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Let the pink slips start flying for establishment media

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+83 more 
posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 08:56 AM
For me, the best thing about Trump's victory is the overwhelming defeat handed to Hillary and the Clinton Machine. However, if I had to pick another upside, it's the total asymmetrical take down of establishment media. Their credibility is totally shot. They are a laughing stock, from their failed data points and polling to their shameless biased coverage.

They consistently dismissed Trump supporter's opinions on what is important for this country and degraded them personally. But, worse, in my opinion, is their total failure in fully vetting Hillary Clinton and their complete shilling for her. If they had done their jobs, maybe the Dems would have run a better candidate. They completely buried the content of the Wikileaks emails and, instead, focused on characterizing them as being an instrument of Russia. Even today, they are scrambling to portray Trump's victory as doom for the U.S. and a failure of our political process rather than a victory.

Where is their criticism of Hillary failing to concede in person? They were so quick to be shocked and appalled by Trump's hypothetical that he would wait and see the results before conceding. Well Hillary did see the results and chose silence. Where is the media?

Where is their coverage of the violent protests in Oakland? Barely a whisper. But all night long they were highlighting the dump trucks in front of Trump Tower. Just dump trucks, out of precaution.

I hope the media giants start falling. It's all wrong and it's all broken. I don't know what will or should replace it. I just know that the media is every bit as corrupt and complicit as Clinton and the rest of the D.C. establishment on either side of the aisle.

Last night's coverage of Trump's victory was absurd and shameless. Feel free to post your editorials, rants, video clips or quoted excerpts here. It was abyssal and should be documented.
edit on 9-11-2016 by JetBlackStare because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: JetBlackStare
For me, the best thing about Trump's victory is the overwhelming defeat handed to Hillary and the Clinton Machine. However, if I had to pick another upside, it's the total asymmetrical take down of establishment media. Their credibility is totally shot. They are a laughing stock, from their failed data points and polling to their shameless biased coverage.

They consistently dismissed Trump supporter's opinions on what is important for this country and degraded them personally. But, worse, in my opinion, is their total failure in fully vetting Hillary Clinton and their complete shilling for her. If they had done their jobs, maybe the Dems would have run a better candidate. They completely buried the content of the Wikileaks emails and, instead, focused on characterizing them as being an instrument of Russia. Even today, they are scrambling to portray Trump's victory as doom for the U.S. and a failure of our political process rather than a victory.

Where is their criticism of Hillary failing to concede in person? They were so quick to be shocked and appalled by Trump's hypothetical that he would wait and see the results before conceding. Well Hillary did see the results and chose silence. Where is the media?

Where is their coverage of the violent protests in Oakland? Barely a whisper. But all night long they were highlighting the dump trucks in front of Trump Tower. Just dump trucks, out of precaution.

I hope the media giants start falling. It's all wrong and it's all broken. I don't know what will or should replace it. I just know that the media is every bit as corrupt and complicit as Clinton and the rest of the D.C. establishment on either side of the aisle.

For the record, several of the pundits on CNN did call Hillary out on her failure to concede. Thankfully, she did concede to Trump over the phone.

And this morning, on Sirius/XM POTUS Radio, I've heard several more liberal/moderate talking heads calling her out.

And for the record, the REASON Trump would have been called out perhaps more strongly is because he made those statements about not accepting the results of the election. Hillary had made so much statements.

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:01 AM
If Hillary wins the popular vote... then everything you said was false.

+6 more 
posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: JetBlackStare

It's going to be funny watching them do damage control,saw that last night as Hillary went down in flames,pretty much like their jobs,they started getting patronizing

+25 more 
posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: JetBlackStare
For me, the best thing about Trump's victory is the overwhelming defeat handed to Hillary and the Clinton Machine. However, if I had to pick another upside, it's the total asymmetrical take down of establishment media. Their credibility is totally shot. They are a laughing stock, from their failed data points and polling to their shameless biased coverage.

For me the victory of having the media's ass handed to them is the sweeter victory. They are a cancer that needs curing. Glad to see the electorate finally woke up.

+1 more 
posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: Lucidparadox

What? No.

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:05 AM
Another point: The media gave Trump billions of free dollars worth of coverage. No candidate has ever benefited more from media coverage than Donald Trump.

