posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to:
From a smoker, who finds that other people treading into issues that they don't have a right to tread into:
Get a little pot that you can burn essential oils in, with a candle that provides the heat for simmering.
Buy the most obnoxious substance known to man, I am think african fish oil here. simmer the oil and left the obnoxious fumes envelope the house.
When complaints are received, enquire as to whether the complainer would prefer to smell cigarette smoke OR the obnoxious substance (a food substance
but one that is particularly offensive.
To all the other posters who insisted that the poster give up his rights in the room he pays for. SHAME ON YOU.
Have we all not lost enough rights and customs to whiners. The same people who complain of cigarette smoke smell will smoke skunk marijuana without
hesitation. The idea that cigarette smoke is offensive is a madison avenue idea foisted on us.
Back in the day, cigarettes were sold on the notion of a "rich virginia smoke smell" . People did not mind the smell of cigarette smoke at all (there
are always people with tastes that lie outside the norm).
Cigarette smoke has not changed its smell. What changed was peoples perception of the smell. And then only after an intense advertising campaign.
Why should a smoker give up the right to smoke in the only indoor place where he can smoke? If the room mates don't like the smell, they should go to
a bar or restaurant for relief.
Tired of Control Freaks