posted on Jan, 19 2017 @ 10:12 AM
"Hey there, Sheddy world..."
Any Donuts?
Well, as luck and fate would have it... after deciding to have a quiet day today (in preparation for mum's funeral tomorrow) I received a big order
for decals that had to be finished before the weekend... as in... Today!
So, I've just had my busiest work day since before Christmas, on top of waking up at 2am and not getting back to sleep last night. Needless to say,
I'm a wee bit tired now!
However, I did find a copy of the song I wrote a while back for the local Primary School, and that brought a wee smile to my face!
(When I chaired the School's Parent Council, one of my fundraising ideas was to write a new School Song and release it on CD for sale to parents,
families and friends of the School)... I'll attach a wee linky if anyone wants to hear it?
LINK to Gordi's School Song
Anyway, that's me finished work for the day, and just deciding what to do for dinner.
I LOVED Tom's time-travelling, sneaking into the past shed etc and Jacy's interaction with that!!
Messing about with time-loops etc was always something that I remember enjoying in the early shed stories!