posted on Aug, 30 2016 @ 11:53 AM
Looking at your posts, there are a plethora of them Pseudo/Psychic in nature. Let me tell you something, and had I the time to spend, I could show
corresponding instances. But My time even sleeping is more valuable. It 'appears' to me (opinion) that when news is slow on MSN and Yahoo, their
opinions opportunities for/vitriolic/comments/attacks are at a low, with no stories to respond with their 'hate'.
At times like that, ATS will show a spike in combative comments. With complete aninimity, they are afforded brazen and bold outlets for their
I really wouldn't say either way, staying or leaving, but remember there are a lot of members reading your posts, and not offended, far from it, yet
have no opinion one way or the other, They choose not to be rude for the sake of personal pleasure, however there is a population of mud-buddies who
inhabit the mud-pit and are always on the hunt for prey. You will learn to avoid them. Personally, I would prefer to see you stay, it bears notice
that you are compassionate, a commodity also known to exist on ATS.a reply to: