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Trump 2016 - Did we just witness a coup against the New World Order ?

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posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 06:42 AM
He [Donlad Trump] was implying it throughout the election campaign - How many actually took him seriously when the pundits said he was destined to lose ?

And then the unbelievable happened - He won !

Jeb Bush said he would 'pray for him" - Jeb Bush, a favorite of the NWO praying for [or threatening?] the newly elected President.

The Bush family famous for two Presidents and for John Hinckley's family visiting with the Bushes [so I have herd] while John Hinckley was busy trying to assassinate Ronald Reagan - the bullet missed his heart by an inch - effectively they killed JFK but missed Reagan by and inch.

I hear people talking on the street - some say Trump will not make it to the White House.

I really admire Donald for facing the Dragon - apparently he likes to gamble.

Now if he is really smart and is to achieve his objective, and before he starts vetting immigrants who want to come into the US, he should very, very,
carefully vet the Secret Service - there is a 'clear and present danger' that elements of the NWO will go all out to stop him.

Assuming he still has plenty of money - He might be better off buying his own security - JFK was a cockeyed optomist - Hopefully Trump isn't so dumb

edit on 13-11-2016 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: AlienView

Sorry but you are deluded if you think Donald is anything but a puppet for the NWO. He was saying all the right things to people to get them to vote for him and he knew pandering to the conspiracy theorists would get him that vote.

Look at his links to the Rothchilds and other wealthy pro-nwo people to see he is not the Anti-NWO that you think he is.

+14 more 
posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: AlienView

Trump has 11 security/Intel companies protecting him plus the Secret Service. He actually does "know more than the Generals" because his intel doesn't go through 8 million Gov't channels before it gets to him.

If you think Trump is "dumb" or "Trump is stupid, he's an idiot" etc...well, he beat a rigged game against a seasoned opponent who cheated, lied and even killed people to beat him and now he's your President, so who's the Dummy now?

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: mclarenmp4

Do you have those links?

Not that I would say impossible - But why engage in such a complicated charade to get Trump elected when Hillary is as
NWO as you can get ?

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 06:58 AM

It was at this moment, he knew he &%$#ed up.

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 07:03 AM

originally posted by: SgtHamsandwich

It was at this moment, he knew he &%$#ed up.

I think this is the look of "how the frack did I pull this off?"

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: AlienView

Not a problem.


External Link
edit on 13-11-2016 by mclarenmp4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 07:09 AM
Every U.S election has been won by the person with the closest blood ties to the Queen of England.

Surprise, Surprise, Clinton & Trump are both from the same bloodline.

Trump & Clinton Cousins

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 07:20 AM

originally posted by: MysticMadman
If you think Trump is "dumb" or "Trump is stupid, he's an idiot" etc...well, he beat a rigged game against a seasoned opponent who cheated, lied and even killed people to beat him and now he's your President, so who's the Dummy now?

Very, very well said.

Remember back. There were two little points in the election run where there was serious talk of replacing Hillary.

The NWO is a very closed group. And, I 'feel' them slipping deeper into the shadows. Let them sulk there for a few years.

Obviously, Trump has been exposed to it. The fact that they consider him 'a clown' may well be their undoing.

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 07:28 AM
I have no doubt that Trump is an intelligent man playing a fool, he plays the same game that George W Bush played.
David Letterman played the same game, I remember an interview with Norm Macdonald who was a huge fan of Letterman because he was always the smartest man in the room, he just played the fool so people didn't feel threatened by him & that the joke of the Letterman show was the guest, everyone else knew it except the guest.

But you have been played again, you think that Trump is anti-NWO but he's the same bloodline as Clinton and got his break with help from the Rockafeller's & Rothschild's.

edit on 13-11-2016 by mclarenmp4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: mclarenmp4

Interesting - I also found interesting a book I read years ago I think it was called "The Bormann Brotherhood" [?] whcih stated that intelligence had established that Hitler was probably 25% Jewish.

But so what?

More interesting, from one of your links:

This was Illuminati’s plan all along. To have both candidates operating under their interests whilst systematically pitting the entire nation against each other, creating the chaos they need to push their New World Order agenda closer to completion.

