posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to:
Diseases can also evolve to become l
less or more severe as
well. Its what probably happened with the Black Death and 1919 Flu. The latter one is not really a shock, influenza is an RNA virus, and mutates so
damned fast, that it constantly changing, hence why there is a new flu jab every year (and thats not really enough to "protect you").
Now bacteria and antibiotic resistance? Yeah that is bad. Its also our own damn fault as a species. We demanded antibiotics for virus', we added it to
our food animals, in our hand washes etc. People constantly don't finish their course of treatments. Yet people bitch at big pharma "they're not doing
anything about it"... well yeah, some are, and to get a drug to market does NOT happen over night. Because when it does, and someone gets ill (all
pharmaceuticals and natural cures (yes even them)) have people who will not get along with them), the lawyers come out, and sue.