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Feminists try to ban "The Red Pill"

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posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 02:48 PM
Feminism is so strident and angry that any attempt to reason with today's feminists results in fury.

Both my parents had parents who worked HARD. They worked in various industries, including those that are traditionally "male". My mother, my cousins, and various relatives, all worked in male dominated industries. They never pulled the feminist card.
My career was in the tropical fish industry, working alongside men and women in dirty, hot, wet hatcheries. Feminism was NEVER used by any of us as a reason to get out of work. The only time I had to ask off work was when my kids were sick. I was grateful my boss understood I had to be a mom. Good natured teasing did happen (from both sides!) I would say the men were razzed equally as the women. Since I was part time, I was paid less and had fewer chances for promotions than the full timers. But it was because I was part time, not female.

I despise today's feminists and their silliness. I guarantee that any woman who carries on about her "rights" and how unfairly she is being treated will NOT earn the respect of others.

Being good in an industry means being good. Not getting your way like a spoiled child.
In short, suck it up, buttercup.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: Reverbs

All hail the patriarchy, may the men rule for all eternity till the last dying breath of mankind. Fun fact World Patriarchy Day was and is Oct. 18.

It's funny honestly to see their reactions. But sometimes it is just too much and I personally do not have the patience.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: TheBulk

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: GrowandConquer
Feminists are rarely "Feminine" Most normal women don't like them any more than men do.

And thats just it. They are a extreme fringe minority..

A minority that every institution is caving too, making them not such a minority.

ikr, it makes no sense.
They are worried that these loudmouths will start screaming racism, the media will pick up on it, and joe 9to5 will hear about some kkk run school or some such and withdraw their kid.

who knows what is running this lunacy, but I dont think they are making much least not in the states.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: chronfucius

Great interview, thank you for posting.

Cassie Jaye makes a point that I have been shouting for years, as women, the majority of the time we are the ones raising the upcoming generation. As mothers we shape the minds of these little beings who have so much admiration for us.

If we want to "blame" someone for our injustice we need to take a good hard look in the mirror.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 04:01 PM


posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 04:05 PM
I have been divorced for 12 years and glad of it. My children's father was a very poor example of manhood but boy he could fix anything and was quite sophisticated being as an opera singer and all. But, I chose poorly-and I knew better-it was 1981-dated for 3 years an didn't marry til I was 27, educated and with a great job.
It was the 70s and I felt equal to men and all that stuff-even though I lost my great career due to pregnancy.
I will say, however, I so miss a man to do the manly things around the house and open the door, etc.
If we women keep bashing men-I fear we will lose them. There are a lot of good things with guys girls-and not just that one-you know what I mean.
Yes, I admit-I miss manliness.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 04:12 PM
Femanazi done to i am woman

i am femanazi hear me bella
as i cut the nuts off this fella
me and my femanazi friends

we cut our hair like little boys
cause we don't have any good toys
me and my femanazi friends

now that i've pissed the fems off, i'll leave and let you flame away.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

They have the same right to exist that any other advocacy does. There do exist actual instances of misogyny, but it's very rare anymore to find them truly institutionalized. So in order to justify their existence and (for all too many) their livelihood, they have to create new types of misogyny.

And sadly, you can apply this to any advocacy group.

If the fight is ever over, then those who made their living from it have no reason to be, but old warhorses don't like to put down their weapons and go home.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 04:27 PM
Both movements are a IQ barriers for society.

Smart people aren't part of either of them. Maybe it's because they feel isolated for being 'smart' and just see atrocity for what it is, no matter if the victim even be small animals.

Edit: For example, the wage gap. I genuinely dislike that idea and would love to fix it. I would also love to fix it if Men were paid less however. It has nothing to do with being female really. If there is a Black wage gap, I would want to fix that too. And specifically the gap, not contrived statistics. The whole point of equality is non-bias. You should address the issues slowly and make sure everyone is addressed.
edit on 25-10-2016 by imjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 05:38 PM
I believe that men and women all have varying strengths and where one is weaker in one area another the other can step in to offer support, and recognizing where we are strong and where we are weak individually without an ego trip can yield tremendous results in achieving our goals. I've also never seen so many grown ups behave like petulant, whiny and entitled teenagers when they don't get their way and I've witnessed male and female friends suffer greatly due to abusive/selfish entitled behavior of a partner. There is such an underlying sense of entitlement these days as if people think they deserve to be the center of the universe for no reason whatsoever and they are gracing us with their presence by merely existing. But I digress, I spent some time browsing through the /TheRedPill for a couple weeks last month, and while there are men who have genuinely been put through the wringer by selfish women, I'd hate for anyone who hasn't actually experienced a few hours browsing through that forum for themselves think it's nothing but innocent moaning and tips on self improvement and regaining financial and emotional independence after a relationship with a selfish woman has gone bad. The forum is full of much more of the same type of material of what I've posted below.

Disclaimer: I tried to edit out the language in these as much as possible apologies if I've missed anything.

