posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 07:04 PM
Well to get this thread back on track; I'd like to ask a survey question to anyone who has experienced a high strangeness UFO or other "paranormal
sighting" (to include cryptids, etc): What was your emotional state, for several hours preceding the experience? Calm? Agitated? Afraid? Excited?
Other? Now I'm not talking about your emotional state during the weirdness...that is presumed to be funky. Thanks
I've had several very strange experiences. One happened so long ago I can't remember how I felt afterwards. Actually, I remember desperately trying to
gather physical evidence with my mother. There was a neutral, excited giddiness if that makes sense - neither fearful nor happy, maybe blown away by
what happened? The event was a VERY close-up UFO sighting and probably an "abduction" which I only have one short memory of.
I don't know if this one counts, but I used to get very weird phone calls for a while as a child, only when I was home alone. The "voices" would
absolutely terrify me and leave me terrified until my parents came home. Another time, I ran into some grey-type fellers and was in a state of awe and
fascination until they noticed me. I got scared but fought instead of running. Again, the next day I felt more of a giddiness over the real-ness of
the event.
Yet another incident elicited fascination until I thought I might've been dying. Nothing remotely dark or threatening happened, I just really thought
I might've been having a stroke or something. Afterwards, I was perplexed. I've decoded the meaning of this particular event over the past few years.
Last one. I was doing some body-work exercise and exorcised some critter attached to my left shoulder. It appeared to me as a short, solid black
shadow-type figure peeking around a corner. Being the bad-ass wizard I am, I kicked his arse back to whence it came and felt pretty damn good