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You might be a zen master if...

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posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 07:20 AM
In some peoples practice of Zen/Chan or accidental Zen/Chan as it can occur in an instant to anyone anywhere... where an answer to something occurs right out of the blue and it's ah ha... but the universe tells you the answer.

Like walking around thinking repeatedly what is the sound of one hand clapping? And a door or cabinet slams shut and boom there it is the sound of your mental one hand and the universes hand slapping against it to make a sound.

Ok so since this post title said Zen Master... what occurs after all of these many varied objects or materials of "matter" start talking as if they do "matter" well energy and form, form and formlessness.

Of course, those persons that are Zen master but unaware of it, get called schizophrenics... I never heard any voices in my life unless it was a TV, Radio, or someone talking. Of course with many people this is optional even when aware of such things to tune them out.

Of course at some point these things can seem to be torturous to the untamed mind, well even the mind that is tamed... it is the whole premise of the Surangama sutta: Surangama PDF For when someone reaches that point.

Of course, in equanimity we can observe all of these very many things not inside of oneself we can interact as in mental communication to all of these things; it is illustrated as the inflows and outflows, at one point the Buddha calls them hungry ghosts and that the Arhats assembled were pitiful fools for even heeding them.

The reason being is that once ones own attachment inside has ended all of that attachment flows out back the way it came and can no longer find a voice... so it tries to flow back into where that energy once dwelling in ones house... and now being the host? You have cleaned it inside thoroughly... but still dwelling in the house they think they are entitled to come back in... having made themselves so comfortable there.

Those are simply thought-forms some try to call them hungry ghosts demons or whatever... but what once gave them life or energy before this freedom? Oneself giving them a nice cozy abode... so of course once you clean that house then they are going to be hungry to go back into it, since "you" have escaped this death being the welcome guest and they have not being greedy for the dwelling and hateful because they are ignorantly still attached to what is not theirs.

But what they have not realized? Is that the self echoing in them is not oneself in that ego attachment.

So what should one do the very same practice of non attachment that one once found inside to this new experience one has now out flowed back to the outside. Then what occurs? The house one has built is truly shattered and one dwells in equanimity with peace and no worries to the world having thus gone... having thus returned as a being in equanimity having put off nirvana as an awakened being one can only simply point to those wishing to know the way after one has thus gone this can be skillful or unskillful in ones own personal practice no different than previously... it's just one has left the house to let the robbers take over and then one returns to boot them out but the house has not yet been demolished so there is no arguing over the residence.

The Surangama sutta is a very difficult read, and this is why I have made this thread and have presented it here, and hope I have added some clarity to the pointing of what that phenomena is when it arises and passes in ones objective experience... it can lead to more clinging of the qualities and attributes of being of oneself by those not oneself... so one inch past your nose where do you scratch?

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

so your saying synchronicity are thought forms trying to reenter the body/mind?

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 08:03 AM
I like to think of humans as having three brains:

-Reptilian Brain (ID)
-Mammalian Brain (EGO)
-Neo-Cortex or "Human Brain" (SUPEREGO)

The "reptilians" are causing fraud and chaos, the "mammalians" are at home taking care of and minding their own business and the "Neos" are dreaming, meditating, focusing on a better self and/or a better world, some in hopes of countering all of what the reptilians are messing up for the mammalians.

The "Neos" remain much less attached to this world and the wheel of Samsara, I believe.

Also, any person can shift between these three roles depending on their current level of "soul-learning" for lack of a better term.

edit on 22-9-2016 by DeReK DaRkLy because: appended

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 08:14 AM
Great post.

"Blessed is the wise man who sought after the truth, and when he found it, he rested upon it forever and was unafraid of those who wanted to disturb him."

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 08:18 AM
Or you could just;

Turn off the Tv
Turn off the radio
Use common sense
Eat healthy
Move to a cabin
And read books from giants of the past

Then you move back, and voila youll go;" Holy #, no wonder people go looney tune "

At a certain age youll start to develop a character, maybe not the majority, where you go through your life experiences and come to a conclusion with some common sense. Things you were told, could come with an understanding..
In CBT it takes about 12-18 months for a person to change from one behavior to another if its practiced on a weekly basis. For alcoholics its the 12 step program.