Qoute source:

Of course we can take if one step further like David Icke and say they are all descended from Reptilian Aliens who are manipulating history throughout time - The late great 'cojnspiracy nut' William 'Bill' Cooper ["Behold a Pale Horse"], before he wa killed in a shoot-out with police in the middle of the night on his property - would swear up and down that all the
conspiracies were being generated by the Freemasons and the conspiracies go back to ancient Egypt.

At this point I go back to watching science fiction - there the theories are more interesting and without prejudice.

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 07:39 AM

originally posted by: AlienView
He [Donlad Trump] was implying it throughout the election campaign - How many actually took him seriously when the pundits said he was destined to lose ?

And then the unbelievable happened - He won !

Infact I have been VERY surprised that the election HAS NOT BEEN RIGGED.

While everything else has been rigged:
- the Republican Primaries
- the polls before the election
- the biased and currupt mainstream media
- the DOJ (see Loretta Lynch)
- even the FBI (see Comey)

why "THEY" did not rig also the election?

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 07:40 AM
Dream on. He's part of the Republican Party. That makes him part of the establishment. Keep voting Rep/Dem. That's the way THEY designed the system to work. If you own both options you own the show. You're about to see the biggest bait-and-switch in history. Art of the Deal. Look who is in his inner circle already. I know you people recognize the need to change. The vast majority of us do. You've just deluded yourself into believing a Salesman. He lied constantly to tell you what you wanted to hear. Now watch.

edit on 13-11-2016 by jtma508 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: AlienView

Your OP was about Trump being anti-nwo, I provided information that was contrary to what your OP suggests. No need to bring in reptilians to try and discredit the facts.
Think about it, why would the NWO just "let" Trump win the nomination? If they were so good at what they do, you really think they would be caught off guard? I doubt it.

I've studied this for years and the bloodline ties of the monarchy of England to all Presidents except 1 in the entire history of the U.S suggests to me that this is not just random. You are given the illusion of free will but when you have a 2 party system, it's so simple to get the result you want. It's divide & conquer all over again & again & again.

You can't see that you are all being played because you truly believe your vote will matter and you hate the other side so much you can't see any other way.
edit on 13-11-2016 by mclarenmp4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: HeywoodFloyd

originally posted by: AlienView
He [Donlad Trump] was implying it throughout the election campaign - How many actually took him seriously when the pundits said he was destined to lose ?

And then the unbelievable happened - He won !

Infact I have been VERY surprised that the election HAS NOT BEEN RIGGED.

While everything else has been rigged:
- the Republican Primaries
- the polls before the election
- the biased and currupt mainstream media
- the DOJ (see Loretta Lynch)
- even the FBI (see Comey)

why "THEY" did not rig also the election?

Probably because they started believing their own lies and propaganda.. If anyone listened to MSM Trump could not win a primary much less the election for POTUS/// Some people live in their own little world as life passes them by.

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 08:19 AM
"I hear people talking on the street - some say Trump will not make it to the White House."
While anything's possible, It is a given there are High Hostilities going on and forming against him, thus I would think he is guarded by an extraordinary number of Secret Service and measures.
A Coup ? Who's to say, but he did indeed stop them in their tracks.

Now go after a couple traitorous individuals touting division and violence....... like Soros for one....

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: mclarenmp4
Surprise, Surprise, Clinton & Trump are both from the same bloodline.

Oh, God. No. Not bloodlines. Everyone with European origins are related to everyone else if you go back far enough. It's a silly observation.

To topic. We did not witness a coup. However, depending on what people interpret the NWO order to be, the result did seem to confound the establishment. Like Brexit in the UK the establishment has got all tied up in group-think politics. No one thought Brexit, or Trump would happen because the establishment has become cut-off from reality.

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: AlienView

jmo, but they always present us with someone that appears to offer hope or change from the way things are going.
Change we can believe in, this time?


posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: MysticMadman
a reply to: AlienView

Trump has 11 security/Intel companies protecting him plus the Secret Service. He actually does "know more than the Generals" because his intel doesn't go through 8 million Gov't channels before it gets to him.

If you think Trump is "dumb" or "Trump is stupid, he's an idiot" etc...well, he beat a rigged game against a seasoned opponent who cheated, lied and even killed people to beat him and now he's your President, so who's the Dummy now?

