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why the NWO cant take over

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posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 11:03 AM
China's not a communist system that works. they have a capitalist system of economy and they also have a strong army that keeps the state together. If you read the news reports from the chinese government, you would see that the only stable part of the country is the eastern side (kind ironic, the east side of the far east...), while the western side has frequent revolts that are quickly put down. Also, the economy is not that strong in China.

To help improve its image, Guangzhou, capital of south China's Guangdong Province and an economic hub in the country, plans to set up no-begging zones in the downtown areas and districts where governmental and party organizations are located.

How's that for addressing a unemployment problem?news reports from the chinese government

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 03:42 PM
Actually, I'd have to differ. China is emerging as the next economic superpower. Its economy is experiencing phenomenal growth right now due to privatization and free trade.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 04:08 PM
The NWO can take over. There will have to be a population reduction in order for them to do it though. Lets say 2/3 of the populace is killed by war or famine and disease in a few short years. People will be terrified into accepting anything that looks like it will save them. This would most likely involve getting chipped so that you can not buy and sell without the chip. You can also be tracked and contoled this way.If you don't get the chip your only other recourse is to live out in the wilderness, frankly I do not see very many of my peers surviving in the woods for very long. If caught without the chip you are killed.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 05:15 PM
Where did you get this theory from? There is no way to prove that 2/3 of the world will die by famine and war, and two there is no way to prove this chip thing. That is the most random crap that i have heard. Document ur theories or don't post. We already had a shroomer who claimed she was jesus, we don't need a NWO bill gates.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 05:20 PM
CAConrad0825, if you would have read my post properly you would have noticed that I said in order for it to happen that there would have to be a population reduction that could happen through a number of ways.

Maybe you should actually read someone elses post before you post shroom boy.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 08:33 PM
Maybe you should read the posts before you and you'd realize that i am not schroom boy. I was arguing with a woman who was using schrooms for religious purposes. I was trying to help her realize the flaws in such a life style. She also proclaimed in another chat that she was jesus. So therefore read the messages until you know the facts N008y

Also your hypothetical theories are bullcrap. The janitor could be the president one day if by your method of thinking everone in government died....get back on topic! this is for credible theories of the NWO not an imagination playgroung

[edit on 12-2-2005 by CAConrad0825]

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 12:17 PM
Well, I think he makes a good point. I believe that the book of Revelation in the Bible outlines the events of the end times. When the rapture happens, millions of people world wide will simply "vanish." Of course, this will cause massive confusion and panic. The antichirist will take advantage of this and emerge as a world leader. He will unite the world under a global government under his rule. Eventually people will be forced to take the "mark of the beast" in order to buy or sell goods, food , etc. Could the mark of the beast be some type of computer chip? It may be possible. The mark of the beast will be placed upon the forehead, and it could very well be some type of neural implant, etc...

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 09:08 PM
Let's consider possible arms of the NWO:
Global Economy
World Bank
International Monetary Fund

One-world Government
United Nations
Trilateral Commission
Club of Rome

One-world Religion
Temple of Understanding
Association of Unity Churches

"Educating" the Masses
Esalen Institute
the Media Elite in America and elsewhere

If these are truly all arms of the NWO, then it is powerful indeed. I want to hear what others have to say on this....I'm still researching the subject...

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by CAConrad0825
Where did you get this theory from? There is no way to prove that 2/3 of the world will die by famine and war, and two there is no way to prove this chip thing. That is the most random crap that i have heard. Document ur theories or don't post. We already had a shroomer who claimed she was jesus, we don't need a NWO bill gates.

umm, yes i must thank you for setting me down the right path [tongue in cheek]

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 01:39 AM
How did i do such a thing? Have you stopped with taking shrooms and making blasphemous claims?

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by XX_SicSemperTyrannis_XX
Let's consider possible arms of the NWO:
Global Economy
World Bank
International Monetary Fund

One-world Government
United Nations
Trilateral Commission
Club of Rome

One-world Religion
Temple of Understanding
Association of Unity Churches

"Educating" the Masses
Esalen Institute
the Media Elite in America and elsewhere

If these are truly all arms of the NWO, then it is powerful indeed. I want to hear what others have to say on this....I'm still researching the subject...

You've missed the European Union,
that is a big part of the new world order movement

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by infinite

Originally posted by XX_SicSemperTyrannis_XX
Let's consider possible arms of the NWO:
Global Economy
World Bank
International Monetary Fund

One-world Government
United Nations
Trilateral Commission
Club of Rome

One-world Religion
Temple of Understanding
Association of Unity Churches

"Educating" the Masses
Esalen Institute
the Media Elite in America and elsewhere

If these are truly all arms of the NWO, then it is powerful indeed. I want to hear what others have to say on this....I'm still researching the subject...

