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Muslim students demand prayer rooms in every 'major building'

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posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck
Why is it that some people work so hard to get me to dehumanise and hate Muslims? What's in it for them, anyway?

I assume you are speaking generally, as I have not seen anything in this thread (and certainly not in the OP) that suggests that Muslims are not human, or are inferior to non-Muslims as humans in some way.

And...hate I think is a strong word, and "hate Muslims" is too much of a sweeping generalization. I think what it is, is that people don't really care if someone chooses to be (or is born into being) a Muslim (or Hindu, Buddhist, Jew, etc.). But people do object to the attitude and approach of some Muslims - especially the radicalized jihadist types - who expect the rest of society to bend and bow to their beliefs, as though it ought to have some kind of supremacy in practice and in the law.

Those of any faith who come to any Western "rule of law" Country (like the US or Canada), should only come if they are comfortable with the way our society is run, and if they understand that the ways things evolve in these societies is through civil discussion, consultation, elections and law making - not through angry demands, or threats and acts of far too often is the case with Muslims when they want things to go their way.

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: mobiusmale

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck
Why is it that some people work so hard to get me to dehumanise and hate Muslims? What's in it for them, anyway?

I assume you are speaking generally, as I have not seen anything in this thread (and certainly not in the OP) that suggests that Muslims are not human, or are inferior to non-Muslims as humans in some way.

And...hate I think is a strong word, and "hate Muslims" is too much of a sweeping generalization. I think what it is, is that people don't really care if someone chooses to be (or is born into being) a Muslim (or Hindu, Buddhist, Jew, etc.). But people do object to the attitude and approach of some Muslims - especially the radicalized jihadist types - who expect the rest of society to bend and bow to their beliefs, as though it ought to have some kind of supremacy in practice and in the law.

Those of any faith who come to any Western "rule of law" Country (like the US or Canada), should only come if they are comfortable with the way our society is run, and if they understand that the ways things evolve in these societies is through civil discussion, consultation, elections and law making - not through angry demands, or threats and acts of far too often is the case with Muslims when they want things to go their way.

Muslims have been singled out of this list for special attention....always a disturbing trend for any group. The website reporting it is part of a conservative incubator called The Leadership Institute
So why do Conservatives want me to hate Muslims?
Why is it a team sport for some people to deride them? Would they make the same comments if Christian kids were asked to make a wish list and requested a shuttle off-campus to attend church on Sundays?
How is it that some people can be played like a piano and not have a #ing inkling?

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: TDawg61

originally posted by: bastion

originally posted by: TDawg61
Should the campuses also provide Church's and synagogues for the Muslims to attack as well?(sarcasm)

*facepalm* prayer rooms are for all faiths, the clue is in the name prayer.
Being from the Uk I guess I'm lucky enought to see multi-faith collaboration as a good thing (even thoughh i'm athiest so follow no beleif mhyself) as faiths get together and set up soup kithchens and nearly all the local indian/bangladeshi restraunt/takeaways are giving away free food/company accomodation for if people are homeless or can have a meal inside if alone on xmas and similar favours are returned.

I would guess the non Muslim victims across Europe would disagree with your assessment.
The truck driving into Christmas shoppers in Germany pops to mind for example.If he had been at one of these free kitchens who would have poisoned the non Muslim homeless.

Erm, most Muslims are sound people - they don't go on killing sprees just because they're brown, asking for a prayer room has nothing to do with being a terrorist - I could make a far more accurate blanket statement saying every American wants to go on mass school shootings but I don't because I'm not full of hate for people just based on nationality, race or religion. Treat people with respect and they do the same in 99.9999% of cases - sadly there are a few bad eggs who ruin it for the rest of society.

originally posted by: UKTruth
Every single one of the students making these demands should be expelled.

Why? It's only a proposed motion - these things go to student union votes and debate and (as will probably happen) it will get ahut down - expelling someone for raising an idea or motion is far worse than these crazy safe spaces US campuses seem to like. A prayer room is basically a tiny box room for people of all faiths to pray in quiet - it's a complete non issue especially when compared to how US Unis completely rip off students via crazy sub prime loans.

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck

Hit the nail on the head - political groups picking on easy targets and trying to get a country to blame all it's ills on them is a very, very dark slippery slope trying to gain power via scapegoating and as some posts in this thread demonstrate they seem to have already achieved rebranding Muslims as sub-human - so much for America being land of the free.
edit on 23-12-2016 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck
Why is it that some people work so hard to get me to dehumanise and hate Muslims? What's in it for them, anyway?
Because Muslim is not a race, it is a Violent Ideology to which many of them follow to the letter. We're not dehumanizing a race, we are dehumanising a dangerous Ideolology such as sharia law and their sharia courts which they themselves want to implement on us.

They have no intentions of converting to the U.S ways. But they have every intention of implementing Sharia here in the U.S. And that must NEVER happen.

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: mobiusmale

this very well could be fake or twisted news, but if its real my advice to the students would be...

If we cannot accommodate your needs then please feel free to find another college who can.

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: SoulSurfer

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck
Why is it that some people work so hard to get me to dehumanise and hate Muslims? What's in it for them, anyway?
Because Muslim is not a race, it is a Violent Ideology to which many of them follow to the letter. We're not dehumanizing a race, we are dehumanising a dangerous Ideolology such as sharia law and their sharia courts which they themselves want to implement on us.

They have no intentions of converting to the U.S ways. But they have every intention of implementing Sharia here in the U.S. And that must NEVER happen.

