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Interesting Trends Among Black Folks Due To "Racial" Divide.

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posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 12:54 AM
There are some interesting trends afoot coming out the perceived racial divide , race is not really a thing but I digress.
Most is coming from younger Black folk, who are tired of being put upon, from negative university experiences, racist taunts ,black faced parties on college campuses to general tensions, where as their parents or grand parents would tough it out, they just say screw this and start looking at HBCUs, Historically Black Colleges and Universities or housing with no white ppl, in other words safe space segregation is what they are into, yes I know many here is going to say it's racist and on the face of it, it is, but they see it as a way to minimize conflict or getting away from passive aggressive behavior, this has spilled over into the Bank Black movement, where people are taking their savings and putting it into Black banking institutions, this with the hope of getting credit to start-up without the usual runaround from "white" owned institutions , and yes there is a boom to Black own banking institution with lines so long, they are serving cookies and refreshments while you wait, one story recently showcase why this did not came out of thin air, matter of fact this happens all too often here is the latest.

A Banker Called HR At A Black Architect’s Firm To Prove Her Paycheck Was Real

“When I realized that I was defending who I was, trying to prove to someone I didn’t know who I was, I knew I was being discriminated against,” Trish Doolin told BuzzFeed News.

Before that was a Texas guy that lost his job because a bank froze his assets , and all kinds of bad things happen there after, simply because some random bank dude believed he couldn't or shouldn't have that kind of money.

A somewhat humorous encounter with a cop and couple of young entrepreneurs,
But a darker side to this, why the assumption in the first place??.. anything could have gone south from there, a wrong hand movement perhaps??, and hence you have Black folks self segregating themselves in gated high end communities such as Desoto Texas.

Now my own thoughts on this, my life have been richer because of multi ethnic..didn't want to use the word"racial" but it's less cumbersome...experience yet without losing an once of ethnic pride, not all my experience have been positive but I am stronger because of it all, the great, the bad and the ugly, now do I think Black folks should bank in businesses that disrespect and under value them, live in neighbor hoods that don't want them or get an education in learning institutions that frustrates them..No! but I do worry about us developing a siege mentality where we trust no one while we build ourselves a golden ghetto, perhaps this guy put it in some context.

While the entire vid is worth viewing, I bid you to go to time 20:36 first for the purpose of this thread.

edit on 12-10-2016 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

+2 more 
posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 01:06 AM
a reply to: Spider879

Racial nationalism is an absurdity for reasons that have been made apparent throughout history. The ethnicity must be American, or the whole will crumble.

Good read.

+13 more 
posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 01:25 AM
a reply to: Spider879

I disagree with you.

Either segregation is bad, or its not. The idea that somehow black youths are barraged by racism, especially at colleges is just not true. Sure you can point out instances, but how would that be any different than me pointing out instances of bad behavior by black youths.

Most colleges lean to being extremely liberal. These liberal colleges promote diversity to the extreme. They also make entire curriculum about "whiteness" being a problem.

If a white person wanted a safe space from minorities because they felt attacked (especially in lieu of the fact that there are entire majors that are sanctioned by universities to criticize whiteness) you would call them a racist.

I have a different reason for these calls of black segregation we are now seeing on campuses. I think many of these blacks have been told how bad white people are, and how there is systemic institutional racism, and how they are victims.

They see that when the college world the more they play the victim, the more rewards they get. And the administrators are so concerned about not appearing racist that the will give in to any ridiculous demand. The more demands that are met, the more crazy and abudant the demands are made.

And now we are at the point where some black people are demanding segregation. We have come full circle to an idea that was rejected a half a century ago.

Think of it this way, when black that are demanding segregation and the administrators that are with them are agreeing with neo nazi skin heads that the races should be separated, you may have a clue that there is a problem.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 01:36 AM

originally posted by: Grambler
a reply to: Spider879

I think many of these blacks have been told how bad white people are, and how there is systemic institutional racism, and how they are victims.

They're not being told, they're seeing. Not "systematic institutional racism" , actual racism. I. E. Being followed by a Leo to prove a residency. As if a, even if they didn't live in the area they'd be breaking a law... B. Im going to guess that leo is a hero to most here, and c. Racism is some idealistic "systematic b. s. " and not real...
Segregation in the name of hate i disagree, segregation in order to not have to prove your paycheck is actually your own, or not be humiliated and have to prove you own a house because you're breaking the law of being black in a white neighborhood then, yea. Maybe it's not a baf idea for people whom go through what yhese two went through because they simply exist.

