posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 10:35 PM
Well Meta...I totally agree. You got it right and unfortunately most on each sides are clueless. They bought the kool-aid decades ago. Without
questioning, most seized on the moment to make their anger known and picked one of the two ill-defined groups to vent hostile frustrations. Little did
they know the right vs left and liberal vs conservative was/is a scam utilized by the ruling class to divide the nation. "IF" they were smart and/or
street wise and educated enough to recognize the scam, they would know they got suckered into the scam and by doing so they transferred the power of
the masses to their nemesis. Now, as a result, a small minority "owns" their soul.
A good example is the attack on organized labor in the eighties. Little did they know that the elites were well into a push to globalize that was
envisioned around the century. Much of the American work-load found slave wages in Mexico and the Orient in the late sixties and early seventies.
Motorola, Brigs and Stanton, Vendo, GE, and Du Pont are just a few of a long list of companies who joined the massive exodus to foreign lands. Again,
little did the public know that this was a well planned agenda penned in the early past century. Once the scheme was obvious, the elite excused their
behavior by blaming the average working man for all their ills. Many hard working men who were veterans from WW-II were accused of being liberal and
socialists in nature for supporting organized labor leaders. However, many were more conservative than most and felt they were victimized by a radical
element of opportunists within Wall Street.
And despite those who argue otherwise, they were correct. America has a real tendency of fascism. Although most felt the need to find and expose
commies, the real threat of fascists used the GOP to further their goals. This is well known by the academics who noted the origins of fascist intent
from the early thirties. It was during that time when Wall Street's American Liberty League approached Gen. Smedley Butler with their plan of a coup
against FDR. They, according to Butler, liked the brand of fascism of Mussolini in Italy. They were caught in their "failed" attempt only to rebuild
their efforts to present day conditions. Regardless of denials by pro-neocons, all dots connect from 1933 to today.
However, such intentions was shared by both political parties. People are waking up to the facts and the "faithful" of each party are no longer
faithful. Although that may seem worthy, remember neither party is ready to denounce their fascist dreams. Both the GOP's establishment and Hitlery
found the hate from their electorate. So much so that a man of Trump's caliper could slime past his enemies to the White House. Both parties had
nothing to show for their past positions in high office and the American people are beyond angry. While all the "talking heads" on cable split hairs,
don't be fooled. The ruling elites could care less concerning the public or the nation as well. Globalism and the path to globalism has created a bad
taste in people's mouths. Brexit was the shot in the air and now America's participation in the NAFTA and T.T.P. agreements are under the microscope
by people who question the benefits, or lack of, in these trade agreements. I suppose that is a "beginning" but much needs to be done to dismantle
this fascist police state we now live with.
Unfortunately, it's hard to find excitement at this point for although such facts are signs of encouragement, too many people run the streets still
under the influence of past brainwashing tactics. It may take years to bring us back on track. Trump has many of us praying he won't succumb to the
globalists and the damage they create to the nation, but he was the only one to stand aside the criminal enterprise both parties built over the past
half century. As a gun owner, I'm pleased Hitlery been shown the door. The problem is both parties rely of the funding of Wall Street fascists. Until
their campaign donations are outlawed, we will be enslaved by the globalist that are everything but American.