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The ‘Tex’-Files : Engine Stopping UFO - Levelland, Texas 1957

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posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 07:58 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I was trying to please the teacher but had no answer.

What pattern?

posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 08:06 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear

I've never seen an "orb" per se, and I'm 100% open to the concept.

It's a bit more upsetting in person. And memorable, in more than one way.

Bedlam has....but isn't open to my explanation.

I must have missed it. Sorry - work here is bloody hell and I am often sort of skimming through things the last couple of weeks.

Bedlam doesn't believe in "faeries" and seems in denial about how little 50's era saucers, eggs and dwarves are still commonly seen to this day.

No, no faeries. But I don't doubt that people see all sorts of things, as I said, go visit a MUFON 'outing' and act like an enthusiast, you can watch them identify everything from lightning bugs to 747's as UFO visitations.

posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: Phage

I'm not a teacher.

Well i don't want to stuff conclusions down anyones throat this time.

(In fact I'm trying to give up that annoying habit).

There are some really intelligent people on ATS, and id love it if some of them could put pieces together on their own...and advance the discussion in a more helpful direction, rather than just being Breakaways, Occultists, Religionists, UFO worshippers, mindless debunkers, etc.

One might interpret this as divide and conquer and nullify, if one wished to assign conscious agency to the conyroversy.


posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

Upsetting is seeing a "gray alien" 30 feet away years before they were invented, before "Communion", and naturally i don't believe in them.

This is another clue to the phenomenon.

Btw...i hope i never misquote you.. If so, please correct me.


posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

id love it if some of them could put pieces together on their own...and advance the discussion in a more helpful direction, rather than just being Breakaways, Occultists, Religionists, UFO worshippers, mindless debunkers, etc.

The whole problem with "connecting dots" is that without sufficient information (like sequential numeration) there is no way to do so in a coherent manner. Attempt to do so end up, once again, in the realm of speculation about Breakaways, Occultism, Religion, UFO worship, and mindless debunkerery, etc.

People have seen and experienced weird stuff. I can accept that. What I cannot accept is that any of it can be attributed to any single cause, or class of cause. This does not mean that it does not stimulate curiosity, but without further information, curiosity doesn't go anywhere.

I pointed out some vague problems with some paths of speculation about prosaic explanations. I'm curious. But ... so what? It's a puzzlement. what? Where to take it from there?

edit on 10/15/2016 by Phage because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/15/2016 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: Phage

I never said anything about a single cause.

I do say "the phenomenon" quite often, but i endeavour to make it clear that there is layer upon layer of complexity that needs to be discussed and researched.

I concur that there are various concentrations of cause effect pairs in "UFOlogy":

Wishful thinking
Religious delusion
Societal programming to keep us ineffectual
(Minorly) exotic aircraft
Hessalden lights type stuff..


I'm not actually interested in UFOs (in my view
There are none..never have been any).

But that doesn't mean that i chalk everything up to djinn or whatever either.

I'm afraid that I've become more circumspect...i don't have quite as much information as i want.

But like in "Messengers of Deception" I'm increasingly intetested in potential sociological, political and psychological patterns (and potential patterns).


posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

But like in "Messengers of Deception" I'm increasingly intetested in potential sociological, political and psychological patterns (and potential patterns).

Patterns. There are some, in some aspects. There are none, in other aspects.

One thing I've become more aware of (in large part due to the efforts of MM) is a pattern of information (dis and otherwise) being provided to a particular group of people.

I've seen a couple of things in the night sky that I have no explanation for. Nothing nearly as impressive as those described in the OP, which makes the range of possible explanations wider. However, they will likely always remain unexplained because I will likely never obtain more information about them.

But then, no one has directly provided me information (dis or otherwise). I hold no standing in the world of UFOlogy. Maybe that's part of a pattern.

edit on 10/15/2016 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: Phage


I'm always curious what truly neutral parties would see or not see.

However there don't seem to be a lot of neutral parties.

