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Trump 2016 - Did we just witness a coup against the New World Order ?

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posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: VinylTyrant

By doing that they bolstered his support.
Nobody likes to see someone being bullied and the media were bullying him while praising Clinton, which was unfair in the minds of many, you included. That helped to bolster support in some undecideds I'm sure.

I was saying it for months to my friends that Trump was going to win. With all the leaks going against Clinton, it seemed obvious to me that Trump was the intended victor.

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 10:14 AM
reply to: mclarenmp4

Unfortunately you may be correct. Dr. Steve Pieczenik came out before the election and stated several members of the intelligence community had gotten together after the NYPD had found those 650,000 emails on Anthony Weiner ' s computer, and they simply were not going to allow Clinton to be POTUS. Apparently those emails contained evidence of incredible,massive corruption including evidence of murder, pay for play and an elite pedophile ring. So now my question is "if they can stop the Clinton Machine, what else have they done or will do? And why were the Clintons allowed free reign for so long? If the FBI had been doing their job 30 years ago they would have been in prison back then and would not have had the opportunity to destroy so many lives.

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: mclarenmp4

So assange is part of the NWO too?

So practically everyone is part of the NWO?
Thus what is the point in even fighting lets just roll over and get our rfid chips.

Via wikileaks Clinton suggested to the media to prop up the pied piper candidates, Trump, Carson, and Cruz. Because she thought those were the easiest to beat.
Clinton has rigged and manipulated large groups of people from day 1. and she still lost.

Some say he has to be part of it because he won. I believe blackbox voting, is saying it was still rigged but Trump absolutely killed it. Waiting on more info from them to see what they believe.

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 10:55 AM

edit on 13-11-2016 by mikegrouchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 11:05 AM

originally posted by: AlienView

I really admire Donald for facing the Dragon - apparently he likes to gamble.

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: mclarenmp4
a reply to: AlienView

He was saying all the right things to people to get them to vote for him and he knew pandering to the conspiracy theorists would get him that vote.

Dear President-Elect:

Please accept my warm congratulations on your victory and my best wishes for your success as you prepare to take up the responsibilities and challenges of your high office.

As you embark upon your new responsibilities, I wish to assure you and the people of America of the continued friendship and sympathetic interest of the Conspiracy Thinkers and Disenfranchised.

I look forward to working with you not only to develop closer relations between our worlds but also to concert our efforts in the cause of peace and self determination of all peoples.


Mike Grouchy

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: SgtHamsandwich

It was at this moment, he knew he &%$#ed up.

Actually . . . he will be the first president to get more youthful and vigorous as the years progress.

Mike Grouchy

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: HeywoodFloyd

Infact I have been VERY surprised that the election HAS NOT BEEN RIGGED.

While everything else has been rigged:
- the Republican Primaries
- the polls before the election
- the biased and currupt mainstream media
- the DOJ (see Loretta Lynch)
- even the FBI (see Comey)

why "THEY" did not rig also the election

Because "THEIR" spell is broken. Too many people don't believe the Media, Music, or Movies anymore. The shock is real. So many shows and programs are being scrapped or retooled. And funniest of all, "THEY" still think there spells work.

Mike Grouchy

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: jtma508
Dream on. He's part of the Republican Party. That makes him part of the establishment. Keep voting Rep/Dem. That's the way THEY designed the system to work. If you own both options you own the show. You're about to see the biggest bait-and-switch in history. Art of the Deal. Look who is in his inner circle already. I know you people recognize the need to change. The vast majority of us do. You've just deluded yourself into believing a Salesman. He lied constantly to tell you what you wanted to hear. Now watch.

It was. It was the biggest bait-and-switch in history, he baited the system and switch to We The People.

Unless you still believe the media streams, and their chest pounding. If you still fail to do your own research. If you look to others to see for you. Then yes, they will try and portray him as a deceiving insider. But that is because that is all "THEY" understand.

Mike Grouchy

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: Plotus
"I hear people talking on the street - some say Trump will not make it to the White House."
While anything's possible, It is a given there are High Hostilities going on and forming against him, thus I would think he is guarded by an extraordinary number of Secret Service and measures.
A Coup ? Who's to say, but he did indeed stop them in their tracks.

Now go after a couple traitorous individuals touting division and violence....... like Soros for one....

The funny thing about that.

