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The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave

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posted on Aug, 8 2005 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by ghostsoldier

Hopefully I dont loose alot of people hear by exposing my political beleifs... ie a Commie
... But here is something that may be of interest to a few people...

Not in the least....I've known your political affiliation since the first time I encountered a post from're not exactly shy about it, now are you?

And who am I to say that you're views aren't have some logic with your thoughts and I find that infinetily more relevant.....

The Invisible Laws of Capitalism

The reward is glimpsed in the distance and the road is solitary. Furthermore, it is a race of wolves: he who arrives does so only at the expense of the failure of others.

Another point for anti capitalists......the inherent implication within the framework allows for selfdepenency and thusly self identification and the pride that goes along with it......Likewise, the blame is squarely on the shoulders of the individual should they not succeed in their goals and dreams......which is wrong. The sporadic and biased exposure to oppurtunity is in many cases the motivating factor for 'percieved personal failure'....something an individual has no control over in certain parameters.....I could go more in-depth if you're interested ghost soldier, but this isn't the proper thread....

Originally posted by ghostsoldier
What I found particularly interesting was the apparent "babble" that came out of John Mercer... Who was a victim of Spin Programming... Notice the way in which he speaks, the very way inwhich he speaks goes around in circles, and is very cryptic in nature... Also in the majority of the cases beleived to be Spin Programming - the victims drew spiras...

The babbling and cryptic nature of Mercer is easliy explainable...without the use of spin programming. Given the exposure to individuals who were indoctrinating him, even if only on a conscious level, he would most likely be communicated with 'symbols' and vague, general explanations....factor into the equation that most groups with an agenda will utilize 'created words' or 'group specific slang' and you have an individual who is using different parameters and values for the interpretation of events.....does that make sense? Take a look at Scientology and their use of the word engram as an example.....engram to them means an experience in the past that is still effecting current behaviour....but what it is attempting to define includes many variables and subplots that in turn help to determine other aspects of the a word...the term is an oversimplification of concept..the tactic is a common and allows for the discouragement of in-depthy and critical thought as well as places an identification on the group/cult as the purveyor of deeper meanings because of unique terminology....

Not to discredit his 'spin programming'...he may very well have been subjected in such a way. Many more people than you may think are subjected in such ways...

A couple of impressions on spin programming.....

first, it sounds like an over simplification and as such, I believe that our attempts to comprehend what exactly is being described by it should consider other avenues of discernment......having someone drawing circles and spirals doesn't seem like an effective awy ot program someone....

I propose that the circles are unconscious expressions of hypnotic imagery....utilizing the term's a way of getting the unconscious and conscious mind to remind itself to forget certain things or to remind itself of a completely unrelated (and subsequently percieved as 'babble by those not in the know) matter......

Think of it this's like being stuck in a loop.....whenever they feel a certain way, a hypnotic suggestion will implore the emphasis on whatever the hypnotistdecides upon.....given the power of drugs in concert with hypnosis...this is very plausible....

My turn to apologize for inadequate expression......

Originally posted by ghostsoldier
Cheers... Perhaps I am more transparrent than I previously thought...
*Memo to self.........*

Don't worry about's just that I pay attention...

posted on Aug, 8 2005 @ 08:04 PM

Take a look at Scientology and their use of the word engram as an example.....engram to them means an experience in the past that is still effecting current behaviour....but what it is attempting to define includes many variables and subplots that in turn help to determine other aspects of the a word...the term is an oversimplification of concept..the tactic is a common and allows for the discouragement of in-depthy and critical thought as well as places an identification on the group/cult as the purveyor of deeper meanings because of unique terminology....

That's the biggest hoot with Elron's books... All the new words he wants to invent. Of course Elron, as a good black magician, knew the power of an entirely new word. This new word becomes, as you say, a totem. A replacement-concept which bypasses the critical examination of the assumed premises. In the case of the word "engram", one is prevented from even having to examine concepts like rebirth, remembered pain, the afterlife, etc. All these concepts are positively confirmed in one's acceptance of the word "engram". By using it, one automatically accepts the adherent concepts mentioned.

posted on Aug, 8 2005 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
This new word becomes, as you say, a totem. A replacement-concept which bypasses the critical examination of the assumed premises. In the case of the word "engram", one is prevented from even having to examine concepts like rebirth, remembered pain, the afterlife, etc. All these concepts are positively confirmed in one's acceptance of the word "engram". By using it, one automatically accepts the adherent concepts mentioned.

