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The Word was with God, and the Word was A god

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posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 02:42 PM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Wigs instead of posting jpegs try testing the word of God.

Hah! Proverbs 26:12 comes to mind. Don't waste your short time on earth trying to reason with Buzzard.

How shocking, Christians ganging up to mock a different believer!


Actually it is all Chester does because he is always freaking out because nobody agrees with him.

You I thought were better.

You really are, just don't become like Chester, the world needs at least one reasonable Christian.
edit on 11-1-2017 by TerriblePhoenix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: TerriblePhoenix

He's one of the more articulate ones, and sort of a good sport.....

ChesterJohn the guy who's feeling insecure.
Still don't know what he would say to my son if they were forced to, say, sit next to one another on a train for 2 days.....
the only response I saw was some passage (which I didn't read).

Your son would probably teach him something about the Bible that he does not know and Chester would lose it because, well, because he always does.

Then he'd go tell his fellows about the parent who "misguided" his son to believe something he doesn't, maybe even call social services!

You just have to laugh.

I have had no unpleasant altercations with priest, I always figured he was comfortable in his skin and not worried about explaining his beliefs to everyone who believes differently with the intention of changing their mind.

ChesterJohn just mocks everyone who doesn't agree with him... just about everyone.

Priest is knowledgeable, reasonable and will admit to the truth if it is, such as he did with the premise of the thread, though not its theological conclusions.

But he knows enough to know it's true, Tontheos has a different meaning than theos, it's not properly translated, etc.

But at least he doesn't have to engage in daily mocking sessions with people who post about controversial issues effecting the validity of the Bible.

And just makes his case while having respect for others conclusions.

Can't say that about CJ who spends more time insulting people who have proven him wrong about anything, in which case they are "liars" "taking out of context" and "opinion" are his three main arguments for everything.

Yet never applies to him (it really does though).

He needs Christ and the Spirit in his life, but has Paul and the ghost.
edit on 11-1-2017 by TerriblePhoenix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

To Buzzy and Phoenix:

I'll admit that the Buzzard comment was a bit on the childish side, but Prov 26:12 is not an attack on intellect. In fact it is part of the Biblical standard that I use to judge myself. When you learn to stop being so offended all the time and actually try to see through other perspectives, then Prov 26:12 will have a more profound meaning to you too.

Furthermore, my comment was to Chester, to discourage him from beating a dead horse. The Bible tells us not go ge locked in to back and forth arguments over issues that other refuse to understand.

Buzzy: For your son. Honestly just tell him to ask the Creator of the universe for the answers. God may use a Christian or a Muslim or Hindu (etc) to answer his questions, but its really an issue that is between God and your son. Tell him to seek and he will find.

My New Year's resolution: stop being so damn patient with people. Its not my desire to attack you personally, but for now on, I will be blunt. I will be to the point and I will be unapologetic when I see fit.

Grow up, get over it, tie your shoe laces and stop taking things personally.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

erm....that was almost a civilized and welcoming post....

but not quite.

Thanks for your 'advice' about my son. I am very confident I'm doing a fine job without your input. And that's something you need to think about.

Just because you get belligerent does not make your religion "correct." It actually confirms the suspicion and summation that you are too fragile and insecure right now to even think about alternative theories.

Hope you feel better soon.
My son will never go through the same "dark night of the soul" that you did ---- or will. His path is his own - and no matter where it takes him, I will stay within earshot and shout general tips and tricks to get him through the forest that is life.

You have tried to silence anyone who calls out to you from another path ---- you DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT.

Remember that.

Remember that when you see my username or replies, my threads or posts, you should skip right past. There are several users that elicit that response from me. It makes it easier. Just skim past my posts, and you won't be so perturbed. And don't even think about going near any of my threads!!!

It'll be okay....
I promise.

edit on 1/11/2017 by BuzzyWigs because: HONESTLY. I'm sorry if I've hurt you or anyone else.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

To Buzzy and Phoenix:

I'll admit that the Buzzard comment was a bit on the childish side, but Prov 26:12 is not an attack on intellect. In fact it is part of the Biblical standard that I use to judge myself. When you learn to stop being so offended all the time and actually try to see through other perspectives, then Prov 26:12 will have a more profound meaning to you too.

Please...not offended. Compared to CJ you are a delight but even he doesn't offend me. I am close to impossible to.

Furthermore, my comment was to Chester, to discourage him from beating a dead horse. The Bible tells us not go ge locked in to back and forth arguments over issues that other refuse to understand.

