posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to:
First of all, there is something that people have to understand.
Only the unarmed individuals who have been shot by police, should be counted as victims, rather than perpetrators. I am as civil liberties focused as
can be, I believe in the primacy of the people over the government, I believe in the freedom of people over the security of nations, and all that good
But do I agree with officers putting their lives in danger to arrest rather than neutralise a person armed with a gun? No. A knife, surely. If they
are not trained to walk away from a knife attack with a suspect in cuffs and not a mark to show for it, then they haven't spent long enough at the
academy. But a person who has a gun, is being arrested, and resists arrest using that weapon, needs to be put down for everyone else's safety.
So no, I do not believe it is necessary to have more less than lethal options, than those currently already easily available to police forces.