posted on May, 3 2017 @ 11:58 PM
why would i entertain you with such an idea when all you do is call us morons.
and constantly lay the smack talk at anything not inside your box. calling it all BS anyway.
You don't deserve that kind of time.
I have watched ATS go from the 'place to share and discuss' into a place to be ridiculed and told to take our meds.
and it's posters like you that did that, you drove anyone that understands there is more then we know/are told away.
So.. we found another.. and you hate him for it.
When all he's done is carry on what started here.. after the *cool kids* trashed the joint.
We are sick of being the butt of you jokes, so no.. we won't be entertaining you and your friends anymore.
EDIT: you seem to think ST-10 is anything like 3rdphase and that 'crap' it that does just post 'whatever' they get.. it isn't.. and the stance on the
matter has diminished the trust in those that have bothered to look.. it leaves a bad taste overall.
at no time has anything ever been forwarded on ST-10 as "this is it" .. Tyler is just as curious, and has debunked many of the things thrown at him..
but of course... he just posts 'anything' and calls it legit apparently, that's so far from the truth it's obvious many never looked and just hop on
the bandwagon because it makes you feel smart... all the while anyone that had an event leaves here feeling like they've been put through the grinder
in the past few years at ATS.
Do you see us standing up for the cousin brothers or anyone else.... no.. there's a good reason for that, but... pointless to argue with the cool kids
in this age.. yep your right... we're all wrong.. and everything's a hoax.
edit on 4-5-2017 by Xarian6 because: .