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Can we still trust what they put into vaccines?

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posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: Sremmos80

When did you start trying? You say your 6 year old isn't up to date either, so when did it start

I don't understand what you are asking here...

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 01:51 AM
a reply to: GoShredAK

You say that it was recent reactions by the babies that changed your mind but yet you gave a 6 year old that is not up to date.

And yes you are assuming, and tbh I think you are exaggerating

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 02:26 AM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: GoShredAK

You say that it was recent reactions by the babies that changed your mind but yet you gave a 6 year old that is not up to date.

And yes you are assuming, and tbh I think you are exaggerating

My daughter had a fever of 102.3, my nephew got a fever of at least 100 and his mother says his legs were shaking.

This is the honest to god truth, I assure you I am not exaggerating.

I have always been a little wary of vaccines, that is why my son is not completely up to date. My daughters reaction was the final determining factor of my now anti vaccine status.

That is subject to change as I learn more. I just want to do the right thing, and right now, blindly trusting that all vaccines are safe is not the right thing for my kids. I can't speak for anyone else.

I am not sure what is going on here? Are you trying to put me down or something?

I am simply sharing my experience. I have zero reason to fabricate or exaggerate anything, and I am not advocating being against vaccines.

My wife and I are still not 100% sure what we are going to do. We are doing research Into possibly spreading them out or only getting certain ones.

Until we feel safe were not going to give our kids any more shots though.

Again I am not assuming, her fever was a result of the vaccines.
edit on 24-9-2016 by GoShredAK because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 02:30 AM
a reply to: galien8

Vaccines are the excellant bio weapons.

they can take months or even years to achieve their intended consequences.
they are silent.
thy are administered by highly trusted people.
its virtually impossible to prove you've been poisoned, weakened or otherwise sabotaged
the likelihood of conviction for using vaccines as weapons is virtually impossible.
they may contain some good things in addition to the bio weapon.

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 02:34 AM
a reply to: Azureblue

That is the most hilarious thing I've read on ATS in a long time.

Thanks man.

edit on 24 9 16 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 02:44 AM

originally posted by: GoShredAK
Again I am not assuming, her fever was a result of the vaccines.

That's totally normal, though. You *expect* that.

Why? Your immune system has detected the antigens in the vaccine, and as far as IT'S concerned, you have an infection. Your body starts the early steps in the dance to combat it, and among those are releasing substances to trigger the various parts of your immune system to start looking for the invader, to raise your temperature to make you unpalatable to various bacteria and viruses, and to make you sleepy and tired so you'll go lay down and conserve energy.

During this time, your immune system will parse out the antigen and build antibodies, and some of the more autonomous immune cells will be programmed up with the chemical signature of the bacteria/viruses to look for in the future.

The whole thing is called seroconversion, and you running a fever for a day or two is a sign that it worked. Not a sign that you were poisoned or whatever. Kids' immune systems tend to go very overboard with this until they're several years old. Adults generally don't seroconvert quite so aggressively, but still, if you get a butt load of vaccines (think Army) you will generally go through the same thing.

This is also why some diseases kill kids and young adults but leave the elderly intact - lethal influenza strains kill by causing your body to go ape# with its immune response. Older adults' immune systems are more laid back, kids' immune systems take that running a fever thing to a lethal level.

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 02:51 AM
a reply to: Bedlam

I did expect the fever.

My son always got a mild fever when he got his shots.

What bothers me is how high my daughters fever was. That seemed wrong and it scared the hell out of us.
I appreciate all the info, and especially appreciate how you were not condescending in your reply.

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 03:07 AM
a reply to: GoShredAK

Every kid reacts a bit differently, and their reactions will change as they get older. At least it's been true with mine and my brothers' kids. It also seems to be related to what they get at the same time.

I think sometimes if you get a bunch of different vaccines at the same time, there might be some interaction between the adjuvants they use to provoke your body into getting off its butt and getting to work on the problem. Maybe vaccine A uses adjuvant 1, and vaccine B uses adjuvant 2, but when you get them both you get a sort of combo response.

I know if I get a flu shot, nothing happens. Put a flu shot together with something like a yellow fever booster, and I am a sad panda for about three days.

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 04:41 AM

originally posted by: galien8
I'm a scientist, I have published real scientific stuff not that pseudo science bullsh*t of your NEWSpapers

Your language here and the way you did not refute any of my statements in a professional way clearly indicates you are not a scientist. And also your evidence: a youtube video sponsored by Justin Bieber.

But please prove me wrong by providing real evidence of your professional status. Until you do, based on what I said in my first paragraph, I will continue to assume your are a laymen who opposes vaccines.

a reply to: GoShredAK

I understand your worry about your baby, it's natural, especially when the parents are not health professionals. However, what happened it's a normal reaction some children have. I assume the little ones were fine after a few hours or couple of days, as you didn't mention any long lasting effect. But, like others have said, you should go to the doctors immediately if your child has very high temperature.