I'm guessing that would just keep you off the playing board, when it comes to the "UFO deception playing board".

Trust me, thats a good thing.


posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: 111DPKING111

I note that in Kevin Randle's blog he claims that 'static' interfered with the vehicle radios. Something I didn't see mentioned in the Loren Gross booklets on the case. Although it's possible I missed something..

.....Here’s the thing about the Levelland sightings. There is some evidence that investigations of that case from all points of view was less than stellar. According to the records I have reviewed and the documentation available from various sources, there were witnesses at thirteen separate locations who reported engines that stalled, lights that dimmed and radios that filled with static. The Air Force claimed in press releases that only three people had seen the object, though they would eventually claim six observers, and to them, if they hadn’t interviewed the witnesses, they didn’t exist. Donald Keyhoe claimed nine but his estimate, as we now know, was low.

Source : Kevin Randle Blogspot

So we seem to have multiple witnesses, reporting static effects on their radios, engines stalled out and lights dimming when within around 200 feet of an unidentified object. There are no known natural phenomena that can cause this disruption to a vehicle. The known technology of the day does not provide any reasonable explanation.

The Iron Skeptic explains it all away as being down to the every day statistics of how many people might suffer vehicle trouble.

So what do I think happened? Well, we've established that the United States was in the grip of absolute, bone-jarring fear of the Soviet Union. Throw in one guy who claims a UFO stopped his car, and that's a soup sure to breed hoaxes, false claims, simple misunderstandings and paranoia-induced misidentifications.

Let me put it this way: I have a car, and it acts oddly, say, twice a year. There were, let's say, 10,000 people in Levelland. There are 365 days in a year. That means, assuming that car breakdowns are evenly distributed around the year, there should be 54 people whose cars are behaving oddly. Assume that when their cars break down, about 10 percent look up, see something odd in the sky, and become convinced space aliens want to make them late for supper. Assume that there are one or two people willing to hoax local townspeople, and you've got the Levelland sightings.

I will ignore the absurdity of that calculation (all 10,000 people in Levelland would not be vehicle owning adults). Because the witnesses all described seeing something as well.

Unless this was some kind of hoax involving all the witnesses then I think the case has to be a genuine 'unexplained' UFO case.

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: mirageman

This is why I mentioned TV interference at Ripperston farm in Wales. The resolution was to switch from 240 to 110v until the interference ended. There is a nearby "oceanographic institute " that in reality is probably part of the US undersea detection network.

At RF, tv interference and car interference as well as Lightall interference occurred.

I'd like to suggest:
- That UK USAF bases use 110v not 220/240 as used in the UK
- That some powerful device in those bases generates the interference seen in those UK cases, designed for US AC voltage

That regardless of this case, some conventional technology exists that when overdriven overwhelms electrical cirtcuits with RF.

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: ctj83
a reply to: mirageman

This is why I mentioned TV interference at Ripperston farm in Wales. The resolution was to switch from 240 to 110v until the interference ended.

In terms of how you'd deal with normal interference, that doesn't make sense. Even in general, it doesn't, unless Welsh appliances are a lot more flexible with their power requirements than the norm, most TVs designed for 240 won't work at 110, and where did they get the 110 from?

There is a nearby "oceanographic institute " that in reality is probably part of the US undersea detection network.

This is, apparently, a fairly standard ruse, given that I worked for an oceanographic institute/foundation in between sessions at university which was actually Up To No Good for a military group.

That regardless of this case, some conventional technology exists that when overdriven overwhelms electrical cirtcuits with RF.

RF wouldn't stop point contact ignitions, nor put out headlights. At least not until you got up to a power density at which you'd be getting punchthroughs on the point capacitor, and arcs between turns on the ignition coil. But you still wouldn't put out the headlights. And the damage would be permanent. And you'd burn out the front end of the radio. So you'd have trouble with '...and everything just worked again', which is a high bar to pass, indeed.

A lot of energetic processes put out a barrage of low frequency RF noise that will swamp AM radios. I wouldn't focus on that part, tbh.

