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Sore Winners: We all MUST do better

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posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: Firsttimer
If you don't want to vote anymore then more power to you. If you are so sensitive that you can't bear to see someone celebrate a victory, maybe we need to get you a participation award.

I don't even understand what you're on about. I haven't said anything about not voting anymore. I haven't criticized anyone about "celebrating a victory," we're talking about the victor's vomiting all over the rest of us when their partying gets out of hand.

Calling others names and mocking and taunting your opponents doesn't make America great again... in fact, exactly the opposite. But if you want to be the foot soldier for the PTB and undermine everything Trump tries to accomplish, that's your choice.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 10:21 AM
I haven't really seen much gloating by " sore winners". I don't think people are really so enthusiastic about Trump, rather he was the best chance there was that maybe the country can be turned around. He's not a great leader, but he offered to give those who felt the country needed. Badly. But the sore losers, that's another story. It was one thing to have protests and hard feelings. Call them tantrums, call them sour grapes, but now its moved to a new area. The media is pushing the notion that Trump supporters are now committing hate crimes. This is done to stoke fear and hatred and most of it is B.S. Look at these so called hate crimes and its impossible to pin down just who is responsible. Somebody spray paints racist or other graffiti but no one has any eye witnesses. Others claim to be accosted or threatened and there's no way a suspect can be identified. The crappy Southern Poverty Law Center, a discredited organization for divisional partisan politics and sloppy investigating is involved in this. This is whats getting out of hand.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: Miracula2

Fail. If they violate the law, and they know it, and the law they breached constitutes a felony, then they are not capable of self discipline or self-control. Just because they haven't been caught doesn't mean that they aren't felons.

Yes, actually, the definition of a felon is someone who has been convicted of a felony. I should probably also point out that everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law and a jury of their peers declares them guilty. And, as I already explained to you, even being convicted of a felony does not necessarily remove one's civil rights.

That is the law of the land, whether you know it or not... whether you like it or not. If you cannot accept that, then you are part of the problem you claim to be against. And you are just one more foot soldier for the PTB. I believe another term is "useful idiot," whereas your self-declared opponents would be their "useful tools." They don't care about all your good and noble for reasons for your outrage against your fellow Americans. (They're laughing at your willing servitude!) They just care about the end result. Which is keep the American people divided so they can continue to rape and plunder our nation. That's who you are really serving.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: Dutchowl
I haven't really seen much gloating by " sore winners".

Lucky you!!! It has seemed to die down a bit here, and it was pretty darn bad at first, so I'm happy things are calming down.

The rest of the points in your comment are well said and well taken. There's bad behavior going on all over, and of course the media is framing everything in the worst light for Trump (and his supporters) while ignoring the bad behavior of others. Even the violent behavior! This is what we're up against.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: underwerks
a reply to: Boadicea
Let them have the W for once. Let them gloat. Donald Trump is the complete delegitimization of the right. They selected a barely literate President and a vice president who doesn't believe smoking kills and believes the earth is 6,000 years old.

Seriously. Which is worse? Getting voted out of Washington? Or getting laughed out of Washington?

I would say that Obama getting laughed out of Washington is the worst. Because that is exactly what happens when you con a nation with nothing but LIES for 8 years, and then expect not to get a royal ass kicking for it. And Trump is the new Grand Champion ass kicker. Either get behind a new beginning with better things coming, or get out of the way.

Sorry, but liberal society isn't going anywhere. You thought Obama was divisive? Wait until Trump.

Trump has the added advantage that since he'll be president next year liberals are going to go extra hard at everything they do and be even more in your face about it.

There's nothing you, Trump, Bannon, anyone can do about it. This is society now. Trump is the last exhalation of the fetid air that is modern conservatism.

Trump the "grand champion ass kicker" haha.

edit on 14-11-2016 by underwerks because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: underwerks
a reply to: Boadicea
Let them have the W for once. Let them gloat. Donald Trump is the complete delegitimization of the right. They selected a barely literate President and a vice president who doesn't believe smoking kills and believes the earth is 6,000 years old.

Seriously. Which is worse? Getting voted out of Washington? Or getting laughed out of Washington?

