posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 04:46 PM
Terminal Velocity
You are pure velocity. My free fall state. My unstoppable inertia.
I could be your kinetic energy, I have the potential.
Your voice is the word ''weightlessness'' spelled out in contrails.
The cabin pressure builds when you speak.
My ears pop at the sound of your voice over the p.a.
I want to be in aircraft with you,
looking down on that landscape that has kept us in its chokehold of lost time and regrettable indecision.
Aren't we so big?
We no longer hesitate, we own each moment, and the moments pass into infinity behind us.
Before us lay infinitely more moments.
We know we are the world, and the world sure as hell knows it's us.
I am those trees, those hot springs, those desert floors.
You are those roots, those deep running rivers, those mountains to the west.
We are every child's laugh and every mother's sob.
We don't know the meaning of slowing down, save to look at what we've gained.
Once our twitching eyes register it as ours we are off again.
The speed of light's got nothing on us.
We both know that this is it, this is life.
Take the good with the bad. Love the good, forgive the bad.
Stretch your arms out and take that sun.
And at night when you feel alone and the moon bares it's yellow teeth say to him, ''without your sister sun, you would be one lonely rock yourself,
And don't worry,
you'll wake up before you hit bottom.