The rioters who smashed and burned,
did so in Democratic cities, and injured Hillary supporters.
There are _High Hostilities_ but in a near biblical twist of fate,
they are rending their own garments, and feasting on their own flesh.

Mike Grouchy

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: AlienView

And all those people Trump is choosing to litter his cabinet aren’t NWO globalist flunkies.

Trump is as or will be connected to the Deep State as anyone.

He’ll soon find that out


posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 11:39 AM
They’ll let him throw out a few illegal’s and fix a few bridges but watch on foreign policy and finance he'll do what they want or won’t be around long.

edit on 13-11-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 11:56 AM
You just may be able to call it a coup. That's why it keeps getting compared to brexit and hearing some rife from other countries (like italy) in the EU looks like a push against the world order. The establishment of the EU with their tower of Babel theme to me was the epitome of the nwo and look how it turned out. Lost individual rights for soverign nations including the wave of immigration forces upon them seems like the end goal of a borderless world that answers to a concentration of power and to socialize working forces across the world by redistributing wealth.
Trump stands for the complete opposite.
Soverign nation, strong border, slightly isolationist agenda including trade deals that benefit his nation. Building up his workforce.

To have even the slightest notion that he is part of the NWO would mean they are trying to undo everything they have worked towards for over 30 years. Mainly the destruction of USA sovereignty and middleclass, which would be their crown jewel.
This is the dawn of a new day from my vantage point.

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: HeywoodFloyd

they did. we're you not paying attention? in two or three states they had to change from electronic voting machines to paper ballots because the machines were choosing hillary even if you selected trump.

in Florida they had to fire two precinct managers fir manipulating things.

illegals were encouraged to vote by the president.

if you REALLY THINK THAT Clinton got more popular vote than trump you're living in Lala land.

he won despots it being rigged, not because it wasn't rigged


posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 12:04 PM
And please let's all let this sink in. The president-elect does interviews on the Alex Jones show....the biggest voice against the NWO. Despite what you may think of alex, since the msm doesn't want you to hear truth or Trumps personal opinion on real issues, he went to a conspiracy media outlet where they won't twist his words or goat him into pointless derailment. This seems real. This seems like a movement. Exciting times
edit on 13-11-2016 by VinylTyrant because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-11-2016 by VinylTyrant because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: Masterjaden

I 2nd that notion

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: jellyrev
a reply to: mclarenmp4
Via wikileaks Clinton suggested to the media to prop up the pied piper candidates, Trump, Carson, and Cruz. Because she thought those were the easiest to beat.
Clinton has rigged and manipulated large groups of people from day 1. and she still lost.

Some say he has to be part of it because he won. I believe blackbox voting, is saying it was still rigged but Trump absolutely killed it. Waiting on more info from them to see what they believe.

From my point of view, they literally did everything to dig more holes to themselves, while laughing at Trump, while trying to cheat/take shortcuts, being completely blind to what they are doing to themselves...

I mean, its funny how when you were looking at non US or rather just non mainstream media, and different sources and you even compare to most of the mainstream.
From that picture I think it was quite clear that he is gonna win. I was like 80% sure that he will win, maybe 1-2 weeks before the end. And then when the FBI director did, what he did, (again, they can blame their media and how they made people blind), and I watched how big effect that had, it was quite damn clear. Especially when it was so visible that Clinton started making extra effort to "dirt" him ( along with obama xD ), and all the laughable cheaty/shortcut ways to better ensure her win through her entire campaign, WHILE people had the mindset that they had (especially because of wikileaks and so), watching their every move with doubts...but they? nope...continue doing crap. Guess they still thought that everyone was still blinded by their media, (ofc many still were, but not enough).

Seriously, if there was a "rig" in some way, in the elections, then I think it was in the form of mainly Pro-Hillary media, but generally the mainstream media screwed there, on so many different levels. Like I said, "top level Reality TV show Ultra drama".
To convince the world that she has a lead and that she is gonna win. I can imagine, that can turn many certain people to vote for her just because of that (Oh, everybody voting for her, she must be right....many people simply follow majority).
Just thinking that if the media bias was supported by Clintons, I just wonder in how big doubt they and Hillary were, days or just hours before the end of it. Because, it wouldnt make sense for them to get blinded by their own thing xD

I mean, why mess around with voting/machines or so, when you got the media?
And they HAD the media, but decided to continue doing stupid things, which mostly, sooner or later, come back to kick them into their face.