Buzzy: For your son. Honestly just tell him to ask the Creator of the universe for the answers. God may use a Christian or a Muslim or Hindu (etc) to answer his questions, but its really an issue that is between God and your son. Tell him to seek and he will find.

My New Year's resolution: stop being so damn patient with people. Its not my desire to attack you personally, but for now on, I will be blunt. I will be to the point and I will be unapologetic when I see fit.

Grow up, get over it, tie your shoe laces and stop taking things personally.

Losing patience is never a good idea.

Proverbs or another book in the genre of wisdom literature would certainly agree.

I am certain patience being a virtue is acknowledged by theology.

It will not help you in any way unless you want to be unpopular and unsuccessful in evangelism because nobody likes an impatient person always telling them what is and isn't as they also have brains and you are not needed to get to heaven.

Losing patience will make people think you are a ':%/. Doing it on purpose means you could very well be a' :%/. Losing it because of other people's actions, allegedly, is immature.

You lack a discipline.
edit on 11-1-2017 by TerriblePhoenix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Buzzywigs, I see you as a sincere and honest man and I would not think otherwise.

I was going the same direction as your son is now, I went down that road for over 20 years. I have read just about every text Gnosisisfaith now TerriblePhoenix has mentioned and then some during that time. I was a member of the church universal and triumphant under he Elizabeth Prophet, I visited Buddhist in Thailand, and Hindu gurus in India., Scientology and freemasonry of the order of the Rosicrucian.

Then one day, after a failed partnership in a night club in Maui. I just didn't care any more and took out my gun to blow my brains out. Don't every think it is an act of cowardliness to take your life, it actually takes a lot of nerves to do it. When I finally worked up enough nerve I reached down picked up the gun and a voice, whether in my head or int he room, the Lord knows, and it said "to pick up the bible".

It stopped me dead in my tracks and I wondered where that even came from. I put down the gun and looked for the bible a JW gave me some months earlier but I couldn't find it. The next morning, a Sunday morning, while smoking a joint I was hitching a ride to Paia Maui and a blue Chevy station wagon stopped and picked me up. He introduced himself and few minutes later asked if I knew Jesus Christ.

To make a long story short I ended up at his church that morning, I don't remember the preaching but the final question asked was, "If you had died today where would you be heaven or hell?" Well that got my attention because just 12 hours earlier I was ready to kill myself. I got saved that day, I struggled a few months, then got on to hearing the Lord and into studying the word of God. Ended up getting full scholarship to a well know Bible college, went into the mission field for 15 years and now here I am sharing it with you some 23 years later.

About feeling insecure I do not feel insecure. But many are out there that do feel insecure, and are searching for something to fill that spiritual void that was emptied by sin in our original parents (Adam and Eve) that was passed on to us. I think it is natural to at some time in your life feel insecure, because we don't now the future and we are not fully in control of our lives as many seem to think. But something I have learned is that a prayer to God from a sincere heart is heard by him.

Elijah was a man of like passions as we are and he prayed for it not to rain and it didn't rain for three years and he had to pray again for it to rain. This mighty man of God, a man James said has like passions as we do, became full of fear and had inconsistent actions for someone who was used mightily of the Lord. Many of us today would act just as he did in certain circumstances. As a matter of Biblical fact after he had killed the 450 priest of Baal, the woman Jezebel threatened to kill him before the day was done. Read 1 Kings 19 Instead of going to God in prayer, he became fearful at hearing that evil report and he ran for his life. Many of us get evil reports in our life's, like a pink slip, our spouse ran off with another person, a close family member or friend died suddenly or like Elijah a treat to our physical life, it could be cancer, a thug or some other event that would end our life.

Then like many who are fearful over life's difficulties and events, we (like I did) want to be left alone often to wallow is self pity and fear, which will often intensify. If you follow through the chapter you will see he tells his servant to stay behind as he goes into the wilderness to be alone (not a good place to be for anyone, alone that is). The wilderness for many of us is often in our own hearts and minds while we are in our homes, he goes and runs to a cave and there tells God he wants to die. In modern vernacular he wants to give up on life, and basically like I did want to commit suicide.

Then God spoke to him, not in thunder, or wind or earthquake but in a still small voice. Like the one I heard as I raised the gun to my mouth. God then told him to go for his work was not finished yet. We will read a few more chapters representing a few more years of mighty work Elijah did, and then he did not die he got carried to heaven in a chariot of fire.

Mighty men of God are no different than the rest of us. And we are all searching. I found it and will stick with it.

I guess I have nothing more to say.

