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Why I Agree with the Georgia Guidestones to a NWO and You Should Too!

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posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: muzzleflash

So you are assuming a complete consensus for a global eugenics program?

First of all it doesn't say "we should have a eugenics program".

And secondly, because it only expresses the concept of overpopulation being a problem, you have to ask yourself "Is it?".

What are our problems these days anyways?
What is one of their primary exacerbating causes?

I've lived in the country on a farm and in some big cities.
One is really relaxing and peaceful, everyone knows each other, things work out really well.
The other is a rat race, many are impersonal are rude, it's full of violence and accidents, it's polluted and often times can be very frustrating insanity.

The difference is population density.

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: Shuye
I generally think the NWO is a good idea. I love the Georgia Guidestone's message.

The problem is we are not ready for it, just like we aren't ready for free energy, basic income for all, ending poverty and all wars, etc. So the NWO we currently envision is an Orwellian nightmare, and I can't blame anyone for having this. A NWO today will be a nightmare.

I would like to live under these guidelines... Comparing to having absolutely no guidelines or vision at all in our society. Other than perhaps "Money is God, wisdom is sin".

Good post, thanks.

I reluctantly and ashamedly agree.

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: Sahabi
a reply to: muzzleflash

Seriously, this is a monument dedicated to Wisdom, Strength, Beauty, and Truth, and embodies the sacred sciences of Mathematics, Astronomy, Architecture, and Philosophy.

You got it!!

Awesome post thank you.

It was after I began studying the occult and really thinking deeply about all of these topics and becoming more acutely Spiritually aware that I realized what you posted.

I had to slow down and soak things in, everyone is in such a hurry they don't complete their homework.

Thank you for completing yours.
I am Hopeful.

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

did you know if seven billion people were all standing around shoulder to shoulder we could all fit in in Los Angeles?


posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

It's only 'authoritarian' in the sense that things that are good and right are always dominant over things that are bad and wrong. Are you suggesting that we should let murderers run amok because we want to respect their freedom? Well what about the freedom of the victims that they killed?

At some point you have to accept that someone's gonna tell someone else what they "should do", and that is a good thing if they are suggesting good things. Of course it's bad if they suggest bad things.

Good ideas always dominate eventually by pure virtue of their value, they work in action and others are so impressed they aspire to adopt them.

By example? Being the change we want to see? Showing others how our lives are improved by being guided by these goals as we express them in our everyday lives?

Yes! Exactly!
Be the Change you want to see!
If it's Awesome, others will follow.

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: muzzleflash

Okay, well 6,500,000,000 people 'need' to go, and you're a true believer... well you first. Lead by example!

That's so cliche and it doesn't even address what I said.

You do realize if we created space colonies a lot of people will WANT to go?

My daughter wants to be an astronaut doctor, who am I to tell her no?
I support her dreams especially when they are so positive like that.

She and her brother are the top students at her school, and I was a top student too.

I am a good person and show people respect and am kind and friendly. I clean up after myself, hold the door, give helpful advice, calm the angry down with some jokes and wisdom, and study relentlessly to improve myself and others.

Why do you think I should hang myself? Because I suggested that the world is overpopulated considering current logistics and technology?

So you like needing more coal and nuclear power plants, you like having more homeless people digging in the trash, you like more ghettos and welfare and crime? I know you don't like those things. Be reasonable please. Don't fling around overused cliches thinking it's super awesome as a come-back when you aren't even seriously addressing the REAL ISSUES.
edit on 12/16/2016 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: Sahabi
From examining the Guidestones in person and researching them since their appearance in popularized conspiracy theories,.....

I do not think the Guidestones are meant as a direct plan of action,... but instead, are meant as guidelines and suggestions to future generations. I feel that they were put into place with the consideration of the longevity of such sites as the Great Pyramids and Stonehenge.

"If" we ever face a great cataclysm and lose our history and knowledge, as has been the case with forgotten/lost civilizations and cultures in the past,... I feel that the Guidestones were meant as words of wisdom in such cases of future Dark Ages.

That's a really interesting theory, I think it has merit.
Thank you for sharing that, I hadn't thought of it yet.

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

A reasonable debate? There is nothing reasonable about your argument.

Some of the "guide lines" are not bad as "guide lines", but if enforced, they would be evil.

-To enforce 1 would be murder.
-To enforce 2 would be genocide.
-To enforce 3 would be religious oppression / groupthink / thought policing.
-To enforce 4 would, again, be religious oppression.
-5, 6, and 7 are too vague and could result in oppression.
-To enforce 8 would be oppression.
-To enforce 9 would be religious oppression.
-10 is too vague but you can easily stipulate on how it could result in oppression.

