posted on Nov, 2 2016 @ 11:13 PM
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Great thread, as are really the only reason I visit ATS...
Seeing that Alchemy was broached as a subject and it is something that I have an interest in [mostly outer alchemy/thought the principles are
intertwined] I would be willing to bet that the Abzu or Abyss is present everywhere in the structure of the is the great breach in the
physical [El/Mag] world...the 'spaces' in-between...which is not to say that this sight would not be significant geographically.
We know that there are Gates and Portals all over the world that are based in mathematics...(the Abyss is based in linear primes and their location in
space time; all right angles; this is how demons travel)...this may be a Djinn Gate, concentrated weakness in the Space/Time fabric, leaking Chaos;
the primal force into the world. Thus significant from a geology and alchemical standpoint.
For me, to 'open the Abyss' is to access the primal creative force; Chaos...[shrug] and it is entirely possible that Chaos is statistically
concentrated here. One, theoretically, could open a door to Chaos anywhere, if you knew how to read the universe.
A 'blood offering' would 'knit the door closed' as FE [iron] interferes with El/Mag...hence the puppies and piglet offerings. Think of it as an iron
cage or sealing of the Abyss...more blood = stronger cage for this geographically weak area.
The more little carcases they remove in their
'excavations' the worse off the breach will become (haha people walk around thinking that the ancients were 'cavemen'; lol no respect).
The classic 'Opening of the Abyss' biblical mention will be that someone understands how to manipulate spacetime without having to 'go to a specific
geographical location'...they will simply be able to see access all energy/light [both darkness and light] that travels at right angles. For this it
would be better to have copper based blood [aka blueblood] than iron based blood...iron would act to naturally seal any breaches as quickly as they
were accessed (self defeating).
At any rate I am utterly fascinated by everything you presented...drawings, diagrams, photos and cool...into the brain they all go to
mingle and percolate.