You have a great evening.

edit on 11-1-2017 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

Thank you BP, I heard you.

posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 10:28 PM

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

erm....that was almost a civilized and welcoming post....

but not quite.

Thanks for your 'advice' about my son. I am very confident I'm doing a fine job without your input. And that's something you need to think about.

Just because you get belligerent does not make your religion "correct." It actually confirms the suspicion and summation that you are too fragile and insecure right now to even think about alternative theories.

Hope you feel better soon.
My son will never go through the same "dark night of the soul" that you did ---- or will. His path is his own - and no matter where it takes him, I will stay within earshot and shout general tips and tricks to get him through the forest that is life.

You have tried to silence anyone who calls out to you from another path ---- you DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT.

Remember that.

Remember that when you see my username or replies, my threads or posts, you should skip right past. There are several users that elicit that response from me. It makes it easier. Just skim past my posts, and you won't be so perturbed. And don't even think about going near any of my threads!!!

It'll be okay....
I promise.


Always silences the "my religion is the only religion" people.

The only religion that preaches any other religion is damned is "Christ"ianity.

Even Islam says that Jews and Christians will not suffer at judgement day, IN THE QURAN!

Sabaens too. Any people of the book go to heaven.

Christianity won't even let Christians who are of a different denomination like JW or Mormons, who are in all honesty decent people and deserve every right to be called Christians.

Ask a Christian, everyone is going to hell.

JWs believe 144,000 people are all heaven will accept even though the religion has over a million adherents who can't all go to heaven.

No religion produces more kooks.

I'm going to start calling myself a Gnostic because they made a lot of sense.

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

You know, Chet, I've been thinking about our exchange here.

You say you have explored the other faith systems, and landed on "Jesus" and "the Bible" when at the brink of suicide. When my own son was feeling that same sort of despair, and was offered spiritual guidance, it was in the form of ALL OF THE IDEAS ON OFFER.

It was "just believe Jesus died for your sins, that's all you have to do" that made him pause, and say, "no. That doesn't make sense."

So - just because YOU found solace that one scary night by feeling "saved" and "born again" does not mean that it's the right path for everyone else.
Can you respect that?
Born-again WORKS FOR YOU. It works for YOU. You can't force it to work for anyone else, but feel free to "condemn" them to hell if they don't happen to find the same 'strength'.

So - you only survived because you are afraid of hell?
That's just sad.

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: ChesterJohn

You know, Chet, I've been thinking about our exchange here.

You say you have explored the other faith systems, and landed on "Jesus" and "the Bible" when at the brink of suicide. When my own son was feeling that same sort of despair, and was offered spiritual guidance, it was in the form of ALL OF THE IDEAS ON OFFER.

It was "just believe Jesus died for your sins, that's all you have to do" that made him pause, and say, "no. That doesn't make sense."

Your son is wise, it is nonsense, spiritual extortion is what I call it because the only option you have is accept that Jesus died for your sins or go to hell. Literally.

As if God only accepts people who can't think critically or logically.

Jesus never said I am dying for your sins so why would anyone think that today?

So - just because YOU found solace that one scary night by feeling "saved" and "born again" does not mean that it's the right path for everyone else.
Can you respect that?
Born-again WORKS FOR YOU. It works for YOU. You can't force it to work for anyone else, but feel free to "condemn" them to hell if they don't happen to find the same 'strength'.

So - you only survived because you are afraid of hell?
That's just sad.

edit on 13-1-2017 by TerriblePhoenix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: TerriblePhoenix

As if God only accepts people who can't think critically or logically.

As if. It's pathetic and horrible that people are made to believe that.

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

My New Year's resolution: stop being so damn patient with people.

I'm sure Jesus must be proud.

Its not my desire to attack you personally, but for now on, I will be blunt.

Being blunt means you will attack me personally? I don't think that's going to go over so well.

I will be to the point and I will be unapologetic when I see fit.

We all know your "point" already.
You feel it's fine to tell people they will rot in hell just because they don't believe in your fantasy.
I get it.
Eminem did that to you.
You really, really need to start focusing on growing up. Acquiring wisdom. What makes you think your "bluntness" will persuade anyone that you are right?

I know I am not going to hell, and there is nothing you can say to make me think I am. Be blunt about that ---- it doesn't make it true.

It just makes you look hateful (which you are). And belligerent and bossy and threatening.....

oh, wait......

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: ChesterJohn

It was "just believe Jesus died for your sins, that's all you have to do" that made him pause, and say, "no. That doesn't make sense."