That cu nt was clutching a rifle under his vest too ready to kill. I wish he'd trespass on my property...

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: Grambler

I agree that things are no where what it was 50yrs ago, and that's why I dropped Tyson to give a lil context, but I can't dismissed their claims off hand either, yes you and I are made of sterner stuff especially if you are over 40, but in their eyes the world is collapsing and is as real to them as a generation or two ago with the fire hoses and dogs, social media definitely plays a part as those who may not have suffered any actual discrimination felt the same as those who do, yes most Colleges have a nanny bent where one may not say certain words, have unpopular opinions to the frustrations of visiting comics and this is not just an AA thing, but stuff that impact them negatively on campus have them behaving very different form their parent or grand parents.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 01:49 AM

originally posted by: odzeandennz

originally posted by: Grambler
a reply to: Spider879

I think many of these blacks have been told how bad white people are, and how there is systemic institutional racism, and how they are victims.

They're not being told, they're seeing. Not "systematic institutional racism" , actual racism. I. E. Being followed by a Leo to prove a residency. As if a, even if they didn't live in the area they'd be breaking a law... B. Im going to guess that leo is a hero to most here, and c. Racism is some idealistic "systematic b. s. " and not real...
Segregation in the name of hate i disagree, segregation in order to not have to prove your paycheck is actually your own, or not be humiliated and have to prove you own a house because you're breaking the law of being black in a white neighborhood then, yea. Maybe it's not a baf idea for people whom go through what yhese two went through because they simply exist.

That cu nt was clutching a rifle under his vest too ready to kill. I wish he'd trespass on my property...

Of course racism exists. No one is denying that. But it goes all ways.

So your only example of racism you cite here is leo racism? Its been rehashed over and over, but to only look at the leo side as being in the wrong is only half of the equation. Sure there are problems with things like profiling, but there also is a disproportional amount of black violent crime.

You can see how its not so cut and dry if you change demographics. You know what group is profiled by police, pulled over disproportionately, given harsher sentences, and shot more by police more than any other by a huge amount?

Men. So are the cops all misandrists? Or are they profiling the group that commits the most crimes.

And what does police interactions have to do with needing segregated spaces on college campuses? I dont see the connection at all.

And as far as the videos posted, I am sure you could post a bunch of videos like that, or of white people attacking blacks.

But there are also youtube channels with literally thousands of examples of black violence. There was just a thread on ATS that was huge at the Charolette riots , when a crowd of black beat up a white man that was on his knees begging to not be beat.

Can whites use these videos as examples of why they need safe spaces?

I will choose to think that all segregation is bad. All it does is bring even more contempt for others based on skin color.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 02:06 AM
a reply to: Grambler

And what does police interactions have to do with needing segregated spaces on college campuses? I dont see the connection at all.

Yes there is a connect, the same attitude prevails , listen to what the young man said at the very end.
That would make you wanna cash out right there. subtext : in other words don't live or invest in that community,
go live in your own and you won't get hassled.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 02:14 AM
Here's something, to put things into perspective for the AM why not immigrate a million African refugees into their neighborhoods to show they care about their own ? it will also take the "me me me" out of their BLM persona's.

I propose that once the Million African refugees come into their lives it will be a very humbling experience and that they will see that they are in fact better off than 99% of the planet and this constant infantile whining about being treated unfairly will soon evaporate into something along the lines of "Stop that Whinging".

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 02:26 AM
a reply to: TheTory

Racial nationalism is an absurdity for reasons that have been made apparent throughout history.

I should say that history proves its viciousness and its ultimate folly, rather than its absurdity.

The ethnicity must be American, or the whole will crumble.

This is correct, though obviously not feasible. You cannot force people to assimilate or to abandon their ancestral cultures. Attempting to make them is simply another form of racial oppression.

I live in a country where one ethnic group accounts for two-thirds of the population and another for about a fifth, with the rest divided among three or four (depending on how you count) other groups. As long as my country was a British colony there was an external power to maintain peace among the communities, but since independence the country has been racked by ethnic violence, minority groups are variously oppressed and the government is an effective dictatorship of the majority. In the three generations since Independence we’ve had three constitutions, two assassinations of heads of state, an attempted military coup, two left-wing militant uprisings (which also failed), and a decades-long ethnic war which ended less than a decade ago. Things seem to be getting better now — the polity seeming to have hammered itself into shape through all this self-flagellation — and perhaps, in a generation or two, we will see the beginnings of a nationalism based on loyalty to the state rather than to one’s racial or religious grouping.

