originally posted by: jellyrev
a reply to: mclarenmp4
Via wikileaks Clinton suggested to the media to prop up the pied piper candidates, Trump, Carson, and Cruz. Because she thought those were the easiest
to beat.
Clinton has rigged and manipulated large groups of people from day 1. and she still lost.
Some say he has to be part of it because he won. I believe blackbox voting, is saying it was still rigged but Trump absolutely killed it. Waiting on
more info from them to see what they believe.
From my point of view, they literally did everything to dig more holes to themselves, while laughing at Trump, while trying to cheat/take shortcuts,
being completely blind to what they are doing to themselves...
I mean, its funny how when you were looking at non US or rather just non mainstream media, and different sources and you even compare to most of the
From that picture I think it was quite clear that he is gonna win. I was like 80% sure that he will win, maybe 1-2 weeks before the end. And then when
the FBI director did, what he did, (again, they can blame their media and how they made people blind), and I watched how big effect that had, it was
quite damn clear. Especially when it was so visible that Clinton started making extra effort to "dirt" him ( along with obama xD ), and all the
laughable cheaty/shortcut ways to better ensure her win through her entire campaign, WHILE people had the mindset that they had (especially because of
wikileaks and so), watching their every move with doubts...but they? nope...continue doing crap. Guess they still thought that everyone was still
blinded by their media, (ofc many still were, but not enough).
Seriously, if there was a "rig" in some way, in the elections, then I think it was in the form of mainly Pro-Hillary media, but generally the
mainstream media screwed there, on so many different levels. Like I said, "top level Reality TV show Ultra drama".
To convince the world that she has a lead and that she is gonna win. I can imagine, that can turn many certain people to vote for her just because of
that (Oh, everybody voting for her, she must be right....many people simply follow majority).
Just thinking that if the media bias was supported by Clintons, I just wonder in how big doubt they and Hillary were, days or just hours before the
end of it. Because, it wouldnt make sense for them to get blinded by their own thing xD
I mean, why mess around with voting/machines or so, when you got the media?
And they HAD the media, but decided to continue doing stupid things, which mostly, sooner or later, come back to kick them into their face.
But then, they did some extra, almost desperate efforts towards the end. So maybe they knew, that the predictions arent that much happy in reality.
Simply I wanna say, that If you watched many different sources.... you can quite, but not completely, judge the quality of
moderators/reporters/writers and their informations, by how much of their own opinion and/or bias is in what they are presenting to you (how much
clear..with clear perspective). And even compare to different sources, and especially then later to the mainstream, mostly US (those were really awful
and should totally be ashamed), but most probably in other countries in EU for example, where they just report what those US mainstream guys say.
If they actually looked at non-mainstream, Iam pretty damn sure that they would, by the end, be pretty convinced about Trump winning, or atleast would
be absolutely considering that its still 50-50 chances atleast.
There was absolutely no reason to open that champagne early, unless completely, but COMPLETELY blind.
Its their own fault.
Trump is how he is, but Clintons did EVERYTHING to be much much worse/lower than whatever Trump ever did. But with a smile on their face, chins high,
laughing how they screwed with it, or with him, or with the people.
And now look at the protesters, many going even so much lower than Clintons did, but very much in the same direction, doing the EXACT same mistake
Hillary and her campaign did, by vandalizing and digging holes for themselves / undermining themselves.
(Just sad how some of the Trump supporters...or the ones not liking the protests, would actually want to go even lower than those people, by saying
either "shoot them" or simply "give them hell". They should still have a chance to peacefully protest...without the hole digging for themselves by
violence, but then there is the question of how many of them are violent and how many are not....although I find their "goals and reasons" quite
ridiculous, which I dont think will last for too long...its quite emotional based IMO)
I wonder if its just such a standard to them, to go through those quite damn not honest shortcut ways, which in reality was only making things worse
for them (obviously too much used to people not asking questions and eating what they give them).
I simply wonder if they weighted the risk, or simply thought that "this is the ok way to win, and we didnt do anything wrong" and eventually blame
other events.
So blind, because they still counted on people being completely blind...but with this level of drama and external affections, I dont see why still
continue to dig more holes in front of themselves.
Blinded by their own weapons, lawl
Such a disaster this election xD
But, lets see how the story continues, because it barely just started...
Still even if Trump screws up, it was still hell of a nice kick to Clintons...the kick which they prepared for themselves...and the kick actually even
exploded on impact xD
And also, all this drama and how huge it was...I really hope it will at least show a little bit of light to the most blind people in general and they
will next time look at things with at least a bit more questions and doubt, and not eating everything they give them.
Mainly, people need make Media seriously reconsider how they do things, so I just hope there will be more mentioning in the TV about how huge
responsibility do the media take for this # show.
edit on 13/11/2016 by Neoony because: (no reason given)