But then, they did some extra, almost desperate efforts towards the end. So maybe they knew, that the predictions arent that much happy in reality.

Simply I wanna say, that If you watched many different sources.... you can quite, but not completely, judge the quality of moderators/reporters/writers and their informations, by how much of their own opinion and/or bias is in what they are presenting to you (how much clear..with clear perspective). And even compare to different sources, and especially then later to the mainstream, mostly US (those were really awful and should totally be ashamed), but most probably in other countries in EU for example, where they just report what those US mainstream guys say.

If they actually looked at non-mainstream, Iam pretty damn sure that they would, by the end, be pretty convinced about Trump winning, or atleast would be absolutely considering that its still 50-50 chances atleast.
There was absolutely no reason to open that champagne early, unless completely, but COMPLETELY blind.

Its their own fault.
Trump is how he is, but Clintons did EVERYTHING to be much much worse/lower than whatever Trump ever did. But with a smile on their face, chins high, laughing how they screwed with it, or with him, or with the people.
And now look at the protesters, many going even so much lower than Clintons did, but very much in the same direction, doing the EXACT same mistake Hillary and her campaign did, by vandalizing and digging holes for themselves / undermining themselves.

(Just sad how some of the Trump supporters...or the ones not liking the protests, would actually want to go even lower than those people, by saying either "shoot them" or simply "give them hell". They should still have a chance to peacefully protest...without the hole digging for themselves by violence, but then there is the question of how many of them are violent and how many are not....although I find their "goals and reasons" quite ridiculous, which I dont think will last for too long...its quite emotional based IMO)

I wonder if its just such a standard to them, to go through those quite damn not honest shortcut ways, which in reality was only making things worse for them (obviously too much used to people not asking questions and eating what they give them).
I simply wonder if they weighted the risk, or simply thought that "this is the ok way to win, and we didnt do anything wrong" and eventually blame other events.

So blind, because they still counted on people being completely blind...but with this level of drama and external affections, I dont see why still continue to dig more holes in front of themselves.

Blinded by their own weapons, lawl

Such a disaster this election xD
But, lets see how the story continues, because it barely just started...

Still even if Trump screws up, it was still hell of a nice kick to Clintons...the kick which they prepared for themselves...and the kick actually even exploded on impact xD
And also, all this drama and how huge it was...I really hope it will at least show a little bit of light to the most blind people in general and they will next time look at things with at least a bit more questions and doubt, and not eating everything they give them.

Mainly, people need make Media seriously reconsider how they do things, so I just hope there will be more mentioning in the TV about how huge responsibility do the media take for this # show.

edit on 13/11/2016 by Neoony because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: SgtHamsandwich

It was at this moment, he knew he &%$#ed up.

I interpreted that meeting photo to show that Trump felt like he was wasting his time. He really does not like Obama.
After everything Obama said about him (and vice-versa), I think Trump just did not want to be in that meeting.

I think that Trump and Brexit are the beginning of a revolution.
I'm not sure if it is revolution against NWO or whatever, but George Soros is throwing a temper tantrum, so it must be a good thing.

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: AlienView

"Trump"...and "witness a COUP"...and also "New World Order" in the same sentence sounds pretty much like oxymorons.

Who's to say he and his $$$billions$$$ arent PART of the Elite N.W.O.? Afterall...he is right up there with the elite and wealthy long standing families involved.

Maybe...just maybe...we are seeing the first member of the N.W.O. as President of the United States?

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: AlienView

"Trump"...and "witness a COUP"...and also "New World Order" in the same sentence sounds pretty much like oxymorons.

Who's to say he and his $$$billions$$$ arent PART of the Elite N.W.O.? Afterall...he is right up there with the elite and wealthy long standing families involved.

Maybe...just maybe...we are seeing the first member of the N.W.O. as President of the United States?

Possible ? - Sure it is possible - But time after time when I ask for a true definition, or proof that a New World Order exists in an absolute sense - No one can prove it 'without a reasonable doubt'.

All we know for sure is that throughout history many power players on the stage of the world have conspired to manipulate world events for their own benefit - And much of this conspiracy is hidden.

So could Trump be a part of it ? - It is possible!

Still the believers among us would rather feel that he fought the NWO tooth and nail to become President - And if anything
will at least show 'them' that they are not invincible and:

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time".
=Abraham Lincoln

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