My country is much smaller than the United States, it is home to fewer different ethnic and cultural groups and — above all — its history does not carry the stigma of slavery and institutionalised racism, which does not wash out easily. I feel that the United States has a lot more hammering left to do to itself before the old white-supremacist USA can be shaped into a new race-blind polity.

Yours sincerely,

The Whig

P.S. Your portrait of Burke is visually perverted. The original, ironically, faced left. Did you turn him to the right on purpose?

edit on 12/10/16 by Astyanax because: ...oh, just.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 02:27 AM

originally posted by: mazzroth
Here's something, to put things into perspective for the AM why not immigrate a million African refugees into their neighborhoods to show they care about their own ? it will also take the "me me me" out of their BLM persona's.

I propose that once the Million African refugees come into their lives it will be a very humbling experience and that they will see that they are in fact better off than 99% of the planet and this constant infantile whining about being treated unfairly will soon evaporate into something along the lines of "Stop that Whinging".

Well most African migrants do end up in the greater AA communities so not a big deal, and by the 2nd generation are as indistinguishable from their old line AA neighbors, and whining ?? I wouldn't call what a lot of them experiencing on a day to day basis whining , you look at certain spots in African where folks are desperately poor , but in many African nations the ppl there are doing quite well , in some cases better than their poorer African American cousins across the pond.
edit on 12-10-2016 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 02:33 AM
This sounds a bit like someone believing their own lies. Just another way of playing victim while ignoring reality. Granted racism does exist but not to extent of affecting an entire race to form their own community; that would be working in reverse of what Blacks have claimed was racism to begin with.

Surely any minority realizes that going backwards will not help them in the future nor will it bode well for their children.

Why lose all the forward motion their ancestors have paid the price for?

This would make no sense and set them back for generations and in the end where would they be? Probably set a divide of have and havenots within their own communities and weaken their race.

We, as a country, decided long ago we are a stronger nation when we work together, not divided.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: Spider879

It is human nature to want to be surrounded by people of similar look, culture and life experience. If people that identify as 'black' want to segregate themselves then that is their right and frankly 'normal' human behavior.

Birds of a feather and all.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 03:51 AM
This whole "racism" goes only against the Black man just screams of "I Want Preferential treatment" and not have to put in any extra effort. How about next time your pulled over by the "Man" don't give him "Smack" and instead respect and just see what happens. Maybe if you have a criminal record and you show your hands and act polite and respectful then maybe they won't feel they have to shoot this disrespectful @sshole.

When your going for a job don't act like your back on the block with attitude, show respect and talk in a calm respectful manner. Then perhaps you'll get respect and actually be in a chance for the job, instead of the interviewing thinking that this guy is goiung to be nothing but trouble. So many times now I keep seeing the Darker Skinned races just looking for the most minute of excuse to fire up and drop the race card again and again.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 04:10 AM

originally posted by: mazzroth
This whole "racism" goes only against the Black man just screams of "I Want Preferential treatment" and not have to put in any extra effort. How about next time your pulled over by the "Man" don't give him "Smack" and instead respect and just see what happens. Maybe if you have a criminal record and you show your hands and act polite and respectful then maybe they won't feel they have to shoot this disrespectful @sshole.

When your going for a job don't act like your back on the block with attitude, show respect and talk in a calm respectful manner. Then perhaps you'll get respect and actually be in a chance for the job, instead of the interviewing thinking that this guy is goiung to be nothing but trouble. So many times now I keep seeing the Darker Skinned races just looking for the most minute of excuse to fire up and drop the race card again and again.

You are assuming that black college grads ,behave like they are on the block , and that the block they came from are typically down scale, nothing is further from the truth, they are well prepared most of the time, however I can tell you if they are entering a white firm , and sitting beside an equally qualified white dude in the lobby, it may pop in their minds that they are going to go with the white dude, if they happen not to get hired it's a question they will never get answered but it stays with you, actually Black ppl with Black sounding names get skipped over a lot too many examples out there, much less putting your race on an application which often demand that you do.
So what's the next move if one suspect that you will not get a fair shake?? look for opportunities among your own folks, or create one if you are ambitious enough.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 04:21 AM

originally posted by: Metallicus
a reply to: Spider879

It is human nature to want to be surrounded by people of similar look, culture and life experience. If people that identify as 'black' want to segregate themselves then that is their right and frankly 'normal' human behavior.

Birds of a feather and all.