I understand Buzzy,

But you know I never said believe on Jesus and do nothing else. no even my testimony tell of a changed lie one of struggle and trials We are made holy I him but that does not excuse us from being holy. We are made righteous in him but that does not excuse us from not pursuing righteousness, We are made sinless I god sight I him but that does not excuse us to sin we are exhorted to no longer sin.

Being a Christian s no easy life and I ever claimed it was. Christ does make it easier for us to live through the trials and troubles of life.

I in and of my self in this life am not without sin but I continue the race that I might win the prize, the nice thing is I am only competing with my self and no other.

It was not the night I was scared of it was the result of if I had taken my life I would have been in hell.

MY words never condemn you or your son to hell. But the words of God they are the ones we need to hear for they are truth and they are life.

I can respect you and your son for your own views. But I would do my best to let you know what God says in his preserved word. So that you and your so are without excuse before him in that day.

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

We are made holy I him but that does not excuse us from being holy. We are made righteous in him but that does not excuse us from not pursuing righteousness, We are made sinless I god sight I him but that does not excuse us to sin we are exhorted to no longer sin.


NONE OF THOSE THINGS come from anywhere but your own self-esteem and self-knowledge. WE ARE ALL parts of god, just like Jesus was and tried to freaking tell you. The rest of us understand his words far better than you do, and it makes me frustrated, too, that you persist in this concocted thought-exercise.

I can respect you and your son for your own views. But I would do my best to let you know what God says in his preserved word. So that you and your so are without excuse before him in that day.

LOL!! That is hilarious. And I know you don't mean it as a joke. You actually believe that if you hadn't told me, it would be your fault when YOU die that you didn't tell me. Your ticket would be revoked because you didn't at least TRY to get it through my thick head that you are right.

You think that if you tell me, a heathen who respects other religions and other sages from the various epochs of humanity, that I am wrong, and so is my son, and that we will go to hell NOW because "YOU WARNED US" that will let YOU off the "failure" hook?

Holy christ in a handbasket. I don't need you to "school" me or my son on any of your religious ideology, and you SURELY do not give a rat's ass what happens to anyone else - you care only that you "fulfilled your responsibilities" to "spread the word" of hatred and doom if we don't agree with you after doing our own investigating. ANd you only do it so YOU will get into heaven....

how very very sad. How very shallow and self-serving. Do you get brownie points or gold stars every time you even deign to talk to us "heathens"?

Ridiculous and ineffectual. It just exacerbates things.
It's the reason that RELIGION is the bane of our very race. And will probably lead eventually to our extinction.
edit on 1/13/2017 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: TerriblePhoenix

Again you should do some study before you say things you know nothing about. If you believe the words of Jesus then you should study to understand what the word ransom means

Psalms 49:7 None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him:
Proverbs 6:35 He will not regard any ransom; neither will he rest content, though thou givest many gifts.
Matthew 20:28 Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.
Mark 10:45 For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.
1 Timothy 2:6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
Hell is a place that with out the Blood of God to ransom you out if it, you will be there forever paying for your sin for you have nothing that would satisfy his wrath toward sin.

But I speak as a fool because you believe not the words of God.

So what would you have man believe?

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: ChesterJohn


posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigsBuzzy are you alright?

The scriptures Do say and teach what I pointed out about Christ IMPUTED righteousness, holiness and sinlessness yet you claim the Bible does not teach such. It teaches us to be holy, righteous and sinless and ye say it does not teach that. The Bible teaches we are justified through Christ resurrection too.

Please read Romans again slowly and inductively. without any addition or subtraction whether you like what you read or not take it at face value before you say, NO.

Search the scriptures and see what I say is true or not and judge me by them You know not what you say when you say it odes not teach those things when it plainly does.

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Yes we are responsible for every soul that comes across our path not to tell them the truth. and we will be judged for that. Not as a matter of damnation but as a matter of reward.

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

I said Jesus did not teach such. Jesus himself said we are all equally children of God.

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

Yes we are responsible for every soul that comes across our path not to tell them the truth. and we will be judged for that. Not as a matter of damnation but as a matter of reward.

That is just really sad that you feel you need to say "Jesus is the only way!" to EVERY SINGLE SOUL WHO CROSSES YOUR PATH.

Suppose for just a nanofrag of a second that I AM JESUS --- telling you that you are laboring under an impossible and utterly irrelevant and unimportant self-imposed "duty."


But, okay. Point taken.

I think you could really use some professional, objective feedback about your thoughts....from a neutral party. Please consider it.

edit on 1/13/2017 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

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