Really, to enforce just about any of them would be outright oppression, while the remaining few would, or could, lead to oppression.

Do you not know that we have a sort 'separation between church and state' in many countries to prevent that exact kind of enforcement?

Listen, the Spirit comes before the mind, so it must supersede the natural mind - if you try otherwise, you get destruction. And what is your answer then? To make self destruction a manageable affair? That's what you're asking for. It's ridiculous man. You should seek God.

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 03:02 PM
I am a Progressive Realist.

I don't live in La La Land - - that we can keep going on as we are and all will be OK.

It won't. It isn't today.

edit on 16-12-2016 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: DrumsRfun
a reply to: muzzleflash

You were the one saying this below in your op...not me.

No more useless officials

Also,I almost NEVER listen to any person who suggests what I should or should not do as I find it patronizing.
I would prefer people stay out of my life and not make me a part of their "grand plan" without asking me or giving me an option.

we have seen what big government does - oppress and ruin everyone and everything.

So the NWO is small government and thats the solution????

WOW....whatever straws you are grasping might have to reach further and grab on to them a bit more firmly.

It means New World Order which is very vague and just means the world will have a new order.

How comforting...I prefer to think things through.

You didn't think your post through though.

Do you vote or support politicians? Do you pay taxes?
Do you participate in giving your opinions on social, political, economic, foreign policy, legal, or other matters here at ATS daily?

Oh so you support government telling me what to do by force, but if I suggest we ought to try something else, like be reasonable and improve our system, I'm patronizing you?

Get a grip, that's ludicrous, and Hypocritical.

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
Here's the problem. A lot of the things on the Guidestones are great looking on paper, much like communism, but they would be impractical in practice. For one thing, they list subjective values. Truth, beauty, etc., are largely subjective values nowadays.

Who is it that gets to define what those things will be?

Similarly, guiding reproductionfor fitness? Now you want to breed people like horses? Are you signing yourself up to be tested for stud beek service? And how far would that extend? Are we going to determine the value of a life based on indivual fitness? Where would that leave someone like Hawking? I suppose we wouldn't need a mind that brilliant if it came with a twisted, unfit body. I guess me concern is what are discarding in our pursuit for the Kwisatz Haaderach? Will the true Muad Dib fall by the wayside?

And of course, none of this factors in basic human nature which is what it is and is unchangeable.

Fitness doesn't automatically mean physical. It also includes mental, emotional, Spiritual, economic, etc.

I think the main idea expressed is "having 12 kids with different fathers who leave immediately afterwards just to increase your welfare check while you let them run the streets slinging drugs and bullets isn't exactly the kinda society we want".

Something like this is.

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

This topic has nothing to do with national socialism and the Nazis.

They didn't even strive to meet any of those ideals.

Their idea of the master race was totally against "Diversity" and they didn't care how populated they became as long as others were less so.

Plus they had plenty of useless laws and officials, unjust courts, they didn't use a world court to settle international disputes and by extension didn't support anyone's sovereignty other than their own, etc etc.

What are you really supporting if you are attacking the exact antithesis to what you are depicting?

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: Sahabi
The controversial Rule #1 states: "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."

We know that wording is extremely important to those of reasoning and philosophically oriented minds. "Maintain" means to "keep in an existing state," and, "to continue or persevere in." This is vastly different than saying to "create" or "implement" or "initiate".

The message, with future foresight, is saying,... "in the event of global cataclysm and mass casualties, do not overpopulate the world. Instead, rebuild by wisdom and reasoning."

Like I said, Globalists, the Central Banking Cartels, and the Corporatocracy does not sympathize with Rules 4-10. This alone dispels the evil NWO speculation.

I believe you Sahabi are a well reasoned critical thinker.

Thank you for posting here because I did need to see that I still live in a world where people are thinking for themselves and are able to overcome the 'alternative media propaganda madness' that is so common these days.

The people in power now are doing nothing (effective at least) to implement any of the Guidestone's suggestions. They don't even care if the world population hits 10 billion + by 2050, which will almost certainly be a huge disaster unless nearly everything about how humanity operates changes drastically and fast.

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: muzzleflash

Sorry dude, but you lost me with the "useless officials" business.

Apparently you aren't aware of the vital importance to humanity, and the maintenance of civilization that brain dead Bureaucrats are! The higher and more advanced a civilization becomes, the more useless Bureaucrats it employs! Perfect example is Italy which is one of the best examples of highly advanced civilization on earth! In Italy 1 out of 2 workers works for the Government in useless Bureaucratic jobs that really serve no function whatsoever! So, for example, there's a Bureau that oversees the 9 Aqueducts that feed water to the City of Rome! If memory serves correct 3 or 4 of them are ORIGINAL ROMAN AQUEDUCTS! To either WORK directly maintaining the Aqueducts, or in the Bureau of 10,000 employees that supervises the operations of the Aqueducts, you have to be either directly related to OR sponsored by a member of the Water Works Union!