That maybe true to a certain point, but many seek contacts with folks not exactly like themselves, but yes the familiar is more comfortable, the thing is though Americans share a common culture although experience may differ at times, although many think there is a wide gap, Americans are at their most American when they are expats in some other country.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 04:24 AM
FFS ATS, when you try and post a long post as the last one on the page, it just gets cut off in the middle. And there is nothing I can do, only wait until someone posts and I can post it on the new page. This is really crap. Can't post now, even though it took me almost 15 min to compose.
edit on 12-10-2016 by Hecate666 because: formatting is crap on ATS

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 05:18 AM

originally posted by: Metallicus

It is human nature to want to be surrounded by people of similar look, culture and life experience. If people that identify as 'black' want to segregate themselves then that is their right and frankly 'normal' human behavior.
Birds of a feather and all.

Fair comment, and free choice .... just quit playing the victim and pulling

the race card which usually follows not intergrating.

At times like this (to inject a bit of humour) I hear in my head the voice

of Ali Gee saying .... *Is it cause I is black.* LOL!!

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 05:30 AM

originally posted by: mazzroth

When your going for a job don't act like your back on the block with attitude, show respect and talk in a calm respectful manner. Then perhaps you'll get respect and actually be in a chance for the job, instead of the interviewing thinking that this guy is goiung to be nothing but trouble. So many times now I keep seeing the Darker Skinned races just looking for the most minute of excuse to fire up and drop the race card again and again.

Well said ....

Ten people up for a job, all with similar qualifications all equally qualified.

Five of them are black, five of them white ... A white person gets the job

the other four white people say to themselves "better luck to me next time

and i will make a bit more effort in whatever direction next time".

The five black people say to themselves "It was because I was black!"

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 05:57 AM
a reply to: Spider879

My University invited speakers at our annual black Heritage Festival that preached enslaving and wiping out white people to which the black students all cheered and clapped.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: eletheia

Ten people up for a job, all with similar qualifications all equally qualified. Five of them are black, five of them white ... A white person gets the job the other four white people say to themselves "better luck to me next time and i will make a bit more effort in whatever direction next time". The five black people say to themselves "It was because I was black!"

And with good reason to ask the question, was it because I am Black??.. the others don't need that extra burden to their list for stuff like that is born out of experience.

Job applicants with white names needed to send about 10 resumes to get one callback; those with African-American names needed to send around 15 resumes to get one callback." A job applicant with a name that sounds like it might belong to an African-American - say, Lakisha Washington or Jamal Jones - can find it harder to get a job. Despite laws against discrimination, affirmative action, a degree of employer enlightenment, and the desire by some businesses to enhance profits by hiring those most qualified regardless of race, African-Americans are twice as likely as whites to be unemployed and they earn nearly 25 percent less when they are employed. Now a "field experiment" by NBER Faculty Research Fellows Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan measures this discrimination in a novel way. In response to help-wanted ads in Chicago and Boston newspapers, they sent resumes with either African-American- or white-sounding names and then measured the number of callbacks each resume received for interviews.

Thus, they experimentally manipulated perception of race via the name on the resume. Half of the applicants were assigned African-American names that are "remarkably common" in the black population, the other half white sounding names, such as Emily Walsh or Greg Baker. To see how the credentials of job applicants affect discrimination, the authors varied the quality of the resumes they used in response to a given ad. Higher quality applicants were given a little more labor market experience on average and fewer holes in their employment history. They were also portrayed as more likely to have an email address, to have completed some certification degree, to possess foreign language skills, or to have been awarded some honors. In total, the authors responded to more than 1,300 employment ads in the sales, administrative support, clerical, and customer services job categories, sending out nearly 5,000 resumes.

The ads covered a large spectrum of job quality, from cashier work at retail establishments and clerical work in a mailroom to office and sales management positions. The results indicate large racial differences in callback rates to a phone line with a voice mailbox attached and a message recorded by someone of the appropriate race and gender. Job applicants with white names needed to send about 10 resumes to get one callback; those with African-American names needed to send around 15 resumes to get one callback. This would suggest either employer prejudice or employer perception that race signals lower productivity.


'Resume whitening' doubles callbacks for minority job candidates, study finds

While 25.5% of resumes received callbacks if African American candidates’ names were “whitened”, only 10% received a callback if they left their name and experience unaltered. For Asian applicants, 21% heard back if they changed their resume, and only 11.5% of candidates did if their resumes were not “whitened


What gets me is , most people here will acknowledge racism exist but stop short of saying that racism may have affected the out come and thus Black job seekers should not factor that going in or out of an interview all else being equal.
I bet quite a few folks here will bypass or casually dismiss the above and give the same tired old spin.

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