In the new age i think your declaring, mind body and spirit ( soul ), where you are always given on a cultural basis a soul, our education and life experiences "the mind", and understanding that the body is just a vehicle that needs gas to work. Your the driver, of a car, and you have a map-reader in the co-seat to guide you in this kingdom.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 08:46 AM
Thr first step to inner peace starts with four wise word that have given insult to the wisest of sages and being able to peer into the mind of god. The incantation, spelling of this spell, or mantra is....

Don't give a !@#$....

But it take wisdom to know when you have too...give...

Thansk for the read btw.
edit on 22-9-2016 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: Specimen
Thr first step to inner peace starts with four wise word that have given insult to the wisest of sages and being able to peer into the mind of god. The incantation, spelling of this spell, or mantra is....

Don't give a !@#$....

But it take wisdom to know when you have too...give...

Thansk for the read btw.

But if you purposefully don't care, then that's caring about not caring. I tried that mantra for a while. It eventually fails.

Selflessness, humility, and love work better.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

great thread.

Most will get caugt up in this or that.

I feel ya bro

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

Of course, those persons that are Zen master but unaware of it, get called schizophrenics... I never heard any voices in my life unless it was a TV, Radio, or someone talking. Of course with many people this is optional even when aware of such things to tune them out.

Sooner or later we will learn how to calibrate the senses and help people become aware slowly to not cause unnecessary suffering. Some souls can go thru a fear amagydala experience and quickly adapt to an extreme change in perception and water energy flow but I would not recommend it for the majority of souls. And if you do get the higher water energy states without the lower states you will not be grounded to this level of awareness and can become very disconnected. And if you increase the fire energy (lower states) it can become to much flow. Some day humanity will know how to increase and decrease this so that the people are getting the correct level they want and are comfortable with.

This person seems to have gotten a bit to much energy flow.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: sargonIII

The thought form is the body that flows through the mind... inhabit or inhibit? That's the difference

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 11:48 PM
a reply to: DeReK DaRkLy

3 brains? It is 6 consciousnesses one for each of the senses and the mind or all that perceives

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: tikbalang

Yes attachment to the senses or an attempt to deprive oneself of the senses of an extreme in form when one cannot escape the senses of attachment when living so selfishly.

But trees are trees only when perceived water the mind with trees and they spring forth into consciousness...

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: tadaman

I see what you did there

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: LittleByLittle

Life is life and little by little we come to appreciate it more or less?

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

my thoughts inhibit my mind to act more freely yet there is still a sense of things being beyond me and happening to me. are you (and your link) offering a way to go beyond this sense ? while i realize the reality of myself being the creator of all things and events i have yet to experience this in conscious action.

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 12:15 AM
a reply to: sargonIII

It is not the thoughts but the attachment to them... they can either bring order or chaos but where is the difference? Inside or outside... inflow or outflow? Or simply a mirror of reflection

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

I cant read philosophy, what i meant, an animal will always be an animal, doesnt matter what you teach it..

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 12:42 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

im not attached to my thoughts they are only a mechanism to navigate this reality. i follow my spirit. i realize the outer is a reflection of my inner (as above so below) and that i am an essence of god (and ultimately god its self). i am familiar with the phenomenon of esp and synchronicity (although ive never heard them explained as in the op). i realize cause and effect in accordance to my actions also (fully accepting myself as the creator of my destiny).

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 01:30 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

You might be a zen master if...

...if your hintergedanken involves the humor of understanding in the knowing of not knowing what's really going on and secretly admitting that to yourself as the starting point of all creativity in every action both without and within. To be well aware of one's own irrepressible rascality, which makes you want to play tricks and practical jokes on people like trying to make them take a koan seriously or be hit with a stick, that kind of thing.

... if you are totally authentic, even in your own self-admitted inauthenticity. Willing to play the role of "zen master" but with a giggle and not seriously.

... you are a wise fool with a beginners mind.

edit on 23-9-2016 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: tikbalang

In attachment to form yes but when the spirit is free and as a conduit runs right through it the channeling flows in one direction unless there is a diversion.

So clear seeing says yes this is a human body but any energy can flow through it this is why humanity shows the animal behavior in it's expression... of course maintaining awareness in the moment one does not lose their head or become subject to all the appearances that are in objective awareness.

So yes in full awareness of being an animal is an animal that is why they are in a different realm than humans ghosts titans gods and devas and asuras... all still attached to the wheel of life due to these biases or walls of separation of form... once spun the wheel knows no difference

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