I did another Tsunami Animation from 2015, from the Santa Cruz/Solomon Islands pingpong series
6.9Mww, 2015/5/22 21:45, Solomon Islands
in addition to the one I did the other
6.8Mww, 2015/5/20, Santa Cruz Islands
Now I have two done I started to compare.
On both I have done a second animation just of San Cristobal Island.
I picked 2 locations Santa Ana Is, at the tip of San Cristobal, and Naana a bit further up the East Coast.
The M6.9 quake was closer, so the times were shorter (obviously)
but for some reason the M6.8 quake, further away, got bigger heights on San Cristobal Is than the 6.9.
I decided to check the possible speed of the Tsunami.
20/5/2015 6.8 (-10.8886,164.1581)
@ 183.3 km from Santa Ana Is (-10.84162.48) took 18 minutes
@ 216.5km from Naana (-10.66162.19) took 28 minutes
6.8 quake San Cristobal animation
22/5/2015 6.9 (-11.0723,163.6837)
@ 133.9 km Santa Ana Is took 8 minutes
@ 169.4 km from Naana took 15 minutes
6.9 quake San Cristobal animation
If you open both animations in separate windows you can compare the different arrivals, but it is hard to match up the times, as the first one (M6.8)
starts at 0.08 minutes and the second one (M6.9) starts at 00:16 minutes. To do it perfectly I would have to run through 72 images per animation to
tag each minute, the file would be huge and I would be mentally exhausted.
So calculation speed from that
Quake, Arrival, km/Minutes, Speed,=Conversion,
6.9, Santa Ana Is, 133.9/8, 16.74km/minute=(1004km/hr)
6.9, Naana, 169.4/15, 11.29km/minute=(677.4km/hr)
6.8, Santa Ana Is, 183.3/18, 10.18km/minute=(610.8km/hr)
6.8, Naana, 216.5/28, 7.73km/minute=(463.8km/hr)
Holy Cowabunga! thats FAST, about the speed of a commercial airplane, an F-16 in one case!!!!!
Is there any mathamatician readers who can check this out?
are my calculations right?.
From watching the Japan tsunami videos I always thought they came in slowly, but powerfully, not like a freight train with a jet engine.
There are 3 more quakes in the southern part of this series to do yet, a 6.8 two and a quarter hours later same day as the 6.9, a 6.6 on 15/8 and the
big daddy a 7.0 on 18/7
then 4 more in the northern part (NW of Guadacanal) in the months following
I already did the trigger quake, the 7.2 off Bougainville Is. 7/5/2015