Vaccines are the most scrutinized and tested drug we have, and the safest. Serious adverse reactions only happen in less than 1 in a million cases. Here is a leaflet we give to parents in the UK:

What to expect after vaccinations.

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 07:02 AM
a reply to: Agartha

I only say the controversy and the rumors are severe enough, to have a UN Internal Affairs Tribunal in The Hague about it, to figure out the truth, to see if corrupt individuals in WHO / UNICEF committed crimes against humanity, so the within the UN itself

The scientific discussion should be held there too, by experts, you are not an expert

You only come with info from fantasy name webistes with daatabses, which can so easily be fake :-P

edit on 2016-9-24 by galien8 because: (no reason given)

edit on 2016-9-24 by galien8 because: extra info

edit on 2016-9-24 by galien8 because: extra info

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 07:34 AM

originally posted by: GetHyped
a reply to: galien8

So... Any evidence presented to you is all part of some grand conspiracy?

I guess that's one way to insulate your beliefs from criticism and self-reflection.

I only say the controversy and the rumors are severe enough, to have a UN Internal Affairs Tribunal in The Hague about it, to figure out the truth, to see if corrupt individuals in WHO / UNICEF committed crimes against humanity, so the within the UN itself

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: galien8

What case did you rest?

That is one person.

I only say the controversy and the rumors are severe enough, to have a UN Internal Affairs Tribunal in The Hague about it, to figure out the truth, to see if corrupt individuals in WHO / UNICEF committed crimes against humanity, so the within the UN itself

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: TheKnightofDoom
a reply to: galien8

Oh you gotta back up that claim lol.

I only say the controversy and the rumors are severe enough, to have a UN Internal Affairs Tribunal in The Hague about it, to figure out the truth, to see if corrupt individuals in WHO / UNICEF committed crimes against humanity, so the within the UN itself

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 07:41 AM

originally posted by: Azureblue
a reply to: galien8

Vaccines are the excellant bio weapons.

As Bill Gates put it: "oh you can do such lovely things with vaccines"
words of this nature

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: galien8
I only say the controversy and the rumors are severe enough, to have a UN Internal Affairs Tribunal in The Hague about it, to figure out the truth, to see if corrupt individuals in WHO / UNICEF committed crimes against humanity, so the within the UN itself

No, you said you are a scientist.

And anybody who is a scientist would know that HCG in vaccines would not sterilize anybody thus know the rumours and controversy are not only not severe enough, but a joke.

The scientific discussion should be held there too, by experts, you are not an expert

With my qualifications and professional experience I'm sure I am an expert compared to you.

You only come with info from fantasy name webistes with daatabses, which can so easily be fake :-P

And here you are telling porkies again: anybody can go back, re-read my replies to you and see for themselves I have posted several peer-reviewed studies.

You posted a youtube video sponsored by Justin Bieber.

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: Agartha

originally posted by: galien8
I'm a scientist, I have published real scientific stuff not that pseudo science bullsh*t of your NEWSpapers

But please prove me wrong by providing real evidence of your professional status. Until you do, based on what I said in my first paragraph, I will continue to assume your are a laymen who opposes vaccines.

I would need a budget of $30,000 to do the desk research in only hard copy peer reviewed scientific journals, its called a "literature study" in Dutch, I do then the desk research in a couple of month in all Dutch university libraries, write a report too, then I would be prepared for a discussion.

I have a degree in Organic Chemistry and Biotechnology, I have done desk research projects for the Dutch government

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: galien8

Can you please explain why you need $30,000 to perform a lit review.

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 09:31 AM
Why is this crap still coming up . You dont like vaccines , go kiss someone with smallpox . Wait there is no more smallpox . Why Vaccines .

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 10:33 AM

originally posted by: GetHyped
a reply to: galien8

Can you please explain why you need $30,000 to perform a lit review.

Couple of month full time 500 hours market conform hourly freelance rate $60

* travel to universities, do desk research in the libraries, interview expert scientists
** gather literature, digest it
*** make national and international phone calls to experts and people involved, interview them
**** write report

So I did it for the Dutch government on organic solar cells

$15,000 upfront another $15,000 when customer is content with report

edit on 2016-9-24 by galien8 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: hutch622
Why is this crap still coming up . You dont like vaccines , go kiss someone with smallpox . Wait there is no more smallpox . Why Vaccines .

Exactly thats why we need a UN Internal Affairs Tribunal in The Hague about it, to figure out the truth, to see if corrupt individuals in WHO / UNICEF committed crimes against humanity, so within the UN itself, to purify and clench the name of these fine and intended altruistic institutions

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