Around six weeks into a hookup relationship women start feeling self conscious about getting c***** by a dude that only sort of remembers their name. This is usually about the time that they'll start trying to force the So What are We? conversation, more often than not at the behest of her friends. The trick is to preempt this talk with b***: "I'm a really spontaneous guy that lets things happen organically. I go with the flow and do what comes naturally. I'm totally open to a relationship but not if its rushed or forced." Now obviously the p**** recipient will either swallow the b**** or feel angry. The trick is to cram sugar and butter into her face during the conversation so she is more receptive. Start by bringing a skillet or grill to medium heat. Use this time to spew some bull# about your grandmother making this for you before she died of something horrible and sad. While the v**** person is distracted with feels, baste the peaches with your secret cinnamon honey butter sauce. Once the peaches are soft baste again and throw some ice cream or whip on that b****. Women are children so presentation is important. Then while she is still under the delusion that you are a half decent person casually sell her some I'm a spontaneous guy nonsense.

The Language of Food
The hottest b*** are usually the dumbest. They have no interest in abstract concepts. They won't comprehend your jokes and will resent you for confusing them. Avoid all of this nonsense by speaking to them through the language of food. Use your meals to give her feels. If children and animals can be manipulated with food, so can women. GLO Fit is the only clothing brand scientifically formulated to help you stuff your meat into Asian girls.

Good women want to feel sexy. They feel sexy, when you tell them what to do. They want to be told what to do, because that’s what their fathers did. If your with a girl and she doesn’t like been told what to do, chances are her relationship with her father is not good. And she’s had a weak or absent father growing up. The women who love been told what to do (aka been lead) usually have a strong positive relationship with their father. And chances are her father is a strong alpha male worthy of mentorship. Get on that. If you get a chance, watch how she interacts around her father. Is she engrossed in his frame? If she lights up when he’s around, and he has complete control over her attention and respect, you know that she’s already tame. This means that she is used to being told what to do. Initially, when you tell her what to do out of the blue, it’s not going to work out well. She’s not going to trust you/or she’ll test you a lot. These are fitness tests, and you can create a new frame around it until she starts to obey ³. See footnotes for more detail. Women communicate covertly, therefore you must change your actions for her to listen to you. OmLaLa has several excellent strategies for framing the relationship in a certain way. I suggest you read back on his post history for more detail.

”…The more you patronizingly treat women like bratty kid sisters, the more their v*** takes over their critical thinking skills. It all harkens back to the one fundamental principle guiding male-female relations: Chicks love submitting to powerful men. And what is a bigger demonstration of male sexual power than believing that a woman is so far beneath you that she is the equivalent of a child, hardly deserving of a serious answer or an emotional investment?

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 05:55 PM

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: seeker11

And someone could make all kinds of claims about this forum if we went through and picked and chose posts and threads, too.

Every community has its good and bad, even the feminist ones. I'll bet if you went to some of their places they have some real winners of crazy there.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Of course, but I'm saying this is a large majority of the sentiment I've seen in those threads. I didn't have to dig very deep or cherry pick too carefully to come up with the few that I shared, and of course everyone should research for themselves if they have their doubts. I've never visited a feminist forum and I'm not advocating whatever they're selling if it's the same tripe as that. My point is 2 wrongs don't make a right. Respect for all those deserving of and surely we can find more constructive ways to work through our differences.
edit on 25-10-2016 by seeker11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 11:26 PM

originally posted by: TheBulk

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: GrowandConquer
Feminists are rarely "Feminine" Most normal women don't like them any more than men do.

And thats just it. They are a extreme fringe minority..

A minority that every institution is caving too, making them not such a minority.
This, is one of my concerns. People are caving to it at often applauding or at best remaining silent, even when you know that they don't agree with extreme social justice warriors.

posted on Oct, 26 2016 @ 04:19 AM
To be fair, you will find a great deal of horrific, misogynistic stuff from MRA circles. Go online and read some of the things these people post about women, particularly check out the Red Pill on Reddit, and see for yourself.

Some of them actively advocate mental and emotional abuse and tend to advocate stances that generally serve as precursors to domestic violence.

Look, I've got my beef with third-wave feminists as well, and I think most of their stances are way out there in left field and heavily anti-male, but...dude. The other side of the coin is pretty horrific as well.

posted on Oct, 26 2016 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: AnIntellectualRedneck

This. Exactly what I was pointing out earlier, you just said it better than I.


posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: AnIntellectualRedneck

It is really really easy, on the internet, to infiltrate the forums of opposing ideologies to make posts pretending to be one of them.

Happens all the time.

Take everything you read online with a grain of salt, where 1% are sincere and the other 99% are some mix of trolls and false-flagging psyops.

posted on Oct, 30 2016 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: IridiumFlareMadness
Feminism is cancer.

Feminism is a hate group. Pure and simple.

posted on Oct, 30 2016 @ 10:09 AM
I think the saddest part is the effect of feminism on the dating/mating system and the childrearing that comes after that. sure women figure it out by their late 20's but then you have a whole group of men who are now jaded and turned to the meninist. Some actually learn the ropes of superficial attraction. I at one time learned how to talk and dress like an douche and it worked very well
What if traditional social norms did help keep this mess of poor mate/reproductive choices in check.

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