Precisely.....a much more eloquent explanation, smallpeeps.

And this is a basic well as a reason for why brainwashing isn't taken seriously by the masses. A word is a word as far as most people are concerned and noone ever thinks of the implications and provocations inspired by a given word.....the discouragement of thought, emotional reactions that encourage a behavioural trait which in turn affects to various degrees the communication/interaction style, as well as a myriad of other subjectives that would be relevant on an individual basis.......

The term 'trigger' refers sometimes to a word that was designed to instigate an emotional reaction that in turn may have been associated with a thought process or in the case of the subject matter of this thread, a specific personality....

In my opinion, the term 'terrorist' wowuld now fall into this category...

And smallpeeps...could please explain the background of the term 'totem'....I understand teh basic meaning ini context,
but have never heard of it being used in this sense....

posted on Aug, 8 2005 @ 09:01 PM
I am very fond of native American religions, which are diverse but still centrally in agreement. For them, a totem is often animal in form, but the concept seems to apply:

A totem is any natural or supernatural object, being or animal which has personal symbolic meaning to an individual and to whose phenomena and energy one feels closely associated with during one's life.

...I'd say the word "engram" is totemic for Scientologers. It is a holy word, created by Elron. For them, it is more than a word, it encompasses their whole worldview.

MS points out quite well that the term "spin programming" may be a similar verbal tool which implies nothing so simple as a child spinning in place, but which may imply many other sub-concepts of different natures, all grouped under the term "spin programming"... Remember, of course, that programming usually involves different steps toward a goal.

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by smallpeeps

...I'd say the word "engram" is totemic for Scientologers. It is a holy word, created by Elron. For them, it is more than a word, it encompasses their whole worldview.

Got it...

to add further..

As many readers will no doubt find clear, a single term is insufficient as a worldview......yet many people who find themselves in situations where a pre-established group is explaining "spiritual truths" will adopt a term in lieu of further exploration of concept.....

To understand brainwashing as a concept, one really needs to look to science for answers.....odd, isn't it?

I read a good bit of scientology at one point and the days following my first exposure to neuro-physiology/chemistry I was already pinpointing specifics that were not covered by their general teachings.......

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 02:32 AM
I can see why some people think this has some sort of credibility - it uses scientific terms that people can somewhat grasp. Unfortunately, when it started talking about the physics of telepathy, it was easy to see that the info was BS. The author had no understanding of modern physics, electronics, optics, biomechanics, quantum mechanics, or physical biochemistry. Fun to read if you have 3000 hours to spare, but about as fun as talking to a phone psychic for 10 bucks a minute.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 09:51 AM
I can also see why some people would believe it to be nothing than total BS. Because part of the book is BS therefore all of the book is BS...


However, like was said before, this book contains Information that are ''over-shadowed'' by Disinformation and/or Misinformation...

Therefore it's not completely BS...Besides, why would somebody write a 500 pages book, containing nothing more but BS? writing 500 pages is not that simple...

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 07:50 PM
A few questions if I may.

First is it likely that many of the famous murderers of the world were/are mind control victims. Is it likely that killers like The Zodiac Killer, Son of Sam, Charlie Manson, Ed Gein, Ronald DeFeo, Mark David Chapman, etc. were possibly programmed. While it is doubtful for all of those to all be programmed assassins I would guess that some murderers are controlled or were controlled. I am particularly interested in the case of Mark David Chapman in particular.

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 02:21 AM
I have scratched the surface of that book and, yes, it is not that simple to write bs in a book. He writes with conviction at times and the material seems logical. The fact that the guy is in jail raises an eyebrow. But this is nothing new, we are slaves like cattle. How hard is it to manipulate us in our busy Democratic lives? IF anything, Fritz has caused us to take a look at our lives and the "evil" that controls us. That should be so unsettling so as to cause some sort of retalitory action against our controlling enemies. Whether that is the point, to brainwash us into civil war I am uncertain. What is not uncertain is the technology and practical means through which brainwashing can and does occur to all of use in varying degrees.

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Born
A few questions if I may.

First is it likely that many of the famous murderers of the world were/are mind control victims. Is it likely that killers like The Zodiac Killer, Son of Sam, Charlie Manson, Ed Gein, Ronald DeFeo, Mark David Chapman, etc. were possibly programmed.

This intrigues me.

Controlled by what or whom?

