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Big Pharma is Murdering America Through Prescription Addiction and the DEA is Screwing Us All

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posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: boncho

Unlike days gone by there is no call to go after the source of heroin just hand ringing over the impact on our world. No big talk from DEA, FBI, ect. There is a reason for that and it has to do with very bad people and no one to stop them at this point.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 05:50 PM
Another thing we have to understand is the almost absolute power of big pharma.

I know people talk about it but you have to have had experience with these corporations to understand their almost omnipotence.

It’s all about the money.

I have worked at practically all of the major pharma corporations and all you have to do is go into their buildings and see how inside they operate. It’s very strange and unique.

Inside these places like Merck, Schering, AHP, Hoffman La Roche you get the feeling your in a huge city or underground community not a work place.

I don’t know why they do that but believe me it’s the truth.

And some of those corporations like Merck you get the feeling the employees are taking the drugs.

They like the Military industrial complex corporations own the politicians like their slaves

As for the DEA: The biggest laugh is their miserable failure in the drug war adding innocuous substances to their criminal cops and robber’s culture of wasted resources, wasted lives, and fascist unconstitutional actions.

Look for the head of the DEA to get a nice big fat job with big pharma when he leaves the DEA

edit on 18-9-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: DJDigitalGem

I have recently become aware of this opiate crisis, from news reports of OD's and then my own further research.

A thread on reddit asked addicts of opiates how they first became addicted. I was so surprised at the number of people who were prescribed highly addictive forms of it following wisdom teeth surgery in their teens. Other people had it prescribed following broken bones or surgery. My husband had a compound fracture years ago and he did not refill his opiate pain meds that he brought home from the hospital because he "liked them too much" and that scared him. The doctor offered him another scipt at his followup appt. He declined. Other people may not recognize the danger like my husband did, and instead go on 'doctors orders' and keep taking them, just being happy to be out of pain. Then BOOM addicted.

I have never been able to take opiates b/c they make me sick to my stomach and dizzy (like vertigo) so thankfully I was in no risk of getting addicted to them because I literally could not stomach them. But I'm surprised how quickly I've been offered them... after a root canal, for example. Seriously, the problem's been mended at that point and the pain is going away on its own.

I know there's been a crack-down in prescribing them here lately. But the damage has been done. So many people are already hopelessly addicted.
edit on 9/18/2016 by new_here because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 06:56 PM
I have to add to this thread. I have had 23 major surgeries and am about to undergo more. I have lots of problems from being shot to accidents and am loaded with titanium and PAIN. My pain is so bad it will cause my blood pressure to shoot to stroke levels even with medication. So, I am addicted to pain killers with no choice to do otherwise.

Here is the latest, I was working and doing ok considering. The problem with people that should never be given pain meds and selling them to others in the street became an epidemic as doctors enriched themselves writing anyone with an xray just about. I never had a problem and I never gave or sold anything because I need it for real. However, that hasn't stopped the outrage about idiots dying taking pills they should not even have and mixing them with alcohol and other drugs.

The DEA has stepped in and limited the meds a doc can prescribe initially and then limited orders pharmacies can make per month. They can only fill like 20% of prescriptions that are opiates now as well, but even if they have tons of patients the monthly limit stops them from filling everyone's. And now they came up with prescribing guidelines doctors must follow. WHere I was getting 6 pain pills a day and 2 for whenmy blood pressure goes out of control from breakthrough pain, to 2 a day period. I am still in severe pain even taking the current amount, but that was half of what I was originally on. So, now even though I have over 3' of medical records, multiple surgeries, and require more, due to the DEA and everyone clamoring for opiate control I am left to suffer terribly without relief. They are going to drive people with true conditions to comitt suicide period or go to the street and get heroin, which we all know the government can;t stop. So, instead of getting a clean pharmaceutical well monitored by drug and lab tests and with ample medical evidence for the need, to unknown drugs or death or both.

If you think that because they limit doctors and pharmacies from dispensing pain medicine is going to stop overdoses you are living in fairy land. Instead people will get heroin and some laced with fentanyl and end up dying on that which is already happening. They act alarmed as to why people are overdosing on heroin in large numbers now.

