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Migrants rape woman in wheelchair- feminists protest against racism

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posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: yorkshirelad

This makes me angry.
Opinions like this which refuse to see the truth will be our downfall.
I suppose what goes up must come down and I am taking about civilisations.
We had it good - not perfect but good, after all we are all humans and there will always be a few bad apples even amongst civilised people.

What riles me the most is the absolutely inane argument that 'we had rape even before the immigrants'.
...Hang on, I am hyper ventilating.

OK, as I said before, even in a civilised society, you'll get the odd bad person. Yes, even without any immigrants, there were rapes.

However I was lucky enough to be young in a time where I went alone [!] as a girl into the city centre for shopping, where in the summer time, we went as young as 9 swimming all by ourselves and so on.

We knew about 'bad adults' and were careful but nothing ever happened. The only time I feared for my life included immigrants. In those days they were from Turkey, as the Greeks and the Italians had completely integrated and didn't live in enclaves ignoring our way of life.
Instead they opened restaurants and their children [of whom I was friends with] were for all intents and purposes German.
I suppose the most obvious reason for this is religion [or lack of a certain religion].

They weren't muslims and they came from countries that are in Europe.

I will not beat around the bush here, islam is not compatible with western ideology of freedom and equality.
Countries with an atrocious history of women's rights [non existent], where rape of young boys and women is seen as merely "meh", rather than the destruction of someone's life, can NOT suddenly change when they come to a country where this is not the case.

WHat makes it worse is that we are not allowed to 'teach' them our ways as it is seen as raciss...

So we are left with letting them in, letting them keep their views that western women are whores and sluts and now in sweden they are even getting away with it.

Anyone with a brain cell can see that this ADDS [ADDS ADDS ADDS ADDS ADDS ADDS] to rape statistics. Not takes away. Sorry to repeat myself, it EFFING ADDS to it.

We didn't do badly in Europe when it comes to rape. The vast majority of males were NOT raping anyone and those that did, were soon punished. Often family members or partners, very, extremely rarely sudden rapes on unknown victims or gang rapes.

It wasn't perfect but it worked, women were pretty safe.

Now we are not any longer. Gang rapes by immigrants, rapes of minors or vulnerable people have shot up. I wonder why?

Have our men suddenly turned?

Nope, correlation of cause and effect. A hell of a lot of immigrants from countries where women are just pieces of meat have entered our countries and rape of women, minors and vulnerables goes up.

To deny this, I have to assume you hate women and want us to be in danger. Because if we had a problem before, you don't make it worse by ADDING more danger. I am a woman and I expect to be kept safe. Why are YOU not keeping women safe? You rather make up something to help the 'poor' immigrants who are so misunderstood than see what is happening.

People like you should feel directly responsible for every rape of women, children and vulnerables by immigrants. Because you keep inviting them knowing fully well what their opinion of women and little boys are.

If you invite them, at least have the decency to demand a years worth of schooling these people in our culture, laws, religion, freedom and teach them that women are human beings. Also make sure they understand that the law will come down hard if they ignore any of this.

But that would be "rasiss" wouldn't it? Rather have women folk suffer and turn back the clocks on our once 'quite safe' way of life, invite islam and let them form enclaves from where they can keep their warped ideologies, never integrate and eventually spread islam to the rest of us.

Thank YOU for that, as it will happen.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 05:46 AM
I wonder how many so called feminists are actually helping out in refugee camps...

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 06:06 AM
The guy in this video speaks a lot of sense - some hard and uncomfortable truths.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 06:19 AM

originally posted by: Hecate666
a reply to: yorkshirelad

This makes me angry.
Opinions like this which refuse to see the truth will be our downfall.
I suppose what goes up must come down and I am taking about civilisations.
We had it good - not perfect but good, after all we are all humans and there will always be a few bad apples even amongst civilised people.

What riles me the most is the absolutely inane argument that 'we had rape even before the immigrants'.
...Hang on, I am hyper ventilating.

