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originally posted by: lazyfortress
a reply to: Night Star
Is this a cute beetle?:
I want you to look up videos of dabbing.
originally posted by: SentientCentenarian
I sincerely hoped you've learned by now that you wouldn't go wrong by doing the exact opposite of anything Augustus Masonicus says.
originally posted by: lazyfortress
I went on once without my parents permission. I'm a savage, aren't I?
originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
originally posted by: Night Star
A what? I don't know what a Mongolian barbecue is, but coming from you, I'm sure it isn't something I would do.
You would see some ponies and horsies in there.
*nom nom nom*
originally posted by: geezlouise
Earwigs and millipedes aren't going to get you any dates with any 10th graders. They are the devils food.
Cicada's are cool, tho.
originally posted by: Mousygretchen
a reply to: lazyfortress
I love Praying Mantees. I found a giant one one time.