I am not arguing that doctors or pharmacies should be able to willy nilly hand out prescriptions at all. I have seen people with no need for powerful opiates get them and sell them to make money. Some lived off of it. It wasn't people with real medical reasons for them overdosing. It was people taking them that weren't prescribed them or people using them to get high and party off with alcohol or other drugs. Trust me, if you had real problems like I do, you don't play around with meds. You need them to have any ability to live without putting a gun in your mouth. ANd you don't abuse them because you will be without them while you need them. Doctors already can't rewrite a script nor give you them early. And now, real chronic severe pain sufferers can't get pain relief as they need because of all the morons and government overreaction.

All you have to do is search for CDC opiate prescribing guidelines to see the new rules. And they aren't applying it to new patients only or making exceptions for patients like me with 25 years of medication use and more medical records than anyone even wants to look at. I have had 4 doctors die on me while they kept telling me how to live. 2 younger than me. My family is pissed because they know how much I already suffer and starting this Thursday as a matter of fact I am being cut down to where it is a joke to even think that the medicine will help. And my lab tests are perfect after 25 years of pain management.

I agree that it is a huge problem, but the way the government is going about it is completely wrong. You can't treat everyone with a one size fits all approach. Doctors can't believe I am still up and walking around. I have had body bags called for me twice in my life. I was given my last rites at the hospital on life support another time. I think they finally found out a way to put me down by uncontrolled pain as I won't go to illegal drugs. The guidelines do not apply to terminal care or immediately post op. I think they give 6 weeks after surgery now. My doctor is talking about pushing back because he knows what is about to happen with me. However, I have little hope. I will come back and let you know Thursday what happens. I have been warned for 6 months, so I have had time to know it was coming.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: DJDigitalGem

The biggest problem is how these drugs change your way of thinking. They know that the drugs change your brain to put that at number one on priority list. And to ban kratom is a further big finger in our face. Unless you are dying or have cancer you have no reason on some of these meds. From drug dealers to pharma the people who make the money push it further down the peoples throat who cant help themselves. Kratom saves lifes and they do not want that.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: randomthoughts12
a reply to: DJDigitalGem
Unless you are dying or have cancer you have no reason on some of these meds.

You have no clue what your talking about. Let me shoot you in the neck and head with a 12 ga, shatter some spinal vertebrate and pelvis, femur, and tibia, and hear you talk like that. You wouldn't because you wouldn't be able to stand the pain. I had a third of my neck and back of my skull blown off. I wasn't expected to live.

One thing I do know is people that have never had the experience of severe chronic pain have no clue and no right to pass judgement on those of us that do. It is like surgical pain but it never goes away. I have several world renown doctors and they all disagree with your premise! I am tired of arguing with people that have no clue so I will let you guys have at it from here.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 08:02 PM
This needs to be said on this topic because it relates to all over topics of this nature.

It does NOT matter whether kratom kills everyone who consumes it or whether is makes people love each other. Every time an event like this happens people ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS ask the wrong questions and make the wrong pleas.

The question of kratom use being safe if #$%^ irrelevant and everyone who starts off the discussion of this topic with "many people" or "my friend" or "we need more time to study" works for the drug folks by asking the wrong questions and keeps things in place.

There is only ONE correct question. What gives the DEA JURISDICTION over anything at all? Damn it! People just don't get it. Vioxx was APPROVED by the FDA and I assume the DEA and it KILLED PEOPLE based on fraud - they knew it killed people and it could be argued that the death of tens of thousands was planned in the approval process (another story). Vioxx is a horrifying example of why people fail to see the system isn't about protection.

So never start the conversation about these matter using safety as an issue. The DEA is not a safety company. I'll say it again, the DEA is Not A SAFETY COMPANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The DEA IS AN ARMY! Army, Marines, Navy.... DEA!

The DEA was created as the DRUG ARMY in the "declared war on drugs" which is one of two active declared wars in the US. The DEA has the rights of the ARMY and can "kill" "confiscate" and "classify" because it is AT WAR WITH YOU PERSONALLY you knuckleheads. If the war on drugs ends today, the DEA goes out of business tomorrow. In fact, the DEA operates all over the world because it is at war, so ending the declaration of war will help the world.

