posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 08:01 PM
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Now that does make sense to me or it sound's right, I am not a physicist though and always had an allergic reaction to large equation's.
Now gravity is actually regarded as one of the weakest forces in the universe, electrostatic attraction for example is actually million's of time's
stronger so as an alternative view to the membrane theory which suggests in one idea that gravity actually emanates from another brane in superspace
that instead gravity is as you say a secondary force, a product of other forces and therefore if it can be modelled in that way tinkering with the
causitive or effective forces then this could indeed alter it's behavior.
And yes since Gravity and mass are so intimitely related then c could in theory be altered under those condition's though it would only be within the
field or region affected in this way (the craft itself could be seen as transposable for field or region there) as it would be in essence tricking the
local time space in order to create these condition's of weakened influence).
Fascinating thought and of course if it is possible it then open's up some intriguing implication's were time is concerned though I do not believe
time travel into the past is possible travel into a branching past may be were the effect of the traveller create's a divergent time stream or reality
were they able to travel to that point from that point onward.
The best way I always tried to view it was that if you imagine your present time and location now then the past event's which are still occuring in
the past are actually happening right now around our point of origin in a kind of ripple that would if viewed or could be modelled as a cone, each
point in the past is a little further out on that cone, a little larger in it's ripple pattern but of a lower energy (or exchanging time force for
current time voltage to use a electronic's analogy a bit coarse but it work's, your point is the top of this cone (like the top of a parasol of you
like in this visual model), stepping into one of those past event's would require you to lose energy and step into it's ongloing quantum ripple or
parrallel which could be modelled or viewed as a ring around your first origin point but the act of so moving to such a state would probably isolate
you permanently from our origin point making that point on the cone your knew origin point, for you your original time stream would become very hard
to access but you could go back into these parrallel's and alter there time stream's (perhaps) but only if the condition's were right to do so but
then returning to your origin point would be truly a matter or entering a higher energy narrower bandwidth (Another analogy sorry) reality.
Sorry to explain that any clearer would make it even more double dutch and it is something I have not thought about in a while now.
Still if what you say is actually happening then they may have experience time related dimensional shifting of some description, if so they may not
even realize that what they get back is not necessarily what they put in also it could be extremely dangerous to mess with that if I am correct,
potentially more so than they may realize.