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Leeds Tent City

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posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 08:34 AM
So in my home town some amazing people have set up a tent city at the beginning of the week, this is to raise awareness of hidden homeless and provide a safe dry environment for the homeless to get some sleep.

fantastic idea and all was going well until it was noted that the Olympic parade is due to run through leeds city centre later in the week so now all the occupants have been evicted.


facebook page

the other unfortunate thing is that the media are calling it a protest and it is not all the tents are occupied with homeless folks.

they attended local council offices for assistance to which they are been outright denied help as shown in the video .

facebooklink, sorry not on youtube

the council saw the guy was live streaming on his facebook account and cut the interview short.

I think more could be done to help the homeless they have relocated to another site in the city out of the way of the parade but I don't see why they should hide .


people need to wake up this is happening everywhere across the globe .

what are your views on this guys>?

+mods feel free to move if its in wrong place I wasn't sure where to put this.

edit on 27/9/16 by masqua because: edited 'All Caps' title

posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 08:48 AM
Charities don't help anyone. Or just barely. Millions are taken in and by the time "administrative costs" are paid, very, very little actually goes to help the homeless. The CEO of a charity should not be making 1 or 3 or 5 million a year. I know it's a lot of work, but they're supposed to be doing it to help their fellow man, not to get rich and take the money from those who actually need it. Money should go from A to B with almost no stops in between. If the money that's been taken in over the years had actually went where it was needed, there would be no homeless.

posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 08:51 AM
Poor Buggers,it's going to start getting pretty cold at night soon

Surely the council can do more to shelter them?

posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: Whereismypassword
Poor Buggers,it's going to start getting pretty cold at night soon

Surely the council can do more to shelter them?

the video on the facebook page shows them in the council office's been turned away and the meeting cut short as they sussed he was live streaming they are watching the guy who is campaigning for them very closely.

posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

In the UK our local councils should provide shelter and in long term a council property

posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: dingdongdoodah

The council are not doing their job they should be offering shelter for them short time and council property for the long run

It just looks like they are being ignored,I and many others pay our council taxes and expect them to help people in need rather than just push them away and expect others to solve the problem

posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 09:47 AM
I believe in England you may be a bit
kinder to people who are homeless.
The main Catholic Church in downtown
San Francisco turns on special water sprinklers
to soak and make sure Jesus's favorite people are cold.
You know, as God intended.

posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: Whereismypassword

they get a set budget to help homeless people every year they are obvs putting the money elsewhere . where though is the question ?

posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: UnderKingsPeak
I believe in England you may be a bit
kinder to people who are homeless.
The main Catholic Church in downtown
San Francisco turns on special water sprinklers
to soak and make sure Jesus's favorite people are cold.
You know, as God intended.

god that's grim.

posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 02:23 PM
I've noticed they have created a go fund me page , are we allowed to post stuff like that on here? as I would just pop a link to it if so.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 12:12 PM
In Italy earthquake refugees are still living in tents and winter is coming;

posted on Oct, 2 2016 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: dingdongdoodah

If I was in that situation I wouldn't want to be in some tent city. I'd rather be hidden away somewhere if you could find a place that is. Less embarrassing. Like anyone seeing you there would know your totally down and out. But I don't know.

posted on Oct, 2 2016 @ 07:35 AM
Well at least most of the immigrants will have shelter.
edit on 2-10-2016 by starviego because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2016 @ 10:28 AM
Hi I am one of the guys who got Leeds Tent City on the ground next to Leeds town hall . We called this site camp 1 .
Leeds Tent City isn't a protest and none of us have experienced activism on this scale before . The original idea for tent city came when we heard a council official address a homeless summit for the city only to say there wasn't a problem with homelessness in the city . He said official figures showed 15 homeless people in the city all of which were offered hones and refused .

There are 3 totally unfunded groups working in the city who regularly provide the homeless with donated clothing , hot food and drinks . We estimated between 40 and 50 homeless . At the last count we had 62 tents on the ground some occupied by more than one person.

We have with the help of a independent outreach team homed 6 people from tent city since it's start . The biggest success being a guy called Simon who's mother saw him in a live feed from the camp . She had been looking for him for 7 years and he left home in his teens believing nobody wanted him at home. He is now back with his family 70 Mike's away.

While the council still hasn't given us much help at least their lies and corrupt u Se of government funding is being unpicked and we won't stop taking action until every tent we have donated lies empty .

