I do not agree that "death is a part of God's design". And I believe to say "that it was a result of something man did does not change
that"...is a cop out to our own (our being some numb-nut way before me) failure as a species.
The idea, or more accurately, the ideal of God is not part of the conspiracy. The bastardization, to politicizing, the power-mongerin by the CREEDs
and RELIGIONs instituted are paramount to the conspiracy...(by the way, I'm not sure what conspiracy I'm talking about, but I'm damned sure
they're part of it
Religion=creed as far as I'm concerned. Let's think of any given religion...it is a compendium of edicts for the purpose of the member showing,
either to themselves, or more importantly to the body of the religion that they are, in fact, part of the body. "I have agreed to this creed."
If your Baptist that means you don't dance or drink. If your Jewish or Muslim you don't eat pork. If your Catholic...I'm not sure what you DON'T
do...but you DO a lot. Constructed machinations created by somebody way back there who thought their s**t didn't stink and could set up the rules
for everybody else.
Now, back to God. His intent was made clear (and this statement is based on a Judeo-Christian background and I don't give a flying leap if it
offends anybody). His intent was to have a creation that was made in His image (i.e. free-moral agent, spirt, soul) who had the choice of loving Him,
or not, and then deciding to love Him.
Did He have a grand plan that we would decide He wasn't enough...because that's basically the FUNDAMENTAL choice made...God wasn't enough.
"Loving you is not enough to make me happy." period. NO...I don't think He did have that grand plan. Furthermore, I don't think He chose to
"see" what the choice would be.
I give evidence of that statement by quoting a post I just made in another thread
Why must there be a linear, singular outcome? What if, in God's omniscience, He is aware of every conceivable outcome...the matrix of outcomes.
Then would you say "because He knows what will happen,it is predetermined?" That wouldn't make much sense then, because HE knows every conceivable
I agree with Seekerof. God KNOWING is not God predestining. The path is not set for any given individual.
One more thing to consider:
"And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart." Genesis 6:6 KJV
"And the Lord regretted that He had made man on earth, and His heart was saddened." Genesis 6:6 Torah (New JPS)
Here's my question to you: If you KNOW the outcome of an action prior to making it, and have the power not to make it, then how can you be regretful?
How can you repent of an action for which you have predestined the outcome?
HINT: Answer is...YOU CAN'T.
So consider, just because God CAN know the outcome, doesn't mean He has chosen to see it. There are many outcomes...the path to the future truly is a
matrix. I believe God knows the final outcome for each of those paths...He has left it to us to choose which outcome. "
There is a passage in the Bible (and, since I can't quote chapter and verse and don't feel like looking it up right now I'll paraphrase)...
In ancient times God made himself manifest to ALL men, but through the ages, and the adulteration of the truth by myths and legends, religions ran