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Are the French immune to the Mandela Effect?

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posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 03:32 PM
Okay I find the Mandela effect very interesting. So much so that I couldnt help but share my interest in it at a recent house warming party.

I asked my friend a few questions...

What is the memorable line that Darth Vader says to luke about him being his pops...?

What was the Vampire film called that starred Tom Cruise?

What does the wicked witch ask her mirror in that disney cartoon?

he my surprise..."No, I am your father..." "Interview with The Vampire" and Magic Mirror on the wall..."

he is literally the ONLY person i have asked that answered these questions "correctly"...everyone else answers "Luke..I am your father" Interview with A vampire" and Mirror Mirror on the wall...

He Is French..very french...
And said that this is how it is translated in french....interesting.
edit on 5-9-2016 by barefootsoldier because: typo

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 03:36 PM
hello we, i am a le french person, It is all le onions and garlice we eat gives us le very great le memoire.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 03:41 PM
Yes, just like the rest of us.

I have come to the conclusion that most of our faulty memory isn't actually faulty, rather than what we have been told by the media. For example, how many times has the line Luke ...I am your father been used in other T.V programmes, particularly comedy sketch shows. We probably see the film 3 or 4 times, but have heard that particular line 10 or 20 times on other T.V programmes. It's not faulty memory, it's watching too much T.V.

How anyone doesn't remember Nelson Mandela being President of South Africa, demonstrates their ignorance of World events. They were probably stoned off their faces between 1994-1999.

He became a World celebrity, but NO, there are people swear the great man died in prison. Ridiculous.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: Cobaltic1978
Yes, just like the rest of us.

I have come to the conclusion that most of our faulty memory isn't actually faulty, rather than what we have been told by the media. For example, how many times has the line Luke ...I am your father been used in other T.V programmes, particularly comedy sketch shows. We probably see the film 3 or 4 times, but have heard that particular line 10 or 20 times on other T.V programmes. It's not faulty memory, it's watching too much T.V.

How anyone doesn't remember Nelson Mandela being President of South Africa, demonstrates their ignorance of World events. They were probably stoned off their faces between 1994-1999.

He became a World celebrity, but NO, there are people swear the great man died in prison. Ridiculous.

James Earl Jones has recited the line in interviews as "Luke I am your Father.", I certainly know it is 'Mirror, mirror on the wall."..having seen the movie as a child in the theater and watched to about 1000 x with my daughter.

As for Mandela, I am not big on 'being stoned off my face', especially then. I was pregnant in 1996, so that would be a NO NO. I can remember news reports and a funeral and I am not confusing him with someone else.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: barefootsoldier
...he my surprise..."No, I am your father..." "Interview with The Vampire" and Magic Mirror on the wall..."

he is literally the ONLY person i have asked that answered these questions "correctly"...everyone else answers "Luke..I am your father" Interview with A vampire" and Mirror Mirror on the wall...

Well, as the ME is made up and not real, I'm not surprised.

I knew those answers as well. And I didn't even need to be French to be immune from something that doesn't exist.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 03:58 PM
I used to ignore the Mandela Effect threads.

But now I find they are some of the more creative and entertaining threads on ATS.

Serves us right for being so politically divided on a conspiracy site.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: barefootsoldier

Claims that reality has shifted, supported by changes in Hollywood movies.


posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: barefootsoldier

This will be anecdotal, as well, since I found it on a discussion board. I credit user Martin on


I know about someone in France, a very intuitive individual, who is doing research on the Mandela effect. He thinks 'They' are doing this to bring confusion and interfere with the Liberation algorithm.

I have no idea what the liberation algorithm is. But it seems, at least anecdotally, like your OP, that French people are not immune.
edit on 5-9-2016 by reldra because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 04:03 PM

originally posted by: noonebutme

originally posted by: barefootsoldier
...he my surprise..."No, I am your father..." "Interview with The Vampire" and Magic Mirror on the wall..."

he is literally the ONLY person i have asked that answered these questions "correctly"...everyone else answers "Luke..I am your father" Interview with A vampire" and Mirror Mirror on the wall...

Well, as the ME is made up and not real, I'm not surprised.

I knew those answers as well. And I didn't even need to be French to be immune from something that doesn't exist.

The coined term "Mandela Effect" is made up, the phenomenon is something that a certain amount of people are experienceing. There is a lot of vitriol toward the term, blame the person that made up the term in 2005. You can call it whatever you like. There are too many examples to really ignore this.
edit on 5-9-2016 by reldra because: (no reason given)

+7 more 
posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: reldra

There are too many examples to really ignore this.

Not really.
But there are too many threads.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: reldra

There are too many examples to really ignore this.

Not really.
But there are too many threads.

I haven't yet counted, but is in the low hundrerds. A few have been debunked. Especially companies changing logos (I think except for Volkswagon).

What number is too many threads? There are a couple of topics I see daily, repetitively. ME threads are a very small % of threads on this site.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 04:08 PM

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: Phage

There are a lot in SkunkWorks, you are right. At least, they are relegated there (and a few in grey area). I still don't think it is any comparison repetitive political threads.

Clicking on new or live will not get this result. I think most look at either of those when first coming to the site.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: reldra

There are a lot in SkunkWorks, you are right.
There's a reason for that.
edit on 9/5/2016 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 04:16 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: reldra

There are a lot in SkunkWorks, you are right.
There's a reason for that.

That seems like a lot. Not if thinking in terms of percentages. I might possibly break Google if I use that search parameter with the words Hillary and Email.
edit on 5-9-2016 by reldra because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: barefootsoldier

The Italians and Hispanics also seem to be immune to the Mandela effect. And whenever I've found a site that talks about it (in Italian and Spanish), it's always about the same North American things.

originally posted by: reldra
As for Mandela,....
.... I can remember news reports and a funeral and I am not confusing him with someone else.

I'm glad you are so sure.... so who became the post-Apartheid president instead of Mandela? He was very unique as it was the first time black people were allowed to vote. And if it wasn't Mandela, who did they vote for?
edit on 5-9-2016 by Agartha because: Spelling...

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: reldra

Can you provide an example of a recent Skunk Works topic which has higher percentage?

For the record, there are also too many Trump/Clinton threads too. Though the actual content does vary a bit more than the ME stuff.

edit on 9/5/2016 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: reldra

Can you provide an example of a recent Skunk Works topic which has higher percentage?

For the record, there are also too many Trump/Clinton threads too. Though the actual content does vary a bit more than the ME stuff.

It would take awhile as there are over 12,000 threads and 450,000 posts in Skunk Works.

There are more anti-hillary threads, probably by a 3:1 or 4:1 margin than there are anti-Trump threads.

In general, though, you are right. There are too many posts that talk about the 2 candidates. That is my opinion, though.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: reldra

I would think JFK/flat earth/niburu/celebrity reptilian/moon landing threads, separately not all together, would outnumber ME threads in Skunk Works.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: reldra

Can you provide an example of a recent Skunk Works topic which has higher percentage?

For the record, there are also too many Trump/Clinton threads too. Though the actual content does vary a bit more than the ME stuff.

Not recently. The recent percentage of ME threads in Skunk Works is higher. It has been discussed more recently on ATS. Though it has been discussed elsewhere since 2005.

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