If you would like to know more we have our own Facebook page called " Leeds Tent City" and if you would like to donate our GoFundMe page can be found there.
The support we have had from the public of Leeds and now globally has been humbling and together we will put a end to Leeds City Council hiding it's homeless by using its own employees and a private company to deprive the homeless of sleep and ban them from the city .
Since the outset no homeless person has been beaten , abused or harrased by the public or authorities and have slept for as long as they need safe and undisturbed.
Solidarity and compassion is all we have needed to take this action . Thanks for your time .

posted on Oct, 2 2016 @ 10:28 AM
Hi I am one of the guys who got Leeds Tent City on the ground next to Leeds town hall . We called this site camp 1 . We were evicted and are now at camp 2 around 3hundred metres from the first
Leeds Tent City isn't a protest and none of us have experienced activism on this scale before . The original idea for tent city came when we heard a council official address a homeless summit for the city only to say there wasn't a problem with homelessness in the city . He said official figures showed 15 homeless people in the city all of which were offered hones and refused .

There are 3 totally unfunded groups working in the city who regularly provide the homeless with donated clothing , hot food and drinks . We estimated between 40 and 50 homeless . At the last count we had 62 tents on the ground some occupied by more than one person.

We have with the help of a independent outreach team homed 6 people from tent city since it's start . The biggest success being a guy called Simon who's mother saw him in a live feed from the camp . She had been looking for him for 7 years and he left home in his teens believing nobody wanted him at home. He is now back with his family 70 Mike's away.

While the council still hasn't given us much help at least their lies and corrupt u Se of government funding is being unpicked and we won't stop taking action until every tent we have donated lies empty .

If you would like to know more we have our own Facebook page called " Leeds Tent City" and if you would like to donate our GoFundMe page can be found there.
The support we have had from the public of Leeds and now globally has been humbling and together we will put a end to Leeds City Council hiding it's homeless by using its own employees and a private company to deprive the homeless of sleep and ban them from the city .
Since the outset no homeless person has been beaten , abused or harrased by the public or authorities and have slept for as long as they need safe and undisturbed.
Solidarity and compassion is all we have needed to take this action . Thanks for your time .
edit on 2-10-2016 by Longsider because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2016 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: bigpatato

Some of the homeless still living alone around the city . We know we don't have them all in tent city.
The downside of living alone on the outskirts of the city is the homeless are much more susceptible to attack. They regularly have what few possessions they have stolen and are also urinated on all to often . Their average nightly sleep while living a solitary life is between 1 and 3 hours .
At least while in our camp2 none of the above crimes have been committed against them . None of them even had a tent to sleep in before tent city .
Thanks for your input .

posted on Oct, 2 2016 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: dingdongdoodah

people need to wake up this is happening everywhere across the globe

In the past 45 years that i have had access to the far South West town of Truro, Cornwall, UK, only now are there people setting up tents in the town center at night.

Then often before 9 AM they are gone only to appear somewhere else in the town that same night. They are always in their 20's with no future, not even farm labour.

From what i know, even further West, in Penzance, the entire towns youth has gone to the dogs.

posted on Oct, 3 2016 @ 02:46 AM
a reply to: Rapha

While visiting friends in Falmouth I visited Truro and noticed it had a big homeless community. The employment opportunities in Cornwall as a whole are very poor and I feel for those who have tried and failed to stay homed .
I am inclined to look at austerity as the cause to all of our homelessness but all previous governments, including labour, have done little to fight poverty at ground level.
The group I am involved with feed and clothe the homeless of Leeds totally on donations from the public . All it costs us is our time . Any money received is used for admin fees etc to get our guys homed .
Thank you for caring about your homeless. Until governments change their ways people will be left behind and forgotten. Tent City Leeds has succeeded in making the public realise they are there . Thanks for your input brother , peace . Ricky

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 10:59 AM
The irony is perhaps in asking government for help with homelessness, when in fact the majority of homelessness is a product of government itself. Such people would have found a way to improvise ad-hoc shelters that are better than tents, but various laws and regulations about housing and the existing taxation system prevents that. I'm in the U.S. rather than U.K., but if somebody has a house that the system doesn't approve (always argued as an issue of safety or sanitation, whether or not that's really the case) - the government itself often goes out of its way to ensure that person is made homeless. Take that as you may, but that's the truth of it.

Ending homelessness requires a big change in government policy. Right now any assistance as it is involves a lot of meddling and ransacking that which should be considered a person's right to privacy.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: dingdongdoodah

Leeds is my home city ... I see these homeless folk are camping out in front of The City Art Gallery

This should certainly get the Councils attention ... The civic centre being right around the corner

This is also a national issue ... that needs to be addressed in a civilsed society

I have contacted my MP to make him aware and also urged him to bring this up in Parliment

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