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Migrants rape woman in wheelchair- feminists protest against racism

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posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: goou111

Gotta save face, huh?

If the sign said refugees, it might as well say "racists for more racists" because every single one of the refugees coming out of Syria and the ME might not be rapist but they are all racist.

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 12:18 PM
That looks like an attempt to obfuscate the issue and derail the discussion. I cannot imagine why you would attempt to do that. I advise you to be cautious on what you advocate for or people may start to believe you are also harbouring some strange fantasies.

Kind regards.

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: CulturalResilience
If what you say is correct it has no bearing on the fact that a disproportionate number of rapes and sexual assaults are committed by adherents to the religion of peace and tolerance.

I was replying to a post specifically about the sign.

Can you trust that hit piece if they use bold face lies like that pic?

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: goou111

If you say so it must be true.

So, in one post you say you prefer "racist KKK skinhead Nazis" but now the refugees being racists is a problem.

One might think it is because those former racists don't pose a threat to you...

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: TheFlyOnTheWall
You're deflecting from the message. Sweden will trade racists for rapists and it's abundantly clear they've already done that.

Is it?

Are you denying what is actually happening there? Are you one of those feminist social justice warriors? Are part of the problem? What's your position here?

I'm questioning it. Not too much though.

My position is that people kneejerk. Call the other side SWJ snowflakes all you want but both sides are just as emotional.

What you've done is point out a mockery done on feminists and then try to deflect that as "knee jerk" when the reality is, a wheel chair bound woman was raped and the PC crowd condemns anyone from blaming immigration. Any "knee jerking" going on was you. The rest of the sane world calls it out and calls you out. If you don't see what's going on then you are part of the problem. I could be wrong about you but for you to point out a rather minuscule detail and claim to have an objection to the story based on that tiny, insignificant, irrelevant detail shows you have no ability to discern fact from fiction.

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: CulturalResilience

Get real, the image used is a fake. Questioning the veracity of the rest of the "report" is just as pertinent to the discussion as the rest. Particularly the idea that feminists are somehow siding with rapists.

Accepting refugees does not automatically mean condoning any illegal action by them. That is a non sequitur fallacy.

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: TheFlyOnTheWall

I don't even care enough to knee jerk.

I think reldra pointed out a bigger detail but that seems to have been overlooked in order to focus on me.

Since when is noticing a photoshopped picture not discerning fact from fiction? Seems to me that falls on the person asking how they could hold a sign like that. Take it up with them.
edit on 24-10-2016 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: TheFlyOnTheWall

That is so disgusting i can't even! What is wrong with this world that this can happen to a crippled woman by migrants and people don't even protest it???

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: TheFlyOnTheWall

I don't even care enough to knee jerk.

I think relda pointed out a bigger detail but that seems to have been overlooked in order to focus on me.

Since when is noticing a photoshopped picture not discerning fact from fiction? Seems to me that falls on the person asking how they could hold a sign like that. Take it up with them.

That image is only the cover of the video and has absolutely nothing to do with what Angry foreigner has to say. It's just a hyperbole to make a point. If it wasn't there, does it change the context of the message? No. You've made the non-sequitur.
edit on 24-10-2016 by TheFlyOnTheWall because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: TheFlyOnTheWall

Christopher Hitchens said it best, proving to be quite prescient:

"Two things, in my experience, disable many liberals at the onset of this conversation. First, they cannot shake their subliminal identification of the Muslim religion with the wretched of the earth: the black- and brown-skinned denizens of what we once called the “Third World.” You can see this identification in the way that the Palestinians (about 20 percent of whom were Christian until their numbers began to decline) have become an “Islamic” cause and in the amazing ignorance that most leftists display about India, a multiethnic secular democracy under attack from al-Qaida and its surrogates long before the United States was. And you can see it, too, in the stupid neologism “Islamophobia,” which aims to promote criticism of Islam to the gallery of special offenses associated with racism.

The second liberal disability concerns numbers. Any emphasis on the relative birthrates of Muslim and non-Muslim populations falls on the liberal ear like an echo of eugenics. It also upsets one of the most valued achievements of the liberal consensus: the right if not indeed the duty to limit family size to (at most) two children. It was all very well, from this fatuously self-satisfied perspective, for Paul Ehrlich to warn about the human “population bomb” as a whole, just as it is all very well for some “Green” forces to take a neo-Malthusian attitude toward human reproduction in general. But in the liberal mind, to concentrate on the fertility of any one group is to flirt with Nuremberg laws. The same goes for “racial profiling,” even when it’s directed at the adherents of an often ideological religion rather than an ethnic group. The Islamists, meanwhile, have staked everything on fecundity."

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: TheFlyOnTheWall

Calling it hyperbole makes it something other than a lie?

Like I said, I replied to a post about the image. I don't even care enough to listen to the message. I'll give reldra the benefit of the doubt and accept that botched police work got them off and not alleged feminists standing up for rapists.
edit on 24-10-2016 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: TheFlyOnTheWall

But Julian Assange is forced into asking for asylum from Sweden and the US because he allegedly did not use a condom. Makes sense.

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 12:48 PM
Hear ye, hear ye. Thee hordes of maniac Third Wave Feminazi's and everything they claim to be about are hereby discredited for now and all time, from alpha to omega. Yea.
edit on 24-10-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 12:52 PM
Questioning the report is legitimate, but using that questioning as an attempt to detract from the issue is not.
a reply to: daskakik

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 12:54 PM
That would be more accurate if you changed it to say everything modern feminists say and stand for is wrong. instead.a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss.

(post by TheFlyOnTheWall removed for a manners violation)

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: CulturalResilience

Detract from the issue, what exactly is the issue?

Thought I would give it a try and couldn't do it. 17 minutes of the same old BS.

PC brigade says that refugees should not be seen as rapists (even though some are) and "whatevertheothersidecallsthemselves" says they are defending rapists.

I guess both sides hyperbole their asses off.

Squeaky wheel, oil and that stuff probably comes into it.

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: TheFlyOnTheWall

I'm not debating. I'm participating in an internet thread.

I guess snowflake might bother me if I cared, but I don't.

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: TheFlyOnTheWall

I'm not debating. I'm participating in an internet thread.

I guess snowflake might bother me if I cared, but I don't.

Apparently snowflake is a bad word now so I'll repeat my findings without hurting feelings.

One of the figureheads of the more peaceful protests was 26-year-old Camilla Sandelius, who organized a large demonstration in support of women and formed a vigilante group, which now reportedly has some 700 members, Swedish news outlet Fria Tider reported. According to Sandelius, the odious gang rape against the wheelchair-bound woman was the straw that broke the camel's back for many Gotlanders. "I believe that this was the last straw. We cannot take more of it. We have not asked for criminals who attack our women sexually. We have simply not voted for it," Sandelius told Swedish news outlet Fria Tider. Consequently, Sandelius claimed to have received personal threats and was portrayed as "Nazist" and "fascist" in the local newspapers, who were at pains to dissociate themselves from the vigilante initiative. Swedish Radio went even so far as calling the released suspects "scapegoats," showing no compassion for the rape victim. Additionally, Sandelius had to endure a harassment campaign on social media, when people claiming to be supporters of the Feminist Initiative Party assaulted her with all kinds of obscenities and crude remarks.

What's your response to this

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: TheFlyOnTheWall

Already responded.

Two groups decided to butt heads over an issue and are now engaged in a contest to see who can squeak the loudest.

Whichever side wins won't change what happened and it won't stop future rapes so, I guess you can get all hyped and enjoy the rush that comes from being on either side or you can just point that out and get called out for "derailing" the discussion.

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: CulturalResilience


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