yes i so know mine would fill it up pretty darn good...there are days that i will just sit in my room and cry for no reason...we can make us a rainbow
of tears.....thanks for listening to me..
hello night..i know you heard me yell for you right..glad to see you..i think syx went other places....sorry...hey but i am just talking away here
tonight...LOL...and i dont always do this...
I am grateful. An odd word. But I am.
To be able to drop in and encounter loving, caring magnificently adventurous beings in this micro cosmos.
Yes my heart is to small to grasp the endless range of diverse compassion "we" have for each other.
There is a "we", ATS has hosted a space for us of hopefully endless companionship.
Sleep well, dream restfully.
i so need to get all the stuff away from my fireplace so i can have some heat in this room...well maybe i will just throw it all in the fire...well
thats a big maybe i would get rid of alot of stuff..and i wont be filling up the trash i have to think..what all can i burn in there..come
here syx i just want to burn your butt just to make sure its hot...sorry i just had to say that..then i can really say you have a hot a$$...even
though you do now..i will put you out...
It was you as a little girl hun. You brought Me into Your life even back then.
Even though I was small, I was about 3 and a half years older than You...
And the Unicorn also came along for a ride in Your mind...
edit on 22-11-2016 by SyxPak because: (no reason given)