posted on Sep, 17 2016 @ 11:57 PM
originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Malocchio
No one is righteous. Certainly not those who claim they are.
That's false, many people are righteous from the days of Melchizedek (King of Righteousness) to John the Baptist to James the Just (Hebrew Tsaddik or
Just because they are dead doesn't mean righteousness is dead, that's pure Pauline theology and even Jesus disagrees as the parents of JTB were also
called righteous so a LOT of people are righteous.
You just run with the wrong crowd, I know many righteous people. You THINK nobody is righteous because you listen to that dipstick Paul when he
laments that none are righteous because he was a manic depressive and schizophrenic who says stupid things that people think aren't stupid because
it's in the Bible.
A LOT of stupidity exists in the Bible, from salvation theology of Paul to the idea of a God sending his ''Son'' on a suicide mission because he can't
forgive sin without bloodshed.
Nice guy. Seriously, if you worship that I suggest you put some thought into the fact that an Omnipotent God doesn't need to regulate his forgiveness
based on acceptance of nonsense.
The world is full of righteousne people, if it wasn't the word wouldn't exist. It's Christianity that isn't able to produce righteous people so they
say nobody is, even though many have been.
Ghandi, Mandella, that brave Indian girl who faced the Taliban with guns pointed at her and said do what you want and got an award for it.
Many are righteous, you may just not know them but they exist.