Challenge the jurisdiction. Stop whining about safety..., and my friends..., and its all about big pharma... It is about JURISDICTION, what gives the DEA the right to do a damn thing at all? Since when is the DEA a safety organization and concerned about human lives? They are not!

There should be not one other type of reply in this or any other thread about Kratom that isn't simply "what gives the DEA the right to rule over anything at all since they have no labs, they have no official vetting process and their mandate comes from the guns they get as a result of a declaration of war." This should be the only statement ever made from now on: JURISDICTION! You start asking questions about jurisdiction and people will run for cover, you'll get what you want without issue because if people finally see "the war on drugs" is an ACTUAL DECLARED WAR, and the rules of war apply, then things make sense.

Fact: Accused of bank embezzlement? They'll need a warrant, and due process to arrest you. Accused of selling pot, they can take your pot, take your money, take your house, take your children and KILL you without as much as a court date. Why? A DECLARED WAR that's why! Rules of war apply to drugs, but not bank fraud, or car theft, or murder. Due process is suspended in times of war, war on drugs, get it, get it, it is right in front you, in plain sight.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: DJDigitalGem

A city in the Detroit area is having up to 6 overdoses per day from heroin, due to the switch you are talking about.

The city of Lincoln Park is only 6 square miles and has 40,000 residents. But the fire department said they respond to up to six heroin calls per day.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
You get prescribed those things, but no one forces you to take them.

I know I am going to get blasted by people saying that you need them for pain control and some people do need pain control. But I also think a lot of people never fully test the limits of what they can endure and take pills expecting a painless existence too.

I have a condition that responds to pain killers by producing more pain, so they simply aren't a very good option for me except in very limited quantity for very serious pain - say like after my C-section - and even then, I wait until I am almost beyond endurance before I take one because I know the feedback loop I am tempting with any painkiller.

Right now, I am typing this with a decent degree of nerve pain shooting down my left arm and into my wrist from a bone spur in my neck putting pressure on the nerve. I can deal. The alternative is worse.

But not many people are in my position, so they take the pain pills right away because it makes them feel good, and after a while, they get hooked. How many test their limits or use what they're given sparingly and only in emergencies? And how many really are in a position where they verifiably do need that pain medication all the time, and if they are in that spot, is the idea of addiction that horrible for them?

So because you dont really have a choice everyone else should just suffer?

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 08:53 PM
Wait for all the O-bots to tell us this isnt Obamas fault.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 09:02 PM
In a nut shell. this is from a Big Pharma company that donated 500,000 $ to an anti pot campaign. So they could make money on there new drug for Opiate withdrawal. You see why Kratom is going to be schedule 1.

Legalization of marijuana or non-synthetic cannabinoids in the United States could significantly limit the commercial success of any dronabinol product candidate. … If marijuana or non-synthetic cannabinoids were legalized in the United States, the market for dronabinol product sales would likely be significantly reduced and our ability to generate revenue and our business prospects would be materially adversely affected


How long are we going to allow these big companies to make the rules and laws. This is our effing country.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: DJDigitalGem

When I was younger, I skateboarded hours and hours a day. I went HARD. I broke my ankles five times, tailbone, foot, two ribs, etc. I would have been a professional skateboarder, and the last time I broke my ankle, the doctor gave me two choices: be able to walk, or break my ankle again and live with pins and plates in my body. I chose walking.

After I quit, I went to work for a large food sales route. I was on my knees for hours and hours a day stocking shelves. Between the HARD slams, and working that job, my knees and ankles are wrecked. I hurt all day, every day.

I have also dealt with massive, crushing depression and anxiety all of my life.

My solution was to look for a legal, natural alternative. I found Kratom. I have now been taking it regularly for 3 years, every single day.
Here is a list of all of the adverse side affects:

Here is a list of the positive side affects:
Less pain
better sleep
less anxiety
less depression
better mood
clearer mind
overall feeling of well being
better quality of life
less anger

I could go on. This plant is a close relative to coffee. The propaganda they are putting out is nonsense. You cannot OD. You do not get high anymore than you do when you have a Starbucks.

This is pure authoritarian government over reach, based on a stroke of a pen. The government is not working in our best interest. We are simply assets with numbers for them.

