posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 12:46 AM
Nice to meet you too and welcome to ATS.
I wasn't saying that you had been treated unfairly, however it IS the general policy of our friendly mods to actively inform you when you have done
something that contravenes the ATS Terms and Conditions or any other guidelines, particularly where you will be penalized for it. This notification is
only fair and it also serves to ensure that you don't repeat the act by being unaware. I am concerned that you are committing a "no-no" without
realizing it.
*Edit: I saw you post in the "Adopt a Newbie" thread, but I see you haven't been adopted yet. Maybe you should consider putting yourself up for
adoption. There are plenty of old farts around here looking for a young-un to take under their wing.
[edit on 2005/1/22 by wecomeinpeace]