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The Police Are Our Friends

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posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 10:03 PM
The police are our friends. When we're in trouble, we wouldn't call our enemy to help us -- and that's why we call the cops.

Lately, I've read a lot of negative comments about law enforcement officers, but there are a lot of us who support the cops. There aren't any conspiracies where the cops are being controlled by big brother. Local law enforcement still deals with street-level crimes --- and not with giant conspiritorial plans to take over the world.

It's true that a lot of new technology is being given to the police (or will be given), such as new in-car computers that can display mug shots or run drivers licenses or for car-to-car chat. Another device reads fingerprints, so if the officer asks you to stick your finger in his little machine, then he will instantly know your real identity, as long as your fingerprints are in the system. That is a GREAT idea!!!!

Anyways, can I hear an amen for the police???


posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 10:05 PM
Amen and Amen...

I have a lot of respect for police officers. They do a job each and every day that not just anyone could do.

I pray for thier safety and for them to have the courage and wisdom to do the right thing.

I know that there are "bad" one's everywhere, but hopefully, they'll change thier ways....

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 10:47 PM
the police are the police. they are not your friends, unless they are your friends.

cancer is something that can grow slowly or swiftly. the police are just a cog in the wheel of society, and are not immune to corruption, despair, power tripping, mental disease, compulsive behaviour, drug addiction, greed, influence, racism, partisanism, prejudice or plain cruelty. think before you stereotype all police into one archetype.
police have guns. police have the biggest gang. these are stereotypes that are just true statistically.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 10:51 PM
The police are people just like me and you. I drink with some police officers (off duty of course
) and I know others that I would cross the street to avoid.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:08 PM
Amen from me.

I was married to one for 5 years, and he's still one of my best friends.
Unlike the vocal cop-bashers, I actually had the opportunity to get to know a good number of 'em and realize they're men & women doing their jobs and...
....protecting us.

Fortunately I've only been in a few situations where I needed their assistance, and in all cases I was glad to have them there.

Not that I'd wish trouble on anyone, but people who go on & on about "the pigs" .... just remember what you think of the police now if/when you get mugged or in an accident or assaulted or your house robbed.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by Pisky
The police are people just like me and you. I drink with some police officers (off duty of course
) and I know others that I would cross the street to avoid.

i smoke big phatty's with them, ....on duty, of course.
others have to do heroin. drag for them. nothing sadder than seeing some poor narc get fired and have to leave his wife and kid's cause he got strung out for the cause. especially when the cause is a sham.

the war on drugs and the war on terror are actually the war on you and me and the police are the muscle of 'the man'. sad state of affairs, but that's the way it is.

i come from a family with quite a few cops and enlisted men in it, believe it or not. i have insider knowledge about the way things are, and have been for a long, long time. 'we' are 'them' to the police.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:41 PM
Unfortunatelly I've known too many cops, and had too many dealings on both sides of the law to believe they are my friends. Yes there are some good ones, but I tend to question how you could rationalize enforcing some of the laws.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:51 PM
90 percent of the cops I've met are racist, macho idiots who are borderline psychotic...

Becoming a cop is a means of excersising dominion over others for these types of simple minded folk.

the remaining 10 percent of cops are truly good people who have misguided intentions.....

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:55 PM
How do police actually "protect" you? this something I have a hard time with. They can race to your house to apprehend the bad guy ,yes, but they cant actually "protect" anyone unless they are working in a bodyguard capacity. They enforce the law, but there is just not enough police to "protect" people, sadly they have to deal with most incidents after the fact.
Perhaps they protect you by shooting some nutter waving a gun or firing it in public , that I can understand, but most policework isnt so cut and dry.
The most are honest people and its a difficult and often horrible job.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 01:52 AM
Well... You can call him/her pig, the man, and any number of derogatory names. You can bring up those horrible experiences and you can tell me how you hate cops. However, I suspect that total theoretical considerations aside (who do they protect us? ), if I ever needed help in that manner, I would rather call a cop than some "regular" folks.

For all their evil intent and gross stupidity (that seems to be many of your perceptions, they are, for the most part, normal folks...

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 06:37 AM
The police exist to uphold the laws of man whether or not those laws are right and just. They are not your friends. Merely those who get paid to follow orders. Can individual cops be blamed for upholding laws that may be "wrong" to my eyes? IMO, yes. They can tell right from wrong as well and should not fall back on "just following orders" when they uphold laws or protocols of duty that should not exist in the first place.

[edit on 22-1-2005 by Frith]

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by me again
The police are our friends. When we're in trouble, we wouldn't call our enemy to help us -- and that's why we call the cops.