They didn't always say nice things about him, but Trump was happy to play the villian and keep the cameras rolling.

In my opinion, the real pox is on the alternate right media, for fabricating so many stories about Clinton. They have shown they are willing to pursue a business strategy based on outright lies.

+24 more 
posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: Lucidparadox
If Hillary wins the popular vote... then everything you said was false.

How do you figure?

All of the main stream media outlets had Hillary getting over 300 electoral votes. There polls did not have Trump winning one battleground state. They thought Hillary would win in a landslide. Her winning the popular vote would do nothing to change this.

+21 more 
posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:10 AM
Watching them last night was the most pathetic excuse for blame shifting I've ever seen.
saying crap like this;
'the Russians were actively involved in our election"
"this was a victory for whitelash"
"the average Trump voter is white and doesn't have a college degree"
"we know racism played a big part in Trump's victory"
"the markets may collapse in response to this"

blah blah blah.
They all had that deer in the headlights look as the results kept coming in with Trump on top.
They read every excuse in the books and they continue to sit like they're the paragons of truth and virtue.
Fire them ALL !! (except Judge Jeanine and Napolitano).

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:11 AM

originally posted by: Greggers
Another point: The media gave Trump billions of free dollars worth of coverage. No candidate has ever benefited more from media coverage than Donald Trump.

They didn't always say nice things about him, but Trump was happy to play the villian and keep the cameras rolling.

He absolutely played them and they inhaled it like crack - for the ratings. it was a sick, dysfunctional relationship.

And, in many ways, the same could be said about the media/Trump as could be said about the media/Hillary... if they had done their jobs better and fully vetted him early on, his momentum would not have snowballed. For instance, Assess Hollywood/NBC sat on that recording for a while. Plus all the Apprentice footage that exists.

+3 more 
posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:11 AM
I really didn't have a horse in this race, but if I were to guess, I think Hillary probably went on one of her super B Rants we have heard about and was probably loaded to boot by the time is all came to the finish line. Was probably better not to put her out in the public at that point. Like I sad, if I were to guess.

I agree with the OP, the media needs a serious spanking. Lucky for us, people were not deterred and did their own digging with what they had. For me, it was just WAY to much smoke to not be a fire burning somewhere. The other good news is that the percentage of us that now have a really good clue to what has been really going on is much higher. Even though I realize much of it was what many of us already suspected. It was actually rather interesting watching people become awake as more mail was released and trails were followed.

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: JetBlackStare
TV media has been old news for a long time. They are no more than entertainment for the elderly or those that don't have control of the remote.

Most folk are attached to their electronic devices and go straight to Twitter or ATS to get their in the moment news. Unfortunately the cyber news producers are no more reliable or unbiased than their TV counterparts. Add to it the ability for the peanut gallery to inject their own flavor of poison, and you can see where we may be swapping the devil for the witch.

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Watching them last night was the most pathetic excuse for blame shifting I've ever seen.
saying crap like this;
'the Russians were actively involved in our election"
"this was a victory for whitelash"
"the average Trump voter is white and doesn't have a college degree"
"we know racism played a big part in Trump's victory"
"the markets may collapse in response to this"

blah blah blah.
They all had that deer in the headlights look as the results kept coming in with Trump on top.
They read every excuse in the books and they continue to sit like they're the paragons of truth and virtue.
Fire them ALL !! (except Judge Jeanine and Napolitano).

Clearly, you're talking about CNN.

The CNN panel was divided into 3 categories:

1) The result reporters (including King and Blitzer). These guys were non-partisan and stuck to the facts.
2) The independent moderators (like Anderson Cooper)
3) The liberal talking heads
4) The conservative talking heads.

Categories 3 and 4 are there to be provocateurs.

Everything you mentioned was stated by one particular liberal talking head.

+6 more 
posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:15 AM

originally posted by: Greggers
Another point: The media gave Trump billions of free dollars worth of coverage. No candidate has ever benefited more from media coverage than Donald Trump.

They didn't always say nice things about him, but Trump was happy to play the villian and keep the cameras rolling.

In my opinion, the real pox is on the alternate right media, for fabricating so many stories about Clinton. They have shown they are willing to pursue a business strategy based on outright lies.

This argument about free publicity is a bad argument I think. Forst, Trump made himself more available to the media than any other candidate.