My quality of life is about to drop significantly, as I refuse to take pharmaceuticals.

This plant is saving lives, especially among our veteran population.


posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: spirit_horse

I totally agree with you. My Pain Dr. just quit. Its happened 3 times in the last 3 years. No warning, no nothing, either get shut down by DEA or DR quits. They cant expect you to stop cold turkey when you are on higher forms of medication. I have 3 herniated discs in my low back. 2 are pinching my nerves and not only pinching but calcified to the nerve. So any movement I do stretches the nerve and hurts extremely bad. The other disc is bone on bone.

I have had failed back surgery, they told me the disc was to hard to cut off my nerve and told me I have degenerative disc disease where all my discs will eventually get worse and worse. I have had numerous injections in my back, to where now they do not help me and my insurance stopped paying for them. They told me if I do infusion surgeries, that my other discs below and above will herniate as well because of the pressure put on them since I have bad degenerative disc disease.

I have 2 more herniated discs in my middle back that is pushing up against my spinal cord and Dr said if it gets worse I will start to go paralyzed. He told me to stay away from the surgery as long as I could because they have to break my ribs , collapse my lung to get to them to try to fix it and its very dangerous surgery. He also told me , its been so long that I have been dealing with this that future surgeries may not help me because of permanent nerve damage.

I also have 2 more herniated discs in my neck.

I am completely disabled, Its hard to even brush my teeth , leaning over the sink without tremendous pain. I never even leave my house unless its to go to dr appointment. I cant set for long, I cant stand long and cant lay down for long.

The DEA has shut down every pain clinic here in WV. So we were told to go to VA, now they shut that one down to. leaving everyone who was taking their meds to be in withdraws. If you are a chronic pain patient where you have to take pain meds on a regular basis , then your body is dependent on that medicine period. . So at this time im up the # creek without a paddle , trying to figure out what I can do.

Sure i can taper off the pain meds, if a dr will actually stay open long enough to allow me to do so. But then I will be in so much pain, just like spirit_horse said, you think about putting a gun to your mouth and just ending it , because the constant none stop pain makes you go insane. Its sad to see my kids at times crying cause they see their dad also in tears on the couch in pain.. most of the time I get up and go to a room where the kids are not if im in tears so they do not see me that way..

I know pain meds leads to other things, and ppl abuse them. But there is actual people out there that need them and are not abusing them. Yet the DEA decides they want to crack down and shut all pain clinics down and limit drs.. They should be going after heroin , meth, coc aine more and lessen up on pain medication so those people with actual issues can still get help.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: apoc36

Sorry to hear you're in the same boat. I understand first responders coming to the conclusion some do. I used to work in intelligence and did a lot of insane things. When they are called, they always show up to scenes of bad news and usually don't see those like us that have tried everything in the book and still have severe pain every day all day. It does drive you over the edge. Down here in Florida they haven't been able to shut down legitimate pain management docs, but a lot of clinics that would write to anyone were put out of business or docs arrested. I was even of the mind to say if they wanted a board of doctors to review medical records and certify someone as a chronic severe pain sufferer and give us an ID so we can get proper treatment, I would do it. It would allow pharmacies and doctors to know your legit and enable us to get treatment. A lot of people would balk at the idea, but I presume they don't live with the level and severity of pain some of us do. If your in such pain you know one way or another you have to get out of it or the exit strategy is a real clear option and it is not insane to think so. People without it just can't understand.

