posted on Jul, 6 2003 @ 10:46 PM
I just attended the UFO Festival in Roswell, NM. (I live in Roswell,NM.) One man, Larry Landsman, from the Sci-Fi Channel was a speaker on the
"ROSWELL DIG" (the Brazel Ranch-site) panel. (Remember the archeological dig the S-F Channel sponsored?) It was interesting. None of the samples
that were taken have been analyzed yet.
I also got to have a lengthy talk with Roy Thinnes, who starred in the TV show "The Invaders". I also got to meet & talk briefly with Richard C.
Hoagland. I also talked with Paul Davids, who produced the TV movie, "Roswell", with Martin Sheen.
I had a great time. I recommend it for all of you interestd in UFOs and ETs.