posted on Nov, 22 2016 @ 08:08 PM
I'm back with plenty of stories to tell!
As most of you know, I went on a trip out to a haunted psych ward called the Randolph Asylum. It was a paid event where you got food, a historic tour,
and were allowed to lead your own investigations all throughout the night.
Now, although I believe 110% in ghosts, I still went in with a bit more scientific of a mindset than the investigators. There were three activities
that we did as a group before doing our own investigation.
First, we were taken to a room where an ghost-box application was running on a computer. I wasn't a fan with how they were using this as evidence,
mostly because those applications usually are fakes, or purposely have a theme going on in terms of what words are brought back. I didn't get any
immediate feelings that something was there in the room with us.
Second, one of the other investigators set up two flashlights at each end of our hallway; supposedly, one spirit would control one of the lights in
response to the investigator. These flashlights were twist flashlights. Well, at first we thought the investigator was remotely-controlling the lights
(he kept his hands in his pocket, and seemed to be close to the lights when they would be turned on or off. So, I offered up one of my own as a test
(one that I knew wasn't tampered with). My light surprised everyone, because on the investigator's command, the light dimmed and flickered on his cue
to the spirit.
Finally, we did an impromptu EVP session, which had the most interesting results. The test we did was a sentient test (determine if the entity is
conscious). The task was simple - we say a phrase, and the spirit is supposed to repeat it back. This happened a couple times, and then a skeptic
challenged the spirit to say "Jesus Christ". When we listened to the recording, the investigator passed it to us in small groups so we could confirm
what we heard. Everyone in the group heard the same thing: A resounding "NO!", and a muttered message saying to "get the **bleep** out".
I went to bed for a few hours, and apparently, I missed all the fun stuff in the basement - The 5 people that stayed up had objects move around them,
stronger EVP sessions, and felt things staring at/touching them.
In short: It was a very fun trip, and I can't wait till I decide where I want to go next time!
How's everyone else been?