Just like everything else there are bad ones, not all COPs are good.

Note, I have never called the Police.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 09:17 AM
Got mean Rottweilers in the front and hungry hogs in the back, so I have never had much use for police

In over 50 years I have never called the Cops, the ones around here are just as likely to steal whatever the thieves left as to help. Maybe its just being from a small town but what we have is mainly what would best be described as School yard bullies. I have a lot of family in the Sheriffs department and they are just "Good Ole Boys" anyone from the South Knows what I am talking about.

They usually don't bother "homeboys" so we pretty much look the other way just as they do with us. They never really bother me being the Honest Citizen I am and the fact that I trained most of them how to take a person down. The Fact that most are Family and I have kicked their Butt for years might have a little to do with it, too

Yall are right that cops are just people and you should keep that in mind when you say only Cops should be armed

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 09:35 AM
Whenever I think of American cops...........

reality......just look atthose deadly protesters!

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by Frith
The police exist to uphold the laws, whether those laws are right or not. They get paid to follow orders. Can individual cops be blamed for upholding laws that may be "wrong" to my eyes? IMO, yes. They can tell right from wrong. They should not fall back on "just following orders" when they uphold laws that should not exist in the first place.

Which laws "should not exist" in the first place? Can you give an example?


posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Yxboom
Which laws "should not exist" in the first place? Can you give an example?


Zoning laws, assissted suicide bans, deed restrictions, "blue laws" such as the prohibition of alcohol sales on "holy" days, freedom of expression suppression such as enforcement of "protest zone", "right to work" laws which are legalized anti-union laws, drug bans and the hugely inflated jail rates as a result of such enforcements, and others which I really do not feel the need to continue, but if I must I will.

Plus one of the biggest issues I have with justice, the issue of jailing individuals who are considered "innocent until proven guilty". While a case can be made for a few who may flee or commit further violent acts, a grand majority of people do not do that. Not to mention that people can already do something similar by bribing their way out of jail through the usage of "bail". This needs to be removed and either people can be let free awaiting conviction or we should stop with the "innocent until proven guilty" crap.

[edit on 22-1-2005 by Frith]

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 11:38 AM
When I saw the title of this thread, I was expecting it to be a parody. Not quite what I thought, but I wasn't wrong either(on the pardoy part). Even further confirmation that Simpsons is the most accurate portrayal of American thinking

[edit on 22-1-2005 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 11:43 AM
I agree "The Police are our friends," the question is when?

Given unfriendly "procedures," and "training," you will be hard pressed in a bad situation to find a thinking policeman, one who apprises your situation, overcomes his reflexive and trained instincts, and becomes a community based policeman instead. Think of a finding a friendly policeman as somewhat like winning roulette maybe, and if he has a "bad cop," partner like getting a visit from Ed McMahon telling you that you are set for life.

Yes it is all very theoretical.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 01:48 PM
The police ARE your friends, if you're not doing something you're not supposed to. Usually. Like others have said, they're just like you and me. You got your good cops, bad cops, and in-between cops. Let's dispell some common myths:

1. Cops are there to protect you!

Nuh-uh. You protect yourself, and the police/penal system provide a deterent to criminals. Cops are there to help you once things go wrong, by getting criminals punished and off the streets.

2. Cops do it for the power!

Wrong again. You face criminal and libel charges if you get caught doing something wrong. Also, the job does not permit you to have much power over people. 90% of police work comprises of five things: traffic stops, B&E calls, domestic disputes, theft under, and public offences such as disturbing the peace or public intox. Ohhh, the POWER! You can tell some rowdy teenagers to turn it down, or haul away an abusive jerk (though there are a LOT of restrictions on what you can do in domestics).

3. Cops are mostly corrupt!

Hard to make money off domestics and traffic stops, innit?

4. Cops like to apply force!

The police have a job to do. They don't have forty minutes to piss away to stroke your ego, or talk you out of turning up your music. Once the talking option is gone, what choice do they have?

I'll give you a hint- there's a question they ask, and I'll translate it for you: "Is there anything I can say or do to get you to comply?"

That means "Are you going to give me an option to solve this, other than kicking your ass?"

It's a simple yes or no question, folks.

5. Cops have a great job!

No, no they don't. They deal with suicides, broken homes, broken lives and a hostile public every day. It wears on them, as they will no doubt attest.

I hope this helped, but I suspect it didn't.


posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 03:22 PM
Friends? No, they are not, and the sooner you realize that and live your life in a way that keeps you away from them, the better. Take it from someone who wore a badge: watch this movie.

[edit on 22-1-2005 by Chakotay]

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