Personally I hate the drugs with a passion. I was always a hard core athlete in martial arts, military, and other experience and being reduced to this way of life is no way of life for me. After 23 major surgeries and everything else I have been trough I have been told the same thing you were. Surgery will not help my pain at this point and could just make it worse if that were even possible. BTW, in 92 I was told I needed emergency surgery on my back. My doctor invented the rod system that is used in back surgeries. He said it would be an 8 1/2 hour surgery and have to remove all my intestines and put them in a pan while working on the front of the spine and put them back in roll me over and do the back. He was an orthopedic surgeon and needed a neurosurgeon in attendance also during the surgery. My L1-L5 and T5-T12 are herniated with several fractures. Also a couple in the cervical, I have titanium plates in the pelvis and femur with several screws and a titanium rod inside the tibia. Two GSW's one .45 to my thigh and a 12ga. 00 mag buckshot to the neck and back of my head. Fortunately I played football and am a large guy and all the extra muscle is the only reason I am still here. But, the had to cut muscle out of my chest and fold it up and around the neck to replace the missing chink of neck. I spent 2 years in our Trauma 1 hospital having surgery about every month. 2 New Years and 2 Christmas's in that place. Now they want to replace my hip and do surgery on my back which I can't see if they are going to tell me I have to deal with the pain. The thoracic is making my ribs feel as if someone took a baseball bat and busted all my ribs which makes breathing difficult. It hurts too breathe so I take half breaths most of the time. When my family tells me I need to go get heroin off the street you know it's bad. I won't do that. Like you, I avoid everything except Dr appointments. I live alone, but have family that lives next door. I learned long ago not to allow my family to see me except on a good day when the meds actually help. Like I said before, it drives my BP up to 180's/140's at times.

I wish you the best truly because I know what you deal with. It is no quality of life. With the proper medication you can have some quality of life restored. However, we have to deal with the political climate on whether we are allowed to have any quality of life and no thanks to the over-prescribing and people ODing that weren't even supposed to have the meds. And let me just say I know it all to well. My daughter was 15 y.o. when she stole some of my meds and I found her dead in her bed one morning back in 2012. I have seen destruction on all levels up close and personal with my career choice, but nothing brings it home like it has been for me. So, according to the majority out there we are just supposed to suffer in a hell because others are irresponsible. That is insane itself. I have died before but was brought back and knowing what is there and the wonderful nature of it means I have zero problem with going there anytime for good. I just can;t do it to the family right now. But, if the government gets its way I won't have any choice.

There is some potential good news though. There is a new technology that uses neural implanting to remove severe pain. It has been used in research hospitals on war vets and others and removed pain the meds wouldn't touch even IV in hospital. Investors have already invested billions to get in on the technology and it should be available in the next few years. It uses like VR goggles and particular programming into the brain through the visual cortex. I am sure you can find info on the net about it. The owner of facebook or google is one of the investors. I just wish they would leave me alone until they have something like that available to give us rather than assume the meds are evil and you must suffer or die without any alternative but illegal drugs. They say that just about every home could have the technology in the next few years. I intend on asking the doc about it Thursday. Good luck Brother!

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 11:10 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I can confirm that. I used to work deep cover in the intelligence community. I used to have DEA Agents show me pictures of people they were going to kill and make it look like a drug deal gone bad. They would try to get them legally for about 3 months and if they couldn't well, that was a wrap. Now in the US they mainly targeted people that were hurting people in the street. Outside the US it was game on. I worked a case once of an assassination plot against Navy Seals that was involved in blowing up drug labs in Columbia and right here in Orlando where they kidnapped his wife and baby to get him. We had to arrest the Seal and put him on a base until we got the guys because he was obviously ready to wage a war in Orlando. By the time the DIA and my agency got involved I thought there was going to be literal war in the streets. Crazy times and people have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. Most don't want to know either.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 11:16 PM
I just have to say some of the stories in here break my heart absolutely. Whether you're religious or not spirit_horse, my prayers/thoughts are with you, as well as apoc36. Times like these I wish this world would shake us off and restart. Humanity is disgusting to me. It's a bad taste I can't seem to get out of my mouth.
edit on 18-9-2016 by Aedaeum because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 11:40 PM
The last thing we need to do is ban substances that obviously have good uses but can harm by misuse. If that were the case surely alcohol must be the first to be banned. The problem with opiates is supply. If you choose to drink yourself into alcoholism then you have made a choice...people fight their addiction to alcohol FAR longer than they do their opiate addictions.....and having stopped smoking decades ago, when life squats on my head occasionally, the thought of sitting quietly smoking a cigarrette does come to me.....but that's my choice. I'd rather have the choices than not....rather live in a world with less barriers set up by others even if with good intentions. America used to be founded on such ideals....only as far back as a few decades, some pointy heads are making all my choices for me and telling me it's still my choice....freedom comes at a cost...there are risks.....I'll take them rather than not.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 11:56 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
This needs to be said on this topic because it relates to all over topics of this nature.

