posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 01:52 PM
OP is right. The era of revolt is dead, from here on out its just an endless grind toward stagnation and mediocrity. Castro and leaders like him,
however flawed and immoral, were forces of nature. They embodied the revolutionary spirit which is lost on the lobotomized mind-slaves of today.
Everybody is too pussified and complacent to even ponder the idea that their minds and bodies are atrophied and sclerotic after generations of mental
and physical constriction and slavery.
Think about it. Most of the population in western countries are entropic, lethargic meat-sacks devoid of nature's propensity for violence and
revolutionary upheaval. Nature is revolt, nature is change and violence, and so is happiness, but everybody is enthralled by their safe routines and
the comfort of the predictability and stasis of modern domesticity.
The modern Western lifestyle turns us all into domesticated livestock without our natural energy and drive to rebel. Just entropic meatsacks stuck in
an unnatural form of societal stasis. Quickly heading toward the deterioration of their pitiful weak bodies having achieved nothing in their lives.
Chasing pleasure and self-indulgence to "feel good", while at the same time wasting away from all the chemicals and industrial toxins.
OP it's useless trying to show the slaves their own fetters, it's offensive to them and outside the bounds of their programming.