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POLITICO Fact-Checker -- HILLARY CLINTON Lies Frequently About Her Health and Transgressions.

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posted on Sep, 26 2016 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Johnson is a proven leader. Proved he can work across the aisle to find compromise and solutions.
It's our best chance to elect an honest person to a high office and partisans reach for any small item (see Allepo) to say they can't bring themselves to vote for him. And yet they cry all the time about how dishonest and corrupt both major parties are---then claim they can't vote outside the party---out of fear that the other party might win. The hypocrisy has gotten really deep this year.
Partisans have proven, in my mind at least, that they are clearly happy with the current situation. If they weren't they take the step of actually voting FOR someone instead of wasting their time voting against the other party.
I've talked with several Bernie people who agree with you. They're not about to vote for the very one who betrayed the party. I think Johnson gained a lot of support when the deception and dirty tricks were revealed in the emails.

posted on Sep, 26 2016 @ 02:22 AM

originally posted by: theantediluvian

It's obvious that if Hillary was President, she'd have one of the least transparent administrations in the history of this country. She's avoided telling the truth for so many decades, there's no way she's going to be forthcoming about much of anything at all. Just carefully worded, sterile (boring), statements like she's always given. And many of those will later be proven to be intentional, blatant LIES... just like we're seeing now, regarding many of Hillary Clinton's past declarations, stories, statements, etc..

The same Politico fact checkers found what in the companion piece about Trump?

Oooh, that's a deep burn!

posted on Sep, 26 2016 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Talking against trump in a Hillary thread is taboo!

Really, though. Are we more afraid of a lady bought and owned by billionaires or more afraid of her long time, liberal and democratic friend, running under the Republican name that buys people like her?

I don't understand why people don't understand it. They've been friends for quite some time. Hillary loves power and money. Trump has money and loves himself.

Not to mention this is ats. Haven't we established there's much bigger fish to fry anyways?

posted on Sep, 26 2016 @ 03:39 AM
Does anyone really believe that HIllary Clinton is a liar

Lets check it out:

Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight.

THE END OF HILLARY CLINTON - The Mass of Lies Coming To Bite Her Back

Hillary Clinton LYING UNDER OATH, clear grounds for PERJURY

Can you believe it ? - Can anyone believe it ? - Or is it lke Hillary would like you to believe part of the
'vast right wing conspiracy that had Bill Clinton impeached and is now tryiing to expose her ?

Hillary Clinton still believes in vast right-wing conspiracy

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
- Abraham Lincoln

posted on Sep, 26 2016 @ 03:43 AM

originally posted by: AlienView
Hillary Clinton LYING UNDER OATH, clear grounds for PERJURY

If she lied under oath, why hasn't she been charged already?

posted on Sep, 26 2016 @ 03:45 AM

originally posted by: diggindirt
a reply to: theantediluvian

Johnson is a proven leader.

posted on Sep, 26 2016 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

Mind you we have Boris so I don't think we would have...yet.
But I agree it is like a gameshow and bonkers to the rest of us.

posted on Sep, 26 2016 @ 05:43 AM

posted on Sep, 26 2016 @ 05:45 AM

originally posted by: Konduit

She's never even been charged.


posted on Sep, 26 2016 @ 07:09 AM

originally posted by: MongolianPaellaFish

originally posted by: Konduit

She's never even been charged.


Repeat offender.

She has to be in govt coz who the hell is gonna hire her?

posted on Sep, 26 2016 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Politico should be doing there own fact checkings tool Hillary for sure is not lying on her health only. She lies about everything else too. And that*s a fact!

posted on Sep, 26 2016 @ 07:29 AM

originally posted by: deckdel
a reply to: carewemust

Politico should be doing there own fact checkings tool Hillary for sure is not lying on her health only. She lies about everything else too. And that*s a fact!

They didn't say she only lies about her health. The point is she does not lie nearly as much or as flagrantly as Trump.

posted on Sep, 26 2016 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: theantediluvian

So Trumps statistical references are almost completely false, but Hillary lies about everything she's ever been involved with. That's not news to anyone. Trump supporters would rather have the former than the latter, and the HRC supporters don't care that she lies about the sorts of things she lies about (funding Middle East unrest, national security, pay for play involving her and her foundation, etc).

posted on Sep, 26 2016 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: MongolianPaellaFish

She's destroys evidence relevant to investigations she's involved in, and somehow convinced the head of her Benghazi investigation what questions to ask her, and her supporters are all "See, told you see was clean." Hahahaha!

posted on Sep, 26 2016 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Too bad Trump refuses to debate with fact checking huh?

posted on Sep, 26 2016 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: carewemust

thanks for the link..

According to POLITICO’s five-day analysis, Trump averaged about one falsehood every three minutes and 15 seconds over nearly five hours of remarks.
In raw numbers, that’s 87 erroneous statements in five days.

In raw numbers, Clinton made eight erroneous statements in five days. a five day analysis..
8 statements by Clinton
and 87 statements by Trump

were erroneous.

Glad you are on board with fact checking now!

Let's take a look at a longer timeline as well?

69% of Trump's statements on Politifact are Mostly False, False, or "Pants On Fire"
28% of Clinton's statements on Politifact are Mostly false, False or "Pants on Fire"

With Trump 18% are "pants on fire"
With Clinton 2% are "pants on fire"

72% of Clintons statements evaluated fell into the Somewhat True to True Category.
30% of Trumps statements fell into the same category.

And Trumps entire campaign earned the "Lie of the Year" award...cuz they couldn't figure out which Lie Trump told was most offensive to the facts.

posted on Sep, 26 2016 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: MongolianPaellaFish
But he's an honest Reptilian who knows how to mingle with the other Reptilians and reach compromise on budgetary matters without continually putting our grandchildren into deeper debt.
Or perhaps you prefer liars and cheats for your president.
I'm hoping for some honesty and a thought or two for the actual people of the US, just a little attention to the real problems rather than the manufactured ones presented by the two major parties.

posted on Sep, 26 2016 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: AlienView
Does anyone really believe that HIllary Clinton is a liar

About 70+ percent of America!

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