In Italy, the weight of the paper records maintained by the Bureaucrats is causing floors to buckle in their buildings. Italian Bureaucratic records go back 100's of years! In some cases, MORE than 100's of years! And all those records are carefully maintained and catalogued by useless officials who have nothing better to do all day than sift through parking violations. They maintain building permit applications and applications for code variance that date back to 1100 AD!

My point? Without useless officials, civilization would CRUMBLE.

That was hilarious!

Thank you for that, a little sarcasm can go a long way.

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 03:18 PM
I am all for it too.
First let get rid of all the muslims. they are just too violent.
Then lets get rid of all those hungry people in Africa....they're too hungry.
Then lets get rid of all those tribes in South America.... they're too primitive
Then lets get rid of overweight people...... they eat to much food

Yea , I dont see any potential for this to go badly what so ever..... really , whats the worst that could happen.

How about we just start becoming a space faring civilization and instead of genocide we start populating our planets and moons

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: muzzleflash

did you know if seven billion people were all standing around shoulder to shoulder we could all fit in in Los Angeles?


Did you know that some people use thousands of acres to supply their lifestyles while others are starving to death because their few acres are not arable?

Do you really think we should pile 7 billion people into one big city like LA?
Now that's insanity.

And might I ask why the Earth's natural resources are being depleted so quickly and why deforestation is such a huge problem?

I'm not saying population is the only central problem. Clearly we could fit a gazillion humans comfortably within our solar system if we had technology of a type 3 civ.

It's a very complex issue with many facets that all play into each other. Improving one can mitigate the other, letting one get outta hand can exacerbate the others, etc.
edit on 12/16/2016 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: Zimnydran
I am all for it too.
First let get rid of all the muslims. they are just too violent.
Then lets get rid of all those hungry people in Africa....they're too hungry.
Then lets get rid of all those tribes in South America.... they're too primitive
Then lets get rid of overweight people...... they eat to much food

Yea , I dont see any potential for this to go badly what so ever..... really , whats the worst that could happen.

How about we just start becoming a space faring civilization and instead of genocide we start populating our planets and moons

How about you read the OP where only a few sentences into it I suggested exactly that:

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Okay, well, NONE of that on any scale worth mentioning is going to happen in your lifetime. So instead, for you to argue the merits of the GG is to argue for this:

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: Bleeeeep
a reply to: muzzleflash

A reasonable debate? There is nothing reasonable about your argument.

Some of the "guide lines" are not bad as "guide lines", but if enforced, they would be evil.

-To enforce 1 would be murder.
-To enforce 2 would be genocide.
-To enforce 3 would be religious oppression / groupthink / thought policing.
-To enforce 4 would, again, be religious oppression.
-5, 6, and 7 are too vague and could result in oppression.
-To enforce 8 would be oppression.
-To enforce 9 would be religious oppression.
-10 is too vague but you can easily stipulate on how it could result in oppression.

Really, to enforce just about any of them would be outright oppression, while the remaining few would, or could, lead to oppression.

Do you not know that we have a sort 'separation between church and state' in many countries to prevent that exact kind of enforcement?

Listen, the Spirit comes before the mind, so it must supersede the natural mind - if you try otherwise, you get destruction. And what is your answer then? To make self destruction a manageable affair? That's what you're asking for. It's ridiculous man. You should seek God.

You didn't even read the caveats or my comments or anything much.
Your list is full of strawmen arguments and out of context twists.

You actually just suggested that not having useless officials and having reasonable laws and courts could lead to oppression.
What do you suggest, living like cavemen? Pure Anarchy leads to oppression faster than having a Civil Society based on common sense and reasoned guidelines and rule of law.

You chided me over 'church vs state' which the OP didn't suggest any church should force their thoughts on anyone but you probably interpreted that because it said "infinite", but then you turned around and told me to seek God?

All I do is seek God.

You should reevaluate your entire point of view because I'm afraid it's inconsistent and you are cherry picking beliefs that don't merge well with other beliefs (like knee-jerk denying your own beliefs because some guy said this monument was pure evil and so you agreed without question).

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: muzzleflash

Okay, well, NONE of that on any scale worth mentioning is going to happen in your lifetime. So instead, for you to argue the merits of the GG is to argue for this:

No it's not.

You are just mindlessly believing what some guy on the internet suggested you believe.

Fair courts and reasonable laws and wise reproduction habits has NOTHING TO DO WITH CAUSING THAT.

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