse (big business partners)
are murging(the biggest) and from 15 to 10 to 8 in the last 5 years in the
states, so now the power and money is getting directed in one direction. I dont exactly know what that all means but I figure theres going to be more drastic and powerfull desicions made by a top buisness and congress and not the american people.

I think alot of the problems the americans are now facing could of been stoped if they noticed all the right-wing conspiracies, that had direct involvement by the Bush family.
[John Kennedy, by assassination, Jimmy Carter, through the Iran hostage crisis “October Surprise” , and finally the Monica Lewinski sex impeachment. (which ultimately damaged Gore, who was part of the Clinton/Gore presidency.)]

But then again there is no actual way to take down the Bush Inc./Family
without proof

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Soul_Contagious

Originally posted by The Vagabond
I agree corporatist politics is going too far. I think it's VERY important not to over-focus on Bush as the problem because this won't end with him. It didn't begin with him either. "Corporatism" is what Benito Mussolini said facism should be called. Corporatism aptly describes government in America ever since the Spanish American War.

I think alot of the problems the americans are now facing could of been stoped if they noticed all the right-wing conspiracies, that had direct involvement by the Bush family.

Your statement is exactly the kind of thing I am saying we should not be over-focused on my friend. When we degrade the question of our liberty into partisan politics or into a bush-bashing fest we instantly are shifted away from our common belief in American freedoms and cease to be a majority because of partisan divisions.

It was said previously that the two parties are only an illusion and that is the truth. In the end, the power brokers on both sides are corporatists (read facists).
The "republican" facists shovel our tax dollars into corporations, build the police-state aspect, and stoke the fires of nationalism.
The "democrat" facists establish the welfare state to sap the independence of the working class, support judicial activism to pave the way for rule by the unelected, and pushes unpopular issues such as gay marriage in order to create scapegoats for the republican party and ensure religious affiliation to the republican party.

When taken together, the two parties are nationalist and socialist- which is they key to the name Nazi. They create strong financial ties between coporation and government as well as people and government. They each do their part to subverting our constitution. And the one serves to create scapegoats and religious allegiance to the other. If the two parties are viewed as part of a whole, then they are STRIKINGLY similiar to Nazism.

My point is that this is not a right wing conspiracy to be opposed by the left. This is a corporate/facist conspiracy to be opposed by the common man.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by twitchyThe last bastion of the will of the american people was recently and quietly stolen away by the 'digitalization' of our electoral process, and as such I really don't believe that we, the citizenry of this country, can any longer be held accountable for our foriegn and domestic policies.

Are you suggesting that we need a civil war?

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 08:24 PM
Forget it.

Waste of time.


posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 06:17 AM
If your right and both partys(left and right) are just and illustion and really work together or behind us...are they ever going to come forword as a group?

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 06:39 AM
You are right soul. American people are in a LOT, a LOT of BLEEPING trouble. I can see it already. I can see those Russian and Chinese nukes raining down on Americans cities and setting it on fire. And those telling you you've lost your mind, have in reality lost their own: In 2003, May 18, Russia was preparing mass nuclear strikes on America:

Russia will "launch" a mock nuclear attack against the U.S. and Britain during military exercises over the next week.
Moscow's Nezavisimaya Gazeta reports that Russia's strategic bombers and nuclear submarines "will deliver hypothetical nuclear strikes on the U.S. and Britain, while locating and destroying aircraft-carrier groups of the U.S. Navy."

The massive air, sea and land maneuvers are being conducted in the wake of America's stunning victory over Iraq, a longtime client state of Russia.

If the mock strikes were real, they would kill 125 million Americans in the first three days of such an attack, with tens of millions more casualties in the weeks after.

The paper said the exercises are taking place because "Russian military leaders have learned a lesson from the Iraq war, and intend to show the U.S. and its allies their determination to repel any potential threat coming from the West."

The Russian military, in plans drawn up at the request of President Vladimir Putin, argues that the only way Russia can deal with an escalating regional conflict with the U.S. would be to employ nuclear weapons.

Though Russia's military has been considerably downsized since the end of the Cold War and its conventional forces hold little weight against a modern equipped army, Russia has continued to invest heavily in strategic and tactical nuclear weapons.

Sometime during the '90s, Russia attained nuclear superiority over the U.S. While Russia's large strategic nuclear weapons have remained in parity with the those of the U.S., Russia's tactical nuclear arsenal has been estimated to include 20,000 to 40,000 weapons.

Yep, your right America is absolutely BLEEPED! If the people don't recognize that, then they fully deserve it. If they can't restrain their governments, then someone else will, and they are not going to give a BLEEP about the American people.

[edit on 31-1-2005 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
You are right soul. American people are in a LOT, a LOT of BLEEPING trouble. I can see it already. I can see those Russian and Chinese nukes raining down on Americans cities and setting it on fire. And those telling you you've lost your mind, have in reality lost their own: In 2003, May 18, Russia was preparing mass nuclear strikes on America:

Russia will "launch" a mock nuclear attack against the U.S. and Britain during military exercises over the next week.
Moscow's Nezavisimaya Gazeta reports that Russia's strategic bombers and nuclear submarines "will deliver hypothetical nuclear strikes on the U.S. and Britain, while locating and destroying aircraft-carrier groups of the U.S. Navy."

The massive air, sea and land maneuvers are being conducted in the wake of America's stunning victory over Iraq, a longtime client state of Russia.

If the mock strikes were real, they would kill 125 million Americans in the first three days of such an attack, with tens of millions more casualties in the weeks after.

The paper said the exercises are taking place because "Russian military leaders have learned a lesson from the Iraq war, and intend to show the U.S. and its allies their determination to repel any potential threat coming from the West."

The Russian military, in plans drawn up at the request of President Vladimir Putin, argues that the only way Russia can deal with an escalating regional conflict with the U.S. would be to employ nuclear weapons.

Though Russia's military has been considerably downsized since the end of the Cold War and its conventional forces hold little weight against a modern equipped army, Russia has continued to invest heavily in strategic and tactical nuclear weapons.

Sometime during the '90s, Russia attained nuclear superiority over the U.S. While Russia's large strategic nuclear weapons have remained in parity with the those of the U.S., Russia's tactical nuclear arsenal has been estimated to include 20,000 to 40,000 weapons.

Yep, your right America is absolutely BLEEPED! If the people don't recognize that, then they fully deserve it. If they can't restrain their governments, then someone else will, and they are not going to give a BLEEP about the American people.

[edit on 31-1-2005 by Indigo_Child]

And what do you think the US is going to do, sit back and take it? The instant either Russia or China (or both) decide to attack the United States with nuclear weapons, they are writing their own one-way ticket back to the stone age as well.

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 07:11 AM

And what do you think the US is going to do, sit back and take it? The instant either Russia or China (or both) decide to attack the United States with nuclear weapons, they are writing their own one-way ticket back to the stone age as well.

Tell that to the Americans(it may even be a loved one) that are rotting in front of you from radiation poisoning and to families of those who never saw their children, partner, parents and friends, because they were incinerated in a nuclear fire storm or simply melted on the spot from the furious heat. Tell that to our next generations of Americans who will have to live in intense colds, without electricity and have to drink poisoned water and breathe radiation. And ask them "Why did this happen and was it worth it"

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