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Stop using the word "Caucasian" to mean white

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posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: redhorse

So you can't explain how one person with recessive blue eyes mating with an ocean of dominant brown eyed people 6,000 years ago can create a hundred million blue eyed Europeans, but I'm the one who is completely backwards.


posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: peskyhumans

Okay. For all the good it will do. But last post to you because you are clearly so invested in a specific world view that you are not even willing to entertain any other.

Environment influences genetic selection. Mutations occur and some of these are successful within certain environments and disastrous in others. This is how evolution works. That's the whole point.

In humans (and in many animals for that matter) the genes for lighter skin and lighter eyes are associated. Lighter skin helps with absorption of vitamin D, which in more northern orientations can be difficult to come by. It is a case of environmental pressures selecting for certain traits and the prevalence of lighter eyes may be something of a genetic accident that is associated with the genetic advantage of lighter skin in environments where vitamin D deficiency may be an issue. On the other hand, there also may be other advantages to lighter eyes in those environments that we do not understand yet. So those traits were more prone to survival in Europe. Social/sexual selection may have also been part of that dynamic. Either way, this is why blue eyes are almost exclusively a trait associated with Europeans; as they moved out of the sunnier, warmer environment into Europe and had to adjust to a colder environment with less sunlight. The migration itself probably took so many generations that they had forgotten where they came from long before they got to Europe.

But again, skin and eye color are polygenic and some traits will manifest when others do not. For example, if someone with a dark complexion has some ancestors back there with light skin and blue eyes, probably on both sides, then the blue eyes may still turn up even with the darker skin (although this is rare enough).

posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: peskyhumans
a reply to: redhorse

That doesn't make any sense. If they can prove genetically that there is 1 ancestor where blue eyes originated, and that gene is recessive, then that 1 person mating with all the brown eyed people in the world would see his mutation vanish after only a few generations. The trait just wouldn't take off.

However if we assume that humanity originated in Europe, and that humans started with these recessive traits and then acquired more dominant traits (such as brown eyes) as they migrated elsewhere, the relatively large population of Europeans with blue eyes makes sense.

We need not assume any such thing, man was born in the tropics the toss up was between tropical Asia or Africa, Africa won out ,for that's where the data took us, there isn't a lot of Blue eyed folks in the world and yes given faster travel and migration it will likely disappear in the not too distant future, the future will look like Brazil.
edit on 31-10-2016 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 08:53 PM

originally posted by: digital01anarchy

originally posted by: Jahari
Evolution and the big bang are theories also. Black history revisionist? Not to sure where your going with this. Im sure you know that African languages, religions, cultures and history was taken. In my honest opinion you sound pretty insecure in who you are. As for the hair and eyes i will leave that alone because i know the point you wanted to make. Pretty ridiculous but yea.

The big bang theory serously? even hawking doesnt believe that theory anymore and he came up with it so I wouldnt hold it out as a beacon of truth but i get what your saying.

You really need to check your facts. A Belgian priest, Monseigneur Georges Lamaitre, originally described the expansion of the universe back in the 1920's and it was astronomer Fred Hoyle who coined the term "Big Bang" back in 1949. Hawking had nothing to do with either of the above. As for Hawking's view on BBT, he believes it is the most likely origin of our current universe based on the copious evidence supporting it. If you can't get basic facts correct, I wouldn't hold your particular opinion as a beacon of truth over what actual physicists and the data state.

posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 08:59 PM
I prefer "saltine american" thank you very much.

posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 09:57 PM
why is there a word for anyone. arent we all african if we go back far enough

posted on Oct, 31 2016 @ 10:04 PM
does it strike anyone as funny that we use colors to describe people that are not even accurate

a white person with a dark orange tan is still white

a black person who is not even black but more light brown is called black.

calling an asian person yellow is racist.

i guess if we want to get super accurate we need to start calling people by their real colors...

hey peach person, hey pink woman , hey pale guy hey red brown woman hey yellow tan so stupid.

posted on Nov, 1 2016 @ 05:50 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

fair enough

posted on Nov, 1 2016 @ 05:58 PM
From what my non-American, non-white friends have said, "We usually call them Europeans." This is kinda accurate.

They call white people European and Americans, well, American. If you're from Canada, same as an American but Australians and new Zeleanders get called by their country name.

posted on Nov, 1 2016 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: CuriousPhilosopher
From what my non-American, non-white friends have said, "We usually call them Europeans." This is kinda accurate.

They call white people European and Americans, well, American. If you're from Canada, same as an American but Australians and new Zeleanders get called by their country name.

Well sounds good until someone non white born and raised on the continent of Europe , decide they are European through culture and blood, then Huston we have a problem, ridiculous some may say, but I'd point to White people in Africa especially South Africa and Kenya despite the tensions they have had with originals insist on being called Africans , A White South African even trolled a grant made for African Americans by insisting he is African American some years back, and in South Africa Chinese are classed as Blacks because they suffered under apartheid racist system , and should be considered for whatever goodies going towards the Black masses...this offer did not extend to Japanese as they were Whites in S.A

South Africa Chinese Citizens Reclassified as Blacks
But to the O.P's point, if enough white folks are tired of the term Caucasian then it will change, Black folks especially in the West have gone through.

Moor: used in the Anglo speaking Caribbean early on as an insult for very dark-skinned folks hence in Jamaica someone may use the term Blacka Moor or Blackie Moor which came from Black ye Moor, interchangeable with the more respectable Negro, African and Ethiopian.

Ethiopian,: used in a general way for Black folks until it lost currency on it's own.

Negro which is now largely defunct may get you sneered at.

Colored: ,which sounds anachronistic and have folks looking at you side ways if you are not over 70.

Black: still have currency although it inaccurately ascribe a color to a people whose variation ranges from Mariah Carey
to Blacker than Dan Cheadle or Wesley Snipes.

African American: now in use , loved by many for it's connection a continent of origin with the hopes of cultural reconnect, hated by some for it's connection to a continent of origin with the hopes of cultural reconnect.
So yeah if self identified White folks want to have a name change , then you are perhaps long over do.
edit on 1-11-2016 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2016 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: Spider879

Sweetie, this thread is much ado about nothing. When I fill out a form I check 'white'. Done. No biggie, no questions, no self exploration, political comments, or questions.

This is a non-issue.

posted on Nov, 1 2016 @ 09:33 PM

originally posted by: angeldoll
a reply to: Spider879

Sweetie, this thread is much ado about nothing. When I fill out a form I check 'white'. Done. No biggie, no questions, no self exploration, political comments, or questions.

This is a non-issue.

But it's fun none the least

posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: angeldoll
a reply to: Spider879

Sweetie, this thread is much ado about nothing. When I fill out a form I check 'white'. Done. No biggie, no questions, no self exploration, political comments, or questions.

This is a non-issue.

Check out her other threads. To her, being white is a VERY big deal. White = good. Brown=bad.

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