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

Oceanographic institutes. Front for navy projects. Rand sperry....

You mean woodshole is up to more than finding undersea thermal vents.

Thinks back to 70s and NR1. Eonder what they got now.

Bob ballard looking fir the titanic or on a mission to investigate the thresher before that grimsley guy gets shots of more than just her screw. Which he thought was the titanics

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Im afraid the Iron Skeptic is more interested in proving his skepticism than discovering the truth, but I do get the sense from others here and on Randle's blog that arent quite so shallow that there just isnt enough here to go down the ET rabbit hole. Its an interesting case with a brick wall at the end... not enough info... this is part I cant understand.

The object seems to have a proximity effect that kills engines and headlights. We did figure out how to split the atom a few years back and this technology doesnt seem too far away from that, but current evidence suggests we didnt have it.

But on top of that this object rises up and takes off(maybe this resulted in the energy fields that killed the engines), would be incredibly useful for both civilian and military, I simply cant conceive how this technology remained hidden if in fact it was a military black project.

If not ET, then what? The easy answer is , I dont know or not enough information. Consider the possibilities, whats the likelihood of each?

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 11:11 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: 111DPKING111 came back with 28 hits on "large glowing object".

Im sure that slight variations would boost that number to hundreds or thousands.


Cool website Kev, somehow I have missed coming across this site. The search engine leaves a little to be desired, but good info.

posted on Oct, 17 2016 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: 111DPKING111

Personally I find the "super black project" theory just as unsupported/laughable as the "ancient alien"/ETH theory.

But what does that leave us?

We can chip away at *some* of the high strangeness if we postulate a low-moderate black project theory, but that does nothing to explain the most difficult cases nor does it explain the millions of other cases, many of which come in daily.

As neither huge squadrons of "beyond star tech technology ships" nor huge squadrons of alien ships could possibly explain the ridiculous variety of "craft" shape, sizes, colors, capabilities, and apparent behaviors,

that leaves us exactly nowhere, except very uncomfortable Vallee-like theories.

Now, I'm not jumping up and down on the EDH theory ether.. as an automatic "god did it-like" theory.

One of the very first rational things to notice, is that human imaginations are quiet prolific, and in fact possibly being stimulated to see/experience all this stuff. Almost like '___' is being dumped into the water.. or weird non-ionizing radiation is being sprayed around to affect human minds.

Unfortunately there are no solid candidates there either.. one can rant about fluoride in the tower or cell towers or things like that, but those are almost certainly dead-ends too.

But that our consciousness is being modified/controlled by a (dare I say) "control loop" seems probable.

Now, why it appears that the really strange/powerful cases seem to have occurred in the "golden age"
from 1947 to say 1990 -- a very interesting question. makes me think that they are still happening, perhaps at a more subdued or refined level.. I mean I do have to agree that there aren't many "1947 or 1952 flaps" happening now.... of course people will mention Phoenix lights and Brazil flaps and others.. but still....

That's where my minds at.

We need to admit to ourselves that we are barking up the wrong tree, waving around super-tech or ETH,
swallow that biter pill, and move on.


posted on Oct, 17 2016 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: 111DPKING111

Personally I find the "super black project" theory just as unsupported/laughable as the "ancient alien"/ETH theory.


Apart from personal bias- why is that?

I think I've listed them for you before, but why do people with MIC ties seem to congregate around the UFO topic like flies?

It's not like the National Park Service has a long list of previous employees who take it upon themselves to drive by Bigfoot topics on ATS and impart tasty "ITK" snippets whenever someone says they saw one is it??

There can be only 2 reasons and it is either to provide information (poor job folks as surely the DIA acts on breadcrumbs as much as bread loaves) or to provide disinformation (which is a very strange use of their time if they all just do it for free as hobbyists).

I've actually come round to thinking a lot of UFO sightings might be atmospheric anomalies (such as PLASMA- none sentient mind you!!!!) but you cant ignore the facts that:

A: significant money has been spent on lots of "UFO enabling" type technologies over the last 50 years and
B: that past/present MIC employees love anything to do with UFO's for some reason.

edit on 17-10-2016 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-10-2016 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2016 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: Jukiodone

You wrote a fair enough response, so i will do the same (I always attempt do do that).