That's not Islam, that's Wahhabism (which is a tiny subsect but sickening practice), sharia courts are the same as christian, jewish and seekh courts where both parties have to agree to attend, it's not a seperate law and the law of the land overrules it. Most Muslims hate Wahhabists for their backwards ways, it is in no way atypical - same way not all christians are branch dividians.

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: Lysergic
Can we Atheists get some mocking rooms?

As an agnostic I would like a room to not be sure in.

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 10:44 AM
edit on 23-12-2016 by darepairman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: SwillsBecause, my lucky laddie the students of today are tomorrows corrupt politicians and donors. Oh, and they're also going to be your future policemen.

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: Swills

Because our kids do go or will go to these colleges some day.

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: bastion
1) & b) lol

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 05:20 PM
No...people don't hear no enough anymore...that's most of our problem. Just say no.

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 06:16 PM
Enough is enough! My hubby and I bought the new LIFE cashless society game this year. Ugh! It was absolutely disgustingly PC! Everyone gets a trophy, everyone will easily be a millionaire! Egad! I was the slowest and last person to retirement...guess what I won and had the most money! No skill involved. No real life experiences either!

My husband and I spent that night afterwards and came up with 116 cards and now, have come up with more to create a REAL LIFE game that will actually make one think about their choices and you certainly do not have unlimited credit from the banks. Life is not everything going your way in a positive is challenging.

These kids in college need to be told 'No!', if only so they can be educated in how to properly respond and react to challenges, as well as educated in how to seek out change more positively. The old style of bartering may be applicable. Get something by GIVING something of equal value. That is real world communication and they would have to decide if what they want is really worth it!

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: mobiusmale


No idea what it means but guess its fun to put letters together.

Anyhow yes it is so stupid what is occurring but I can see where its coming from and not the fact I agree at all. You can see that these young boys and girls come from Muslims families. This is obvious and with such obvious backgrounds, it is their mothers and fathers pushing them to require this in their schools and places or study. Regardless if you think there is no agenda but there is (and I am not talking to you friend, just speaking outwards
) that the Muslim brotherhood has been at work to develop this slow take over for years, decades. The idea is to slowly instill normality of Muslim faith within schools so they can practice their prayers. Yet still force others to change things for them. No other faith or migrant has done this at all.

I find it soft of the majority of the western world to put up with this nonsense, it should be a no and thats it. They are not going to die without it and if they cannot study without it then they should not study at all. Obviously they are not fit to merge with the rest of the world.

posted on Dec, 24 2016 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: mobiusmale

This is just the tip of the iceberg.... the ignorant will not see this coming until its all over.

I guess Donald Trump was right.

posted on Dec, 24 2016 @ 04:45 AM

originally posted by: Swills
a reply to: mobiusmale

Why do people care what college students are doing? You know, if people spent their energy focusing on our corrupt politicians and their donors, both R & D, instead of what 18 year olds are doing then this country might start making some progress into removing corruption from our political system, you know, draining the swamp.

I'd like to not care. But then again I'm being forced to care about one male student wanting to start using the women's locker room

posted on Dec, 24 2016 @ 06:59 AM
wow...these people are so about a lab for them to create bombs.

posted on Dec, 24 2016 @ 07:11 AM
How about they just made being Muslim illegal..
Its a death cult hiding in sheep clothes

Turn on the news if you do not believe me

posted on Dec, 24 2016 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: mobiusmale

Ahhh either love it or hate it...

posted on Dec, 24 2016 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: mobiusmale

Middle source: "Muslim students demand prayer rooms in every 'major building'"

Original source: "An increase in the number of safe, designated prayer areas on campus."

Because of junior Sarah Eshera’s busy class schedule, the Muslim student has a hard time finding a few moments and a convenient space to pray.

“A lot of times what students do is if they have a situation like that -- they’ll pray in a stairwell or a corner which is fine, but in that situation you’re not really focusing on your prayer,” the math and philosophy major said.

Her classes are in the Skinner Building, where she says it’s hard to find even a stairwell, let alone run back to the one designated prayer room, or Musallah, located in Cole Field House. One of the five pillars of Islam states that Muslims must pray five times a day.

“I never have time to go there and pray, so I end up having to pray two of my prayers together,” she said. “If [students] want a quiet area where they can focus on their prayer and they don’t want to delay their prayer, then they should be afforded that.”

Among the list of ProtectUMD demands was that one room in each major building, such as the School of Public Health, the chemistry building and McKeldin, be designated for prayer.

Government and politics lecturer Michael Spivey said it is legal for a public university to provide prayer space as long as members of all religions have equal access, according to the Equal Access Act, which declares public secondary schools receiving federal funding and allowing students to use space outside of school hours for extracurricular activities must allow equal access to all students.

As long as members of all religions are welcome in that room, it’s unlikely to be considered unconstitutional, Spivey said.

Director of the Department of Facilities Planning Brenda Testa indicated that reallocating space might be the issue.

“It would come at the cost of providing that space by taking it away or reallocating it from some other purpose,” Testa said. “In most of our buildings there’s not a square foot of real estate that is sitting around waiting around for another use. That’s a bit of a generalization, but we have a significant space shortage here.”

Eshera said the space doesn’t need many frills, just open space for kneeling. The classroom could be used for lectures at other times and students of any faith would be invited to pray there when it’s designated for that purpose.

“It could honestly be used for any religion,” she said. “Like if any Christian student wanted somewhere to pray before class, they could use it for that too. It wouldn't be exclusive to just Muslims.”
edit on 24-12-2016 by mekhanics because: (no reason given)

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