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Sci Fi Channel Pushing UFO Investigations

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posted on Jun, 22 2003 @ 01:36 AM

Sci Fi Channel Pushing UFO Investigations In an unusual step for a television network, the Sci Fi Channel is campaigning to persuade the government to be more forthcoming and aggressive in investigating UFO sightings.

Sci Fi has hired a Washington lobbyist, received support from former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta, sponsored a symposium on interstellar travel and is considering a court effort to declassify documents related to a 1965 incident in Pennsylvania.

Full Story: Click Here

posted on Jun, 22 2003 @ 01:45 AM
Yep, yep///looking forward to that show Tuesday night...declassified night.


posted on Jun, 22 2003 @ 07:38 AM
Ah yes, the disinformation flows....

posted on Jun, 22 2003 @ 08:19 AM
a few nights back I had my eyes glued to the tube

they covered old material as usual
the consintration was on documents

Right before they aired the UFO Crionicles, they presented THE KGB UFO FILES. Russian UFO footage and a long documentary. They showed a typical Saucer shaped object. It had Russian military officials standing around it. The disk was half way into the ground on its side. It seemed too small for a UFO, but who knows. They mention taking a burned body out and examining the remains in a medical facility. TNT presented the documentary.

I know that the Russian military was authentic because my father was wearing the same gear when he served his time back in the early 70's. Mostly unmarked wool brown coates, black boots/belts. Arm patch etc.

It was an interesting piece.

posted on Jun, 22 2003 @ 08:26 AM
I have one question, specifically about the pic of the Russians standing around the spacecraft buried in the ground....

Look at the pic... It is embedded at approximatley a 45 degree angle, and appears to have been traveling in the direction of the soldiers standing in front of it... However, behind the disk, I would estimate no more than 10 or 20 feet behind it, is an intact forrest... granted, we dont know how tall the trees are, but I would estimate at least 30-40 feet tall... and intact!

If this spacecraft were coming in at that angle, wouldnt it have taken out those trees?

This screams fake to me.

It appears to me that the disk was carried up there and buried, with the dirt pushed back on top of it. There is next to no crash debris, no outthrow from an impact crater (even if the object itself was undamaged, it would have thrown significant volumes of material out of the ground), no apparent broken branches where it would have hit the tops of the trees coming in, ect.

Its fake.

posted on Jun, 22 2003 @ 08:28 AM
Maybe this would be a good time to interject....
Who funds the sci fi channel?

posted on Jun, 22 2003 @ 08:34 AM
The Sci FI channel claims it is not funded from any outside source and unless you can gain access to their accounts you`ll never be able to check if they are lying or not.

posted on Jun, 22 2003 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by cassini
The Sci FI channel claims it is not funded from any outside source and unless you can gain access to their accounts you`ll never be able to check if they are lying or not.

I thought I read somewhere they were an offshoot of Fox???

posted on Jun, 22 2003 @ 10:02 AM
same people that fund Clear Channel and Time Warner I bet

posted on Jun, 23 2003 @ 03:32 AM
"I thought I read somewhere they were an offshoot of Fox???"

well I did some asking and research around it and could n`t find a hint of it. There may be cross ownership of some manner but the funding is theirs. I however, have no probs if anyone can find out different.

I have direct experience of Clear Channel and know full well who funds them, then again I know who funds everyone, they are called Banks and Bankers.

[Edited on 23-6-2003 by cassini]

posted on Jun, 23 2003 @ 09:20 PM
Right after reading DR's "The disinformation flows"....I decided to do a quick search to find the owners of the sci-fi channel... You can see the results here....

I wholeheartedly concur with DR on this one, hehe.... Global multicorp, specializing in information, environment, etc. Certainly fits the bill....

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by kitty
Right before they aired the UFO Crionicles, they presented THE KGB UFO FILES. Russian UFO footage and a long documentary. They showed a typical Saucer shaped object. It had Russian military officials standing around it. The disk was half way into the ground on its side. It seemed too small for a UFO, but who knows.

I saw that too. it was great to watch, just because it wasn't just the same old stuff. so many UFO documentaries are just rehashes of previous programs. don't know how seriously I took the Russian saucer footage...something about it looked too slick to me (the footage, not the UFO), but ya never know.

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 06:05 AM
Gaz, the type of ownership that is mentioned in that thread is the way in which capitalism works at this level. USA NEtworks is 45% owned by Vivendi and 21% Liberty. Vivendi is in its turn "owned" by two branches of one family, 2% by employees and some other companies.

Just because a company is owned by someone else does n`t indicate that its funding or policy come from there. Sci Fi remains a seperately funded company.

This is the way that capitlaism works its wicked way and is why I wrote this thread

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 07:13 AM
it certainly does set the wheels to turning, now doesn't it?

As far as the Russian footage goes, that isn't the first time that's aired, nor did that special show the majority of the tape. My opinion is that it is pure propaganda, aimed at disinformation....kind of Russia's way of saying "look, we have one biggie"... See DR's comments, as his reasons are the same as mine... This is not a natural crash's staged. I don't doubt that the film was made by the Russian government, hell, it might even be a real saucer, but the crash scene was staged...

I've gotten the distinct impression that the Sci-fi channel is going to be a middle-man clearing house, for the slow leak of revelation.....
But, it will be mixed (as most "genuine" info is)....with plenty of disinformation as well....

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 03:49 PM
A question was Who funds Sci Fi?

I thought it was USA that was the parent company. If you go to SCI FI's forums you will see topics that say Boycott USA and SCI Fi... I think some viewers were upset because they cancelled some shows or something.

[Edited on 24-6-2003 by Thatoneguy]

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 04:28 PM
who REALLY funds Sci-Fi? Personally, I suspect some serious disinformation/leaks to be forthcoming thru this channel. Many of the educational channels are likewise being fed. It makes sense. By and large, it tends to be the above average intelligence crowd to watch these, who then pass the word on. As coming from their respected/intelligent friends, it gradually becomes more accepted, and integrated into acceptance. Then, when the revelation occurs.....

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 06:23 PM
Well, officialy, the Sci-fi channel is part of the USA Networks. Which is, at least partially composed of the Sci-fi channel and the USA network (the actual channel). As for who owns them, that would be Vivendi Universal. More specifically the Universal Television Group:

Universal Television Group operates four U.S. cable television channels, including:

USA Network, a general entertainment channel offering original series and movies, off-network television series and sporting events (No. 2 channel in households with 86 million households),

Sci Fi Channel, which features original and classic science fiction, horror, and fantasy programming (reaching 80 million households),

Newsworld International, offering 24-hour international news.

Trio, the popular arts channel focusing on music, fashion, film, stage and culture, and


posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 06:30 PM
Heh, this reminds me of a post I made earlier, where a writer said along the lines of...

They travel lightyears, from an advanced civilization, only to crash in the middle of nowhere? what, are aliens just bad drivers? Is their technology actually not very good "Gee we lost another ship guess that engine wasn't too hot" (maybe it was a Lada spaceship)

Are aliens stupid or is this just another fake?

[Edited on 24-6-2003 by Netchicken]

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 06:34 PM
Dont drink and drive kids

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 07:37 PM
as they illustrate perfectly why this scene is staged. Note: I'm not even saying it isn't a bona fide UFO here, just that it did not "crash" this way.

Most of the crashes in UFO history happened in the late 40's, early 50's...there are little reports of it after. I'm surmising that originally, we shot them down, and they didn't anticipate the threat, and then later developed countermeasures, and a hostile attitude.

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