posted on Oct, 2 2016 @ 01:37 PM
Internal Universal Inhabitants scan-
Seems the more advanced type civilizations master technologies that extend their life cycles somewhat avoiding direct death with transfer - hop -
switch body forms technology. And they don't require primitive behaviors of search and salvage... anymore...
Those excelling their technologies related to biological extending who my be lower level types but above type 2 civilizations would possess
technologies to yes seek out planetoid and moons - nebula & stars for fuel, mineral resource integrity. Most would harvest off of non active zones,
remaining hidden from their potential adversaries.
As opposed to say they harvested on active inhabited zones where wars could start with natives of said locations, that could alert their adversaries
of their presence. Which causes resources used to fight war and losses taken from wars. Which to an advanced intelligence should seem wasteful?
However lower primitive type civilizations near type 0 yes they may be LEARNING of the losses a civilization may take when engaging in wars why
seeking to advance inside? And these lower forms in their learning phases of seeking truth and eternal understanding of themselves may sadly carry
out atrocious activities and behaviors on other lower type civilizations and or trapped higher civilization explorers - knowledge bringers -
observers, for reasons of their own to survive. In the lower realms.
So 1 thinks it is possible there exists some malevolent who act like pirates why others seek to pull others up out of their grasp (that's Love right?)
into higher type standards of existence as some may have done for them helping them reach higher type civilization levels beyond illogical pain
distribution upon others.
So to simplify be optimistic whatever may occur.
Some may be thinking responds may be like little ants taking the entire planet to war and winning (impossible it seems!) but what if the ants gained a
collective frequency advantage with others to work as one and decide to eat all the planets flora supply at specific timed sequences?
Leaving no food for those at war with. There is a conspiracy of feeding sadness fear to? With hate attack tactics generated. But there is also
edit on 10/2/16 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)