posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 05:20 PM
In America most sympathy is artificially "generated" through aipac, political and media-influence, in Europe, most post-war sympathy came from a bad
conscious, hate for the nazi system and embracing democracy, wich denounces thing such as genocide .
But it also meant that Europeans where the first to lose some of their symphaty, questioning the israeli governments policies in the occupied
territories, eventually Europeans got fed up with being labeled anti-semetic by zionists for asking critical questions, but in america it still has
some leverage, for the more mere fact that many american jews, as opposed to european jews were able to retain key positions during the war.
The anti-label is mostly a tool of the more extremist school of thought: currently it is heavy in use by UBL and Bush who like to throw around
"anti-muslim" and "anti-american", like both potatoeheads, speak on behalve of all muslims or americans wich is clearly not the case, well,
al-jazeera and foxnews could maybe look like it.....
It would be great if the current palestine president and Sharon finally manage put an end to this chapter...Hoping for the best, still preparing for
the worst...
[edit on 28-1-2005 by Countermeasures]