Do you have any evidence to suggest this?


posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by Guy Kawasaki
What is not uncertain is the technology and practical means through which brainwashing can and does occur to all of use in varying degrees.

Do you think that certain individuals have an immunity to this type of brainwashing or is it so powerful that everyone is a victim?

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 01:18 AM
No doubt some are more resistant than others, unless we are all brains in a vat, and then nothing really matters neither is anything real. But based on direct perception, there are literally billions of stupid people and thus many easily brainwashed zeros roaming the planet. Turn off the TV and radio; stop buying dumb magazines; be incredibly cynical and logical; check your straw men and emotions at the door on the way out in the morning; don't fall prey to dumb traditions like paying for drinks for a girl..... There, you are cured.

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 09:34 AM
Brainwashing definatally exists and the general consensus from the medical establishment is that anyone can be overcome in time but it's whether or not it's viable to spend all the time and effort to do this on an individual who is resistive when there are easier targets.

This is something I can tell you first hand.
I remember points during the process when I was ready to "give up" but then something "just happened" that sort of broke the sequence and I found myself on the mend again.
There was also another point where the drugs I was on and the environment I was in was becoming so effective that I began to believe in God, seems unbelievable to me in hindsite.

Apparently a lot of the NATO POWs from the Korean War were subjected to brainwashing and the general consensus was that all of them eventually succumbed to this very intense and rapid form of mind-control, but then again, many of them died during the process also.

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by MrNECROS
Brainwashing definatally exists and the general consensus from the medical establishment is that anyone can be overcome in time but it's whether or not it's viable to spend all the time and effort to do this on an individual who is resistive when there are easier targets.

You wouldn't happen to have references, would you?

This is a very interesting article relating to the topic; I'm still looking for medical texts relating to brainwashing (many, if not most, seem to differentiate between certain popularly known forms - has your research shown this too?). What I'm actually seeing is that there's a large number - if not the majority - who seem to think brainwashing "in general" is (if not outright mythical in terms of what the media would have us believe) certainly not as commonplace or serious a problem as we might have been led to think.

There's another interesting study here.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by thirddensity
Ive' recently been digesting everything I can find on the Illuminati. After watching Eyes Wide Shut, I read a review that mentioned the Illuminati and their mind controlled slaves.

So I researched this particular topic and came upon the names od Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier. To those that don't know they wrote a book entitled: "The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave" You can read the book or download it online here:

Before I get too far ahead of myself here, I would like to find out any opinions on this. Have you read this book before, and what are your thoughts on this subject?

While some of it seem way out in left field, other parts make perfect sense. But then again, who am I to say what is truth or fiction?

Well I have not dug in deep yet but overlooking the drug list without mention of dimethyltryptamine with government use ?? Seems quite off not to mention others regarding anything psychologicaly related...

I think there is more secrets offered in sun worship the more I read..

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Tinkleflower

This intrigues me.

Controlled by what or whom?

Do you have any evidence to suggest this?

It is very hard to get "evidence" on this particular subject but there are theories.

Mark David Chapman is often thought to be a mind control victim. You can even get a book on it. Its called Who Killed John Lennon by Fenton Bresler. Even the detective Arthur O'Connor said it. just look right here:

I've read a bit about the whole Lennon murder and MDC being a possible brainwashed assassin. Who he was working for is anybody's clue. Conspiracy theorists will say it was the government and Lennon did cause some trouble for the "establishment".

[edit on 14-9-2005 by Born]

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 07:46 PM
If you want to watch the evil of the Illuminati please watch these clips on youtube and look for Signs and Symbols

Original He-Man Beginning of the 1st Episode)

(Thunder Cats, Silverhawk, and Voltron)

These cartoons all have Illuminati 2012 themes. I watched them as a child. Know that I'm older I have a better understanding of the plot. The Illuminati really out did themselves. Cyclops clearly has the All seeing eye on his forehead What kind of cross is on He-Mans' Chest?

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 08:37 PM
WoW... it's been 4 years since i have posted to this site.... i thought i'd start out by reviving this thread... if possible...

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by bobafett1972

i am carl
i was a fool to try the hypnosis offered in a chatroom. She was eventually successful at making me to very deep in trance.
She then proceeded to get into my my...convincing me to agree with her on anything, incliding surrenering myself to her.
It lasted over two years, as her slave.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 01:13 PM
To all the freemasons who aren't cowards, pedophiles, rapists, money whores, implant chippers, etc, wake up!

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