I would say that Obama getting laughed out of Washington is the worst. Because that is exactly what happens when you con a nation with nothing but LIES for 8 years, and then expect not to get a royal ass kicking for it. And Trump is the new Grand Champion ass kicker. Either get behind a new beginning with better things coming, or get out of the way.

Sorry, but liberal society isn't going anywhere. You thought Obama was divisive? Wait until Trump.

Trump has the added advantage that since he'll be president next year liberals are going to go extra hard at everything they do and be even more in your face about it.

There's nothing you, Trump, Bannon, anyone can do about it. This is society now. Trump is the last exhalation of the fetid air that is modern conservatism.

Trump the "grand champion ass kicker" haha.

If liberal society keeps up with their hateful intolerance and bigotry like they are doing, half of them or more will be spending their days looking outward from inside a 6' x 10' green metal cage with a cold steel slab for a bed.

edit on 14-11-2016 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2016 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: Miracula2

Nothing wrong with it until you get your punt return and are still dancing in the damn end zone.

Understand now? It's over, the other team already punted the ball and you are still in the end zone dancing.

posted on Nov, 15 2016 @ 05:14 AM
----double post---------
edit on 15-11-2016 by FelisOrion because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2016 @ 02:52 PM
Never in my years of lurking around here have I seen so much division and anger between members with opposing views. It is at times not nice to read - that's not aimed at anyone just a general observation on numerous threads I've taken the time to read. I honestly thought things would settle once the results came in. I was wrong, I often am but what the heck.

I have a lot of time for you guys and gals over the pond and have always found a warm welcome when I've been over. I honestly don't know where you go from here. The gist of what I'm attempting to convey is that rather than seeing this as a massive problem all round - why don't you see it as an opportunity to put things right over the next 2 1/2 years. Why that period? Well from my perspective Trump has 4 years - unless he gets impeached which is entirely possible. So in the next couple of years the Democrats need to find a candidate to unite the party and relate to the people behind them. Picking candidates from outside the Clinton/Obama family might be an idea
you folks keep voting for the same people and scream nothing changes. This is your chance. Pick a better candidate - not Kanye tho

Republicans need to think why Trump won and look for a way forward, he just might be frickin awesome you never know - really hope he is. If not you also need to look elsewhere and I would humbly suggest outside of the Bush family! I have hope for The Donald and think he'll be good for UK/US relations- unlike the current incumbent.

Overall it's been a kick up t'ass for your politicians and that's always a good thing, all you need now is a good thaw of all the snowflakes that seem to have penetrated every aspect of society - we do over here too.

Wishing you all the best


posted on Nov, 15 2016 @ 04:15 PM
At my work, there are many Trump supporters.

However, the overall atmosphere is not we all kept it on the down most of America, I assume.

So, come the victory...even we were a bit surprised (and relieved), but did we gloat? Nope...just quiet little smiles and head nods.

posted on Nov, 15 2016 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: DrBobH

Thank you for such a thoughtful post -- and for the well wishes. Right back atcha!

The gist of what I'm attempting to convey is that rather than seeing this as a massive problem all round - why don't you see it as an opportunity to put things right over the next 2 1/2 years.

I very much want to, and that's what I'm trying to do. I was pretty surprised when Trump won. But it is what it is, and I'm going to give him and chance and hope and pray for the best. We have an opportunity to turn the tides. I almost feel like these are the times that separate the men from the boys so to speak -- and the women from the girls, of course. We can be the change.

Overall it's been a kick up t'ass for your politicians and that's always a good thing...

Indeed. I am enjoying that aspect immensely!

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 02:01 AM
Gloating in the face of IDIOTS who CAN'T handle a loss? AS YOU BURN CARS DOWN, INTIMIDATE AND BEAT UP TRUMP VOTERS AND PASSERS-BY ALIKE, HOLDING UP TRAFFIC, SETTING S*** ON FIRE, SMASHING STORE WINDOWS, RIOTING, AND BLATANTLY ACTING LIKE F****ING TODDLERS??? NO WONDER a f***ing diaper pin is your LATEST "symbol!" "Hug counseling?" Christ... Yes, you CLEARLY DO need counseling. "Let the Tantrum Games... BEGIN!"


"Gloating" is making you all act like criminals? NOPE, your true hypocritical colors show when you're utterly defeated. That is all.
edit on 16-11-2016 by Kromlech because: (no reason given)

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