You've missed the European Union,
that is a big part of the new world order movement

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 01:27 AM
Well, I don't know if I believe that there is a coordinated effort going on to usher in a New World Order. I believe, however, that the groups I listed above, and others as well, all have similar objectives in mind. Each group or organization works toward its particular objective(s) and as a result, the globalization effort benefits as a whole (similar to the argument for capitalism: each individual working toward their own good results in the good of the whole). Of course there may be some coordination, but on a widescale basis.

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 04:13 AM
they have already taken over, period.

what we are seeing now is just cleaning up the dissidents.

[edit on 3-3-2005 by andy1033]

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
they have already taken over, period.

what we are seeing now is just cleaning up the dissidents.

[edit on 3-3-2005 by andy1033]

does this world seems like a single government to you? no it doesnt.

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 04:33 AM
i think what they are doing now is cleaning house of all the dissidents.

again the system that hitler wanted was to have a system like this

he wanted a system where he could run the world from a central point with people running the countries of the world for him who would be under mind control of his group. so the world would seem to have different countries but the leaders would be under his control and the populations of those countries would be controled by the local leaders.

it seems that a system similar to that is already here, but like i said not all the countries leaders are under control yet, but they will be moved out by force.

also the total mind control system(for the total population) is not here yet, but it will be here soon enough.

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 04:56 AM
I agree with the NWO already being here.
It's a process that has been going on from when governments were first implemented. It's a process that won't stop. The ruling elites, the richest families, those with enough cash to control the governments, are the ones who shape the world. In their greedy, paranoid world of power and control they will never be satisfied. There is always more. More money, more possessions, more power, more control.
A lot of the Earths resources are getting close to running out, our climate is in serious trouble. They know this and they are getting desperate. Torn between trying to ensure our future, by cleaning up our act, and reaping what they can from what's left.
As resources run out and the reality hits the general population, things are going to get ugly. The ruling elites don't care. They need to cull the population anyway. What better way than let them kill themselves off in a fight for survival. Whilst the ruling families sit back and wait for the storm to end. Then they'll be back to rule over what's left. Re-build like they do to the countries they invade. Re-invest and once again start reaping in the profits from their re-building contracts. Back again, richer and more powerful than they were before.
The cycle never ends, just the same old game, only the name and their methods change.

Slowly all the worlds governments are starting to be controled by a more central location. We don't even see this happening. We don't even notice any difference. The sham of democracy still continues. Our presidents and prime ministers are still chosen (not for us, but for the benefit of the super wealthy). They just answer to a higher body of power.

[edit on 3/3/2005 by ANOK]

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 06:03 AM
The new world order is here and ready to go, but it has not took ful control yet. Look around you, we still have some freedom left in our lives to express ourselves. If the new world order was inplace, ATS and majority of other conspiracy related sites would not exist.

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 10:31 AM
The NWO does not exist for one main reason. Human Inginuity, yes some of us are stupid and will follow anyone for any reason. However there are brilliant minds who can break us free of this "mind control".

Never underestimate however the power of stupid people in large numbers. If the NWO does come to power, it will not last. Look at Iraq, or Vietnam, or Spain after Napoleon's take over. Total control will never be fully achieved and every empire shall fall.

People swore that the EU was going to be the NWO but look at it now. The currency has fallen this week and will continue to as unemployment reports continue to flood in proving the inefficiency of total government control of economics. Laize fare economy is the only one that will ever work and NWO's cannot survive with Laize fare. In the end good shall prevail and the cycle of geopolitics will continue on.

One last thing. Remember: Heavy is the head who wears the crown.

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 09:37 PM
We're In the NWO...
If so, then the governments are cleaning everything up that they can. All of communism is going to fall, and once that's done, we'll all be in UN [by we I mean the countries we all live in]. Once we're all together, we'll be a single government, because if you go to war with another country in the UN, all the other countries will pile onto you. But what are we doing about the NWO that surrounds us? NOTHING!

NWO is coming, but we're not in it yet!
If so, it's only a matter of time. Global economy will fail, oil prices will rise, and the only way out will be a NWO. What can we do about it? NOTHING!

NWO doesn't exist, I don't know what your worrying about.
If so, we've got nothing to worry about, the NWO doesn't exist, so what do we do? NOTHING!

The NWO has been announced, tracking chips will be put into everyone so you can be monitored and terminated at any time...
Now your gonna wish you did something!

Simple as this:
If you beleive the NWO will take over in your lifetime, prepare everything you need, and band together with others to slog out the war.
If you don't beleive in it at all, get on with your life, you've got better things to do than prepare for a wa that won't take place, right???

My theory is, the world will be thrown into a nuclear war, after 2/3 of the population is dead, governments [what's left of them] will band together to create a better world, and unknowingly create the NWO we fear so much...

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