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Why Are White Americans So Racist?

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posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 05:25 PM
I fall, and am 37 years old, but more than all these things I am human and so are you.

But You don't type a day over 30!!!!

Have a day! (They're all "good" some are just better than others...)


posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 05:26 PM
Clickbait troll thread, just stepping in to wipe off some yard ornaments a dog left out front and found its way on the shoe.

wipe, wipe, loooooooooong skid wipe.

That will be all, thanks.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 05:27 PM

originally posted by: Landmesser
Says the man who thinks like this link

Hmmm... so in a story about people being pulled out of their vehicles and assaulted, suggesting that flooring it, and rolling over rioters if they are in your way, is racist? Interesting... I thought one of the points of these protests was a statement that self defense and self preservation were essential human rights. But yeah, I do think that way. You apparently don't so... Yay diversity of opinions, ya?

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: SuspiciousTom

Two things: 1) The condemnation, at least in part, is akin to how people view middle easterners...the bad ones garner all the negative feelings, which is then used as a ruler to measure ALL middle easterners by.

2) You, you, you, you this, you that! WE did.not trot our butts to Africa to buy slaves from the AFRICAN tribes rounding their OWN people up to SELL. They were a commodity marketable to new settlers who needed help. Not ALL slaves were black either. Consider the indentured hauled over from England as one example. Africans had been exploited LONG before Colonial days. Look at Egyptian history and the art work on walls depicting their slave population. Hey, let's go after the Egyptians!

The Portuguese were the leaders in the slave trade, followed by the British, French, Spanish and Dutch. If you want to look even further back in history, check out the Arabic HUGE hand in black slave trade.

Yes, slavery was and is wrong, especially since it's still being perpetrated today...hint hint...Middle Easterners. So, why continue to condemn and vilify today's American society for something that went on long, long ago? For being ignorant enough to take advantage of a seemingly easy way to fill a need way back when? Why? Because bestowing a guilt trip is seen as easy to "justify", and an ongoing punishment for old wrongs? Oh, and gee...there MIGHT be money in it?! Why not just grow up and drop it? It sure isn't getting anyone anywhere...except on a tried and true path of destruction for everyone. It's OVER, it's DONE. Do something smart, CONSTRUCTIVE and go after the slavers out there T O D A Y!

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: JAY1980

No one is abused

No one is abused. Lynchings must have been pretty cool.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: SuspiciousTom

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan

originally posted by: SuspiciousTom
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Well, as I've stated before, I'm sorry you feel that way. My tone is more intended to be "Hey, we're trying stop trying to rush us or dismantle any claims we make on the difficulties we face."

Something to consider: everyone faces challenges every day. And to that individual, their challenge is no less difficult than someone else who happens to have a different colored skin.

That said, who is this "us"? Are they laying underneath a broad brush now?

I understand this, as I was once somewhat "Anti-Feminist" and to women worldwide I tell them sorry. 'Us' refers to the black race, we're subject to many stereotypes and we are a minority. We all face challenges that's true, however, stereotypes do influence these challenges, it may not make them more difficult but it definitely does add to the stack that a person already faces. So I must refute your statement "no less difficult than someone else who happens to have a different colored skin"

Feel free to refute away....but first you need to quote the entire sentence: And to that individual, their challenge is no less difficult than someone else who happens to have a different colored skin.

TO put it differently: you are at the emergency room writhing in pain. Someone else sitting near you is also writhing in pain. You would both be fools to tell the other than your pain was worse. Mostly because they are not experiencing your pain. In nursing, the mantra is "pain is what the patient says it is". Refuting this will only belittle your own argument..

I have 2 black nieces. One moved to Charlotte about 3 months ago, and has wholly bought into the "i am oppressed" meme. The other lives here, and thinks her sister is an idiot. It could have something to do with the interpersonal contacts influencing either or both. Who knows. But Mrs. Oppressed just had us wire her $200 for car repairs to a car we bought her ("we" being my mother and I, along with my sister who is my neices mother) so she could move to NC to go to school.