It does NOT matter whether kratom kills everyone who consumes it or whether is makes people love each other. Every time an event like this happens people ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS ask the wrong questions and make the wrong pleas.

The question of kratom use being safe if #$%^ irrelevant and everyone who starts off the discussion of this topic with "many people" or "my friend" or "we need more time to study" works for the drug folks by asking the wrong questions and keeps things in place.

There is only ONE correct question. What gives the DEA JURISDICTION over anything at all? Damn it! People just don't get it. Vioxx was APPROVED by the FDA and I assume the DEA and it KILLED PEOPLE based on fraud - they knew it killed people and it could be argued that the death of tens of thousands was planned in the approval process (another story). Vioxx is a horrifying example of why people fail to see the system isn't about protection.

So never start the conversation about these matter using safety as an issue. The DEA is not a safety company. I'll say it again, the DEA is Not A SAFETY COMPANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The DEA IS AN ARMY! Army, Marines, Navy.... DEA!

The DEA was created as the DRUG ARMY in the "declared war on drugs" which is one of two active declared wars in the US. The DEA has the rights of the ARMY and can "kill" "confiscate" and "classify" because it is AT WAR WITH YOU PERSONALLY you knuckleheads. If the war on drugs ends today, the DEA goes out of business tomorrow. In fact, the DEA operates all over the world because it is at war, so ending the declaration of war will help the world.

Challenge the jurisdiction. Stop whining about safety..., and my friends..., and its all about big pharma... It is about JURISDICTION, what gives the DEA the right to do a damn thing at all? Since when is the DEA a safety organization and concerned about human lives? They are not!

There should be not one other type of reply in this or any other thread about Kratom that isn't simply "what gives the DEA the right to rule over anything at all since they have no labs, they have no official vetting process and their mandate comes from the guns they get as a result of a declaration of war." This should be the only statement ever made from now on: JURISDICTION! You start asking questions about jurisdiction and people will run for cover, you'll get what you want without issue because if people finally see "the war on drugs" is an ACTUAL DECLARED WAR, and the rules of war apply, then things make sense.

Fact: Accused of bank embezzlement? They'll need a warrant, and due process to arrest you. Accused of selling pot, they can take your pot, take your money, take your house, take your children and KILL you without as much as a court date. Why? A DECLARED WAR that's why! Rules of war apply to drugs, but not bank fraud, or car theft, or murder. Due process is suspended in times of war, war on drugs, get it, get it, it is right in front you, in plain sight.

I got up to star your post. Its great BUT

The fact is where in a Gestapo environment and it’s already a done deal we just don’t know it yet.

Sure the DEA-- a police state agency--shouldn’t be able to just without congressional input ban substances... It’s absurd but that’s what the spineless congress has given them to do to us.

Imagine that they lie ( NO SCIENTIFIC BASIS) and say 15 people died and compare that to heroin and there going to ban it!

The fact is the DEA, NSA, CIA, FBI, FEMA, IRS and the others we don’t even know are all Gestapo type organizations.

Under Trump or Hillary they likely will get worse

slow NAZIS

posted on Sep, 19 2016 @ 12:07 AM
a reply to: DJDigitalGem

Well well, welcome to the world of wake TF up! Man created it. And it's an evil
place to endure. First rule, knowing about it, won't help at all.

edit on Ram91916v11201600000009 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2016 @ 02:22 AM
a reply to: Winstonian
skating is why I have a jacked up ankle that causes pain all the way up through my hip and into my lower back.

I also have anxiety, panic disorder, and bouts of depression. After going through the hell benzos and antidepressants put me through I found kratom which was a godsend.

I feel no pain and no anxiety with it and definitely do not get high. Its such BS.

Now when I skate, everytime I have to look forward to my ankle flaring up and about three days of constant nagging pain.

Now the only thing I may be able to get is tramadol, and its ssri qualities and potential for causing seizures, my anxiety back to life hardcore.

There was a time in my life when working out everyday and eating mostly vegan fixed everything..I am hoping to get back's gonna be a tough road for sure.

edit on 19-9-2016 by GoShredAK because: (no reason given)

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