OK, as I said before, even in a civilised society, you'll get the odd bad person. Yes, even without any immigrants, there were rapes.

However I was lucky enough to be young in a time where I went alone [!] as a girl into the city centre for shopping, where in the summer time, we went as young as 9 swimming all by ourselves and so on.

We knew about 'bad adults' and were careful but nothing ever happened. The only time I feared for my life included immigrants. In those days they were from Turkey, as the Greeks and the Italians had completely integrated and didn't live in enclaves ignoring our way of life.
Instead they opened restaurants and their children [of whom I was friends with] were for all intents and purposes German.
I suppose the most obvious reason for this is religion [or lack of a certain religion].

They weren't muslims and they came from countries that are in Europe.

I will not beat around the bush here, islam is not compatible with western ideology of freedom and equality.
Countries with an atrocious history of women's rights [non existent], where rape of young boys and women is seen as merely "meh", rather than the destruction of someone's life, can NOT suddenly change when they come to a country where this is not the case.

WHat makes it worse is that we are not allowed to 'teach' them our ways as it is seen as raciss...

So we are left with letting them in, letting them keep their views that western women are whores and sluts and now in sweden they are even getting away with it.

Anyone with a brain cell can see that this ADDS [ADDS ADDS ADDS ADDS ADDS ADDS] to rape statistics. Not takes away. Sorry to repeat myself, it EFFING ADDS to it.

We didn't do badly in Europe when it comes to rape. The vast majority of males were NOT raping anyone and those that did, were soon punished. Often family members or partners, very, extremely rarely sudden rapes on unknown victims or gang rapes.

It wasn't perfect but it worked, women were pretty safe.

Now we are not any longer. Gang rapes by immigrants, rapes of minors or vulnerable people have shot up. I wonder why?

Have our men suddenly turned?

Nope, correlation of cause and effect. A hell of a lot of immigrants from countries where women are just pieces of meat have entered our countries and rape of women, minors and vulnerables goes up.

To deny this, I have to assume you hate women and want us to be in danger. Because if we had a problem before, you don't make it worse by ADDING more danger. I am a woman and I expect to be kept safe. Why are YOU not keeping women safe? You rather make up something to help the 'poor' immigrants who are so misunderstood than see what is happening.

People like you should feel directly responsible for every rape of women, children and vulnerables by immigrants. Because you keep inviting them knowing fully well what their opinion of women and little boys are.

If you invite them, at least have the decency to demand a years worth of schooling these people in our culture, laws, religion, freedom and teach them that women are human beings. Also make sure they understand that the law will come down hard if they ignore any of this.

But that would be "rasiss" wouldn't it? Rather have women folk suffer and turn back the clocks on our once 'quite safe' way of life, invite islam and let them form enclaves from where they can keep their warped ideologies, never integrate and eventually spread islam to the rest of us.

Thank YOU for that, as it will happen.

That's one post that really needs reading and understanding. Well done.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 07:42 AM
I saw some good ol' Nordfront in that video, y'all! Just sayin.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 07:46 AM

originally posted by: 4003fireglo
I saw some good ol' Nordfront in that video, y'all! Just sayin.

I didn't. I just saw a guy speaking sense, very eloquently.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 07:58 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: 4003fireglo
I saw some good ol' Nordfront in that video, y'all! Just sayin.

I didn't. I just saw a guy speaking sense, very eloquently.

Me, too. But he showed a news article from Nordfront.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: ksiezyc
a reply to: Konduit

Muslims are the highest tier of victim. Though as we see with cases such as this I do not think bringing savages into civilized nations can turn them into civilized beings...

Yep, what's that old saying, "you can take the boy out of the country but can't take the country out of the boy"?

Same BS with the Orlando shooter and gays.

Podesta's comment on the San Bernadino shooter, too.


posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

Yes, narrative vs narrative.

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