a reply to:
In relativity, there is a dream that is a bubble that is ones own vehicle, that can be as small as the smallest 0 but then what happens when passing
through that very small wormhole on the other side so if one can shrink oneself down to that smallest 0 or void then they can step through and inflate
but there is no conceptual present in such a being so sleeping dreaming awake? The conceptual bubble is the dream itself.
But the question to really ask oneself is? How many conceptual bubbles there are here and out there...
So when dreaming where does one think all of these conceptual bubbles take place as creativity? It is not the Hive mind as that leads to a conceptual
chaos. In one of extreme order and dictatorship... when one is free then what does one thing they are attached to? All of these conceptual bubbles
that are non existent. Except in that hive mind or thought where one single speck or wave length controls the entire hive.
Well the natural order is not one of chaos... it is in that very peace of the void where all things are one and none all sizes non existent. All
colors the same out of that void and such is invisibility which is why it is a void empty of all of that concept...
Eventually, All of that starts resolving it itself as simply seeing... and one will see all of these very many different worlds from one tiny little
speck as a part of every single thing there is and this is why it is being no one and going no where. Because one is and isn't when one is all things
beyond karma... pain only exists when there is an intent to harm after all karma is resolved then there is freedom... it as if air bubbles are issuing
forth from the ocean, and have all these conceptual attachments like friction surrounding this bubble.
Of course when this energy strikes the surface where is the friction? Then it separates and becomes part of the new environment in which is was not
contacting but was always contacting consciousness is exactly this very same thing. When not attached to any of it then what bubble is there is exist
or dream in? Other than all of those still attached seeking to control anything other than not oneself which gets called a memory.
The question then seems that all of this hive mind or quantum foam with a sensation of contact, starts attaching it's as if one is a "neutrino" that
passes through all things until all of these surrounding, things start "becoming" a "buddhaland" and well of course since all is energy it is a
difficult thing to not collide into all of these different energy streams or wave lengths... this is where all "bardo" states comes from having been a
part of every single point of being at one point in time in these different spectrum's of being in the cakra or wheel systems.
"Samsara" is all of those attachments of 3 streams it is not a "me" myself" and "I" There is "knowledge" "concept" and that which attaches is the "I"
that becomes that very suffering... the reason being is because we are all "food" and when this energy is released it goes into the dirt and sand as
memories some of this is trapped as a spectrum or vector which gets called hungry ghosts as there is always "contact" of course the energy then
dissipates into the various worlds from atoms back to their various bonds in "attachment" instead of becoming the "neutrino".
There are many badlands and one can see their judgments of all of those they feel as above and below others... instead of in the very equality where
none of this and all of this is separate but obviously never separate in this contact of being.
Except of course in this attachment that gives rise to cause all suffering... if one feels below something then they cannot rise, if they feel above
something then they do not want to sink, and if they feel they have risen above all things then is is a constant fight to where ever it is that they
thought that they achieved to maintain... which is no different than the worst suffering. Of course death is not suffering birth is and it comes when
one thinks they are above all things this is when the "bubble" pops and becoming starts in a new form ones again until one finds harmony and
Of course, then an awakened land then starts getting invaded by all of those still "asleep" in their own "perfect bubble" of sphere of being with
their own light and shadow separate but never apart until ignorance starts tearing everything apart this is known as the concept of "yab yum" or the
father mother that births all that was attached in such a state one can hear the void come into existence with others starting to name things, slave,
things, call things their own... and yet this ignorance exists in many many universes... of course then they start fanning out in a circle from this
"big bang" like a galaxy in this spiral as a "catch all" in self and other validation to bring their conceptual contact of memory and reality from the
void into one of chaos once again into the existence of suffering... of course one can choose to take and remove this pain as in entering and becoming
the pain so this "galaxy" of living beings does not feel it.
Of course then many radio waves and signals in different wave forms start colliding with the order all ready present that appears as a light and heat
or electrons the "me" myself" and "I" split as light shadow and nothing then if one slows down can watch them pass as a wave length on both sides then
it starts forming or building strands of these various energies of "becoming" of course these start building or filling in from a gravity well, and
once it fills up this is when it is time to shrink back to 0 or void of being... then pull back out where this light and energy once again combine and
then attach to a particle as the neutrino that can travel to any point of course...
This solution can become becoming or birth and painful once again, if one does not pass through the weaving of these as above so below wave lengths...
so picture this: .................. with two lines going through each of them of course thought becomes .... ... ... . . . .. . .. .. ... . . .. so
how is such a thing going to prevent colliding? Well sitting in the void of awareness as ones consciousness passes through it but does not make any
contact with it, in such a thing one then becomes all pervasive space. If we think of out solar system or the attachments chasing the "light" attached
to it. Then everything starts becoming weighed down as if one becomes the core that all of this wants to attach too... no different than atoms.
If one were to think of a grain of sand then to something else it is an entire world. Like the 2001 black slab and then everything else sort of
fractals out from it as a dreamland or confusion as to what that thing is... forming that rainbow sort of effect that that consciousness dwells within
and makes contact with in that quantum foam. Of course streaming out from that is the outer limits that gets called the "mind seal" and the
consciousness that pulls out away from it... and then slips space instantly into a local galaxy only to rinse and repeat the entire process as that
other consciousness, tries to pass over and slip under in thin layers instead of spiraling through like neutrinos.... all of these various vectors are
worm holes in which these larger "masses" or lights and wave lengths of energies pass through.