Presuming that MIC = military industrial complex.. I will first respond in a manner which partially affirms your point of view.

I have no problem with their being various vigorous black programs, some with cutting-edge technology, and some of it involving things which float and have additional propulsion assistance (notice my words?). I don't have a problem with
crinkled surfaces to improve surface area, to allow for a unique charging effect to take place. I have no problem with active camouflage systems.


These and other such projects "are not UFOs".

The reason that MIC personnel love "UFOs" is for various reasons. One being the aforementioned.

But there are others.

The old "occult scientists" are looking for new physics, and they went deep down the bunny hole looking for it; they left deep marks all over the MIC in the process. They found something. But it was not "UFOs". But it does LOOK like UFOs
these days. It's very deceptive.

There is also a "conspiracy" to convince people that UFOs exist for various cover purposes. That cover conspiracy has worked too well.. some of the MIC people themselves fall for it. But as super compartmentalization that's not just fine, it's perfect.

So you get civilian contractors for the military, who are swept along with it, becoming one of those outer deception layers, and then they come to places like ATS and spread this cover story, as true believers.

The "reality" is that the "real UFOs" (they aren't really UFOs) are something completely different, and various groups, both MIC, non-MIC, civilian and popular, are acting as unwitting cover for "the real deal".

What is the "real deal"?

I will have to pull a Vallee on that one.

I hope you see that I'm not hostile or dismissive of your view.


posted on Oct, 17 2016 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: 111DPKING111

there just isnt enough here to go down the ET rabbit hole. Its an interesting case with a brick wall at the end... not enough info... this is part I cant understand.

The object seems to have a proximity effect that kills engines and headlights. We did figure out how to split the atom a few years back and this technology doesn't seem too far away from that, but current evidence suggests we didnt have it.

I agree. In fact we don't seem to have ever had this technology. Nor do we know of anything in the natural world that temporarily kills the engine and the headlights.

But on top of that this object rises up and takes off(maybe this resulted in the energy fields that killed the engines), would be incredibly useful for both civilian and military, I simply cant conceive how this technology remained hidden if in fact it was a military black project......

One thing of note is that there was also a roar or rush of wind reported as the 'object' ascended into the air.

However promising as this case seems it does hit a brick wall. Had a proper investigation been done at the time then maybe the data would have provided more clues. Civilian reports only add to the mystery. Meanwhile US Air Force (even though an unidentified object is flying around and landing in Texas) seemed totally disinterested in doing anything more than closing off the case as solved.

Similar incidents continued for more than a week.

Yep it's a mystery and maybe always will be.

posted on Oct, 17 2016 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

That cover conspiracy has worked too well.. some of the MIC people themselves fall for it. But as super compartmentalization that's not just fine, it's perfect.

I am convinced of it. There is no movement for disclosure that ghosts really are spirits of dead people with letter agency spooks (pun intended :lol
poking their nose in the topic. Some other 'paranormal' topics may be slightly greyer areas. But UFOs attract so many personalities from the MIC claiming to be in the know on the UFO topic. It muddies the waters and makes it nigh on impossible to see a clear path.

That's why I think there is something at the bottom of it all.

posted on Oct, 17 2016 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Meanwhile US Air Force (even though an unidentified object is flying around and landing in Texas) seemed totally disinterested in doing anything more than closing off the case as solved.

Sure, they are going to pull the Oz trick and tell us not to look behind the curtain. Especially given our relationship with the USSR, there is no way they didnt look into it or already know what was going on.

Yep it's a mystery and maybe always will be.

Back in Tigers prime as a golfer, the question was whether you take Tiger or the field to win it.

In this mystery, do you take human agency or the field(ETH, Vallee's control theory, supernatural, natural phenomena, time travel, other dimensional beings, or the infamous none of the above).

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