I think if you really want to get some agreement from folks, and get traction with your viewpoint, you should completely lose the race piece, and focus on socioeconomics. A great article to help understand that poverty is poverty, regardless of skin color:

Self pity is purely self defeating.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: Substracto

This deserves it's own thread. The free hug guy has it right.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 05:36 PM
And why should I care if black people don't. Suicide by cop is what were seeing everywhere. Worth more to the family dead than alive. $$$$$$$

It's all about the money they think that will cure everything.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: Rubicon3
a reply to: SuspiciousTom

Two things: 1) The condemnation, at least in part, is akin to how people view middle easterners...the bad ones garner all the negative feelings, which is then used as a ruler to measure ALL middle easterners by.

2) You, you, you, you this, you that! WE did.not trot our butts to Africa to buy slaves from the AFRICAN tribes rounding their OWN people up to SELL. They were a commodity marketable to new settlers who needed help. Not ALL slaves were black either. Consider the indentured hauled over from England as one example. Africans had been exploited LONG before Colonial days. Look at Egyptian history and the art work on walls depicting their slave population. Hey, let's go after the Egyptians!

The Portuguese were the leaders in the slave trade, followed by the British, French, Spanish and Dutch. If you want to look even further back in history, check out the Arabic HUGE hand in black slave trade.

Yes, slavery was and is wrong, especially since it's still being perpetrated today...hint hint...Middle Easterners. So, why continue to condemn and vilify today's American society for something that went on long, long ago? For being ignorant enough to take advantage of a seemingly easy way to fill a need way back when? Why? Because bestowing a guilt trip is seen as easy to "justify", and an ongoing punishment for old wrongs? Oh, and gee...there MIGHT be money in it?! Why not just grow up and drop it? It sure isn't getting anyone anywhere...except on a tried and true path of destruction for everyone. It's OVER, it's DONE. Do something smart, CONSTRUCTIVE and go after the slavers out there T O D A Y!

Hello all that is almost irrelevant, I'm not using slavery to demand anything but as a way to explain to you why black people in the west are the way they are. And I get that you wouldn't want to be held responsible for something you are not guilty of, who'd want to be?

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: Rubicon3

"The Portuguese were the leaders in the slave trade"

Yet you dont see divisions like whats happening in the US in Portugal.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: Puppylove

Indeed, and he has some very good points there, trying to explain it to people, some attack him, others cant even phantom the rationalize behind his good motives. Pretty good.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 05:47 PM

originally posted by: thesaneone

originally posted by: Landmesser
a reply to: Arenttarded

I know plenty of decent hard working law abiding blacks.

You don't.

Rap video thugs ironically enough, act just like the retards in Africa, no law no rules, if I can kill you I can take your stuff, reminds me of the difference between man and animals.

More stormfront for ATS. "Blacks" are "animals" and "retards" and mods agree with this.

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: SuspiciousTom
I have hopes for my race.

That is anything but apparent from the condescending way you talk down about them in the OP, friend. Your tone reads a lot more like a statement of "we can't" than "we can."

Says the man who thinks like this link

Are you saying you don't believe him or that you don't believe that there are law abiding blacks that ar hard working?

He doesn't know, he just knows it can't be their thug culture, because then it wouldn't be the white man's fault, and he knows it's the white man's fault that they can't act right like everyone else does.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan

originally posted by: SuspiciousTom

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan

originally posted by: SuspiciousTom
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Well, as I've stated before, I'm sorry you feel that way. My tone is more intended to be "Hey, we're trying stop trying to rush us or dismantle any claims we make on the difficulties we face."

Something to consider: everyone faces challenges every day. And to that individual, their challenge is no less difficult than someone else who happens to have a different colored skin.

That said, who is this "us"? Are they laying underneath a broad brush now?

I understand this, as I was once somewhat "Anti-Feminist" and to women worldwide I tell them sorry. 'Us' refers to the black race, we're subject to many stereotypes and we are a minority. We all face challenges that's true, however, stereotypes do influence these challenges, it may not make them more difficult but it definitely does add to the stack that a person already faces. So I must refute your statement "no less difficult than someone else who happens to have a different colored skin"

Feel free to refute away....but first you need to quote the entire sentence: And to that individual, their challenge is no less difficult than someone else who happens to have a different colored skin.