Secondly, we know the main stream media is in the tank of HRC. The emails showed HRC wanted Trump as a candidate. So even if they did help Trump in the primaries, it would have been because the Dems wanted Trump to win, and the media bashed Trump nonstop for the general election.

As for alternative right wing media;

no matter how bad they were, it pales in comparison to the collusion between the main stream media and the Hillary campaign. Heck, take their treatment of Trump out of the equation, look at how they screwed Bernie over.

Also, I think you are including reddit 4 chan and maybe even ATS users in your criticism of alt right wing media. I didn't see the big ones like Drudge or Breitbart commenting on pedo rings etc. that you are criticizing.

I will say that you are right to criticize the alt media though when they are wrong. Lets not act like they are infallible, or they will become the corrupt machine that the mainstream media is.

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:16 AM

originally posted by: JetBlackStare

originally posted by: Greggers
Another point: The media gave Trump billions of free dollars worth of coverage. No candidate has ever benefited more from media coverage than Donald Trump.

They didn't always say nice things about him, but Trump was happy to play the villian and keep the cameras rolling.

He absolutely played them and they inhaled it like crack - for the ratings. it was a sick, dysfunctional relationship.

I agree with you.

It would be nice if they focused more on policy topics, but apparently their audience was mesmerized by other antics.

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: Greggers

The CNN panel was divided into 3 categories:

1) The result reporters (including King and Blitzer). These guys were non-partisan and stuck to the facts.
2) The independent moderators (like Anderson Cooper)
3) The liberal talking heads
4) The conservative talking heads.

Categories 3 and 4 are there to be provocateurs.

That is EXACTLY what needs to stop and is exactly what's wrong. It's too combative/oppositional.

People want the straight facts from MSM. Let them get their echo-chamber bull# from their on-line alt sites and their FB feeds.

+2 more 
posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

"the markets may collapse in response to this"

This was all over the MSM last night. They were talking doom and gloom about the market going down 700-900 points when it opened today. When I last checked, the Dow was up about 2 points and had been swinging up and down within about a 30 point range either way. In other words, it looks like a rather calm day on Wall Street so far.
edit on 9-11-2016 by Slave2theTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:18 AM
Love the title and watch em sweat, the whole thing is classic all around

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:19 AM
After 8 years of the media coddling and protecting the president from criticism, we will see a return of media manufactured protests and nightly media outrage towards the president.

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: Greggers
Another point: The media gave Trump billions of free dollars worth of coverage. No candidate has ever benefited more from media coverage than Donald Trump.

They didn't always say nice things about him, but Trump was happy to play the villian and keep the cameras rolling.

In my opinion, the real pox is on the alternate right media, for fabricating so many stories about Clinton. They have shown they are willing to pursue a business strategy based on outright lies.

This argument about free publicity is a bad argument I think. Forst, Trump made himself more available to the media than any other candidate.

Secondly, we know the main stream media is in the tank of HRC. The emails showed HRC wanted Trump as a candidate. So even if they did help Trump in the primaries, it would have been because the Dems wanted Trump to win, and the media bashed Trump nonstop for the general election.

As for alternative right wing media;

no matter how bad they were, it pales in comparison to the collusion between the main stream media and the Hillary campaign. Heck, take their treatment of Trump out of the equation, look at how they screwed Bernie over.

Also, I think you are including reddit 4 chan and maybe even ATS users in your criticism of alt right wing media. I didn't see the big ones like Drudge or Breitbart commenting on pedo rings etc. that you are criticizing.

I will say that you are right to criticize the alt media though when they are wrong. Lets not act like they are infallible, or they will become the corrupt machine that the mainstream media is.

If there had been outright collussion between the MSM and Hillary, they would have given Turmp the "third party" treatment. That's how you make a candidate go away.

On the contrary, the media covered Trump, not just because he made himself available (although that was true), but because he was ratings gold.

Breitbart did run a number of blatantly false stories. You're correct in that I did not see the crazy pedo-ring story on Breitbart (perhaps that one was too crazy even for them), but they did cover the Podesta "poll rigging" and "getting illegals to vote" and the whole "public/private" position, which all were taken out of context and distorted. Again, the reason was not collusion (with Trump in this case) but for ratings.

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