Considering all the external things that were affecting elections...if not done by him or someone he worked with, then he barely had to move a finger.
He just had to put more wood into the already burning fire, while the fire was actually supported by a gas, by someone else, or multiple external sources, which were slowly adding more gas into it xD.

Not saying he is completely dumb or what. But I wouldnt be surprised if he in the start actually wanted to get rid of corruption and etc (which would be great)..., but now he will find out, that it might not be as he thought and will somehow simply adjust to it. ("Oh well, it wasnt as I thought, lets be a puppet president")
Meaning that it might not be as easy, or some things he wanted to do might have some serious unwanted effects which he might not go into. ( not sure if he actually cares about effects much, lol )

I dont really see him being good at persuading others, he might be a really stubborn guy...but would that really help that much in persuading others?
He can say what he 100 different ways....but the way he arguments around it, seem to me like the only thing he knows to do, when he presents what he wants to do, is to throw dirt on something opposing the thing he wants.
Instead of rather being more specific on how he wants to do it or things like that...

Just to note, I didnt like both the candidates....but hell...not clinton...especially with all the trash those unknown (or somewhat known) sources of external affections threw up on her...just, just dont go candidate for presidency with all this dirt following you. Wow. ( and so accessible xD ) What a courage...or rather insanity?

I definitely liked how they really struggled finding anything on Trump, and even if they did, it was usually desperate things.
This was really not about the candidates though. But literally only about "change or no change"

What the change will bring, noone knows....not like Trump talked much about the outcomes he sees of the things he wants to do, or how he wants to do them, or so...(atleast I barely noticed anything like that from him)

You can clearly see when Trump is just talking what he wants and when he is acting how he was advised by his campaign managers, friends, colleagues, or whoever he "sometimes" listens to. (which is sometimes much better than just his usual random dirt throwing)

Also...Iam not sure if he didnt just simply adjust to the situation, which was "lets expose clintons and etc" coming from external sources, and he just played with it, to simply become the president (which could totally make sense looking at his personality)
Which could also be totally advised from his campaign managers.
Which seems to me the most likely.

This is quite why I doubt his ability to persuade. Which also makes me think that thats why Putin (or few others), are so happy about him. Because he is confident that he will be mopping the floors with him...or atleast, either Trump gets persuaded or he will stay stubborn, instead of trying to work out solutions/compromises or so...which might lead to conflicts...and it might eventually end up at that war which we allegedly avoided (only delayed) by not having Hillary.

Guess that will also depend on how well he listens to advisors.
He better listen to people around him (not completely literally of course)
I think that was his plan all along. To be a president, but huge majority of Presidenting will be done by people he chose.
Because lets face it, when he acts as himself...thats absolutely not presidential, and Iam not sure if he has any clue about it or really wants to have.
Which would mean, that it was his plan all along, to just be the puppet of the ones he chose. Which just tells me, that others will be able to crunch him too...especially when he cant have his advisors 24/7 with him.
Plans dont always work out like they were meant to...I want to see him in situations when his plans wont work nad he will have to either resolve, or just be stubborn and demand the plan he had.

But, hell...still trying to keep an open mind...

Just to say.
I barely know anything about politics, or rarely follow political events (unless huge, or weird). Nor did I care, before.
But this was such a # show, even I couldnt resist, but jump in and start digging really deep into it.
Actually just because of the dyndns ddos...was too curious not to go try figure out if there are any connections to elections or wikileaks.
(digging quite deep, many not mainstream sources, comparing and also comparing to biased mainstream ones, heh)

This was definitely the best "Reality TV show" in whole world, I have never ever even imagined anything like this, worst thing about it is, that its not over yet.


EDIT: damn, sorry for a wall

edit on 13/11/2016 by Neoony because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: mclarenmp4

A puppet, sure. Just like he was a Clinton plant because of a phone call with Bill. All he did was campaign exhaustively all summer and absorb the most vile smear campaign in history by the dnc. All the while being villanized on tv and in every newspaper in the nation on a daily basis. Speaking of "daily", the daily news here in his own hometown made him out to be a klansman or some sort of criminal on a daily basis.
He was never given a fair shake and they set him up repeatedly. We still voted him in.
If he was a puppet it wouldn't have been so hard or embarrassing.

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