TO put it differently: you are at the emergency room writhing in pain. Someone else sitting near you is also writhing in pain. You would both be fools to tell the other than your pain was worse. Mostly because they are not experiencing your pain. In nursing, the mantra is "pain is what the patient says it is". Refuting this will only belittle your own argument..

I have 2 black nieces. One moved to Charlotte about 3 months ago, and has wholly bought into the "i am oppressed" meme. The other lives here, and thinks her sister is an idiot. It could have something to do with the interpersonal contacts influencing either or both. Who knows. But Mrs. Oppressed just had us wire her $200 for car repairs to a car we bought her ("we" being my mother and I, along with my sister who is my neices mother) so she could move to NC to go to school.

I think if you really want to get some agreement from folks, and get traction with your viewpoint, you should completely lose the race piece, and focus on socioeconomics. A great article to help understand that poverty is poverty, regardless of skin color:

Self pity is purely self defeating.

I'm aware poverty has no color. However...


It's a hell of a lot more damning when you're moved from 1 country to another and thrown out in an educated world of money grabbers and told to go get your own.

As for your statement:

And to that individual, their challenge is no less difficult than someone else who happens to have a different colored skin.

It's not always as simple as you state it. There's no real median for this except ones perspective. A great example to show you a difference which would then suggest your statement false, Brock turner's rape case against that of Brian Banks.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 05:50 PM
Oh hell no you didn't!! Lol you just trolled the wrong site with that noise lol I'm on break and just saw this, can't wait to get home and read through the angry, defensive comments from the alt-right lol!!!!

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: Substracto

You can thank Jim Crow laws for that. Well....that and Reconstruction being a poisoned pill for southerners and their outlook on integrating with the former slaves.

Were the Civil War really about slavery instead of $$$ and enriching industrialists at the cost of agriculturalists, the end result may have created something akin to equity.

A real shame, imo. As an American it would make me proud to know that slavery ended because it was wrong, and not because it allowed southern states to wield too much economic power. It may not seem like the motivation should matter....but I think the motivation directly influenced the results. I mean, its not like things are a whole lot better in the former "union states" today, from a socioeconomic mobility standpoint.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 05:55 PM
So , we have another history lesson from back in the days of a growing country.
Wake up OP , this isnt the 18th Century anymore. This is the 21st. You dont live 300 years ago. Get out of the house every now and then and actually hold a direct 1 on 1 conversation with folks.Or are you afraid that in doing so would alter your views ?

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: SuspiciousTom

As a former college athlete myself and as much as I hate to point this out, Brock Turner was a case of athlete status with alum judge.

Go look up Baylor rape scandal to see what I mean. Plenty of those players were protected outright from prosecution and there skin was plenty dark.

In those cases, it was athlete status that protected, not skin color.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

You are not supposed to point out that the Civil War was not fought because of slavery to free the slaves.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:02 PM

originally posted by: SuspiciousTom
trying to justify the length of how long you mistreated someone? Sounds like a drowning man holding on to a thread. What happened POST slavery?

Man, you aren't a slave. We aren't slave owners. This is something that happened in the past, all over the world. Hell, it's still going on in the ME and all over Africa. Trying to blame all white people for something none of us had anything to do with it sick and utterly racist at its core.

How did black people get to America?

Warring black tribes sold of their POWs, TO THE ENTIRE WORLD.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: SuspiciousTom

Lets see , I am a Caucasian American , and I have always been Supportive of my Fellow Afro American Citizens in this Country . As a Matter of Fact , as a Adolescent , Almost All of My Hero's in Music , Sports , History , and Business were Proud Afro Americans . I Find if Overly Offensive that you would Ignorantly Label All Caucasian Americans as Racists in this Thread . You Sir , are Totally Out of Line Here !

edit on 23-9-2016 by Zanti